Bonfire 4:2

759 37 49

11:34 PM

"So, welcome back to bonfire gentlemen. Its been a long time hasn't it?" Stephanie greeted the men. They nodded.

"Well, tonight's bonfire is quite special. As a matter of fact, this is your last bonfire. The next time you're'll be reunited with your significant other."she informed them.

"Yayy."Seth sarcastically said.

"How do you all feel about this experience coming to an end?"she asked.

"Well, I for one can't wait." said AJ, "Its been great here but I'm ready to get this over with. Im ready to have that conversation with Alexa and go from there."

"What about you Dean?" she asked.

He was in his usual sitting position: slouching with his hand propped up against his face.

"Um...."he exhaled, "It had to come to an end eventually you know. We can't run from that."

"Are you ready to leave behind this whole experience? Will you miss it? Will you miss someone from it?"

He nodded, "Yea I was different to what I'm used to. After this show....I don't know where I'm going to end up. I don't what the outcome of this show is going to be for me. I kind of hate the fact that I'm going to have this big decision to make."

" haven't made up your mind as yet about what you want to do with regards to your current relationship?"

"I have ideas but.....theres another person involved and I'm going to need to hear her from her as well."

Stephanie nodded, "Well, lets kick things off shall we. Jimmy, you're up first. Will you be watching with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone, Steph."

She handed him the iPad, "Press play when you're ready."

/"You all seem stressed. Lets help with that, by using our hands. To massage you of course." said Dolph.

"You have some of the finest men on the planet here at your disposal ladies. Allow us to spoil you tonight."Adam charmingly said.

The girls all looked at each other.

VC-Naomi-Why not? I honestly think I need this right now.

"I like the sound of this." Naomi said as she walked off to a massage table. The rest of the girls got on board with the idea and also joined in.

Naomi, Sasha and Nikki decided to get a back massage. They stripped down to their underwear and mounted the tables. Naomi's masseuse was EC3, Sasha's was Ricochet and Nikki's was Dolph.

EC3 was seen lathering up his hands with oil and gliding them all over Naomi's bare back. He massaged with pressure, pressing into her with the palms of his hands.

"You do this often?" she asked.

"Not professionally. But I've always been told that I'm good with my hands."

"You're amazing."

He smiled.

He continued massaging her for a few more seconds.

"You have a lot of tension in you right now. I can feel it."

"Boy, you have no idea."

"Good thing I'm here to get rid of that."/

He handed back the iPad. Judging from his facial expression, he was clearly bothered by what he saw.

"So, what are your thoughts on this Jimmy?" Stephanie asked.

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