Meet The Couples + Soundtrack

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29th May, 2019

Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland.

"Are you really carrying your onesie?" Becky asked Finn as he neatly was folding his giraffe onesie to place inside his suitcase.

"Yea. Why wouldn't I carry it?"

"Would you wear it?"

"Of course. Listen, im going to be on an island with a bunch of single women. Im going to need to find a way to scare them off. Throw this bad boy on and I can guarantee none of them will want to tempt me." he said.

She laughed.

CC-Becky and Finn

Becky-My names Becky.

Finn-And im Finn.

Becky-And we've been together for almost a year now.

Producer-Why did you agree to be on this show?

Becky-Well, we're always up for a challenge. And we thought this would be a great way to strengthen our relationship. Maybe get answers to questions that we don't even have yet.

Finn-She gets jealous very easily so I think she's putting me through the ultimate test.

Becky-No I don't get jealous easily!

Finn-Yes you do Becks.

Becky- *Looks at him questionably*

"Will you miss me for the month we're apart?" she asked.

"Of course I would. You're my best friend." he walked up to her and put his arms around her waist, "You're my other half."

Becky-Our relationship is pretty new and if there is a reason that we shouldn't be together then, its better to find out now than later.

Finn-I agree. But I don't know If there's a reason we shouldn't be together. I think we're perfect together.

Becky-You can never tell.

Producer-Do you think you can resist temptation?


Finn-For sure.

Gainesville, Georgia.

"I really like it out here in the countryside. I wont mind living here." said Alexa.

Her and AJ were seen sitting on the front porch of AJ's house that he rented, taking in the cool, afternoon breeze of the countryside.

"I don't know what you're waiting on." he responded.

"Its not that easy to just pick up everything and move out here. Plus, I don't think my parents would be too happy about me moving in with a guy im not married to."

CC-AJ and Alexa

AJ-Im AJ Styles.

Alexa- And im Alexa Bliss and we've been together for almost 2 years.

AJ-Lexi and I first met on The Challenge

Alexa-Yea it wasn't a love at first sight situation but there was an incident where I got pushed down and I was hurt and crying and he saw that and went and confronted the guys that did it. From that we started getting to know each other more and now we're unstoppable together.

"When we get married, we should get a pig." said Alexa.

AJ turned to her, " eat?"

"No! As a pet."

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