Kisses and Cake

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June 2nd

7:23 PM

The Girls' Villa

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The Girls' Villa

Everyone was scattered around the house as usual. Some were in the pool, some were in the kitchen, some were in the recreation room, some were on the porch.

Becky was seen in the pool alongside Sami, Drew and Apollo.

"Bonfire's coming up." she said with her elbows propped up on the edge of the pool.

"Are you nervous about what you're going to see?" Sami asked, wiping his wet face with his equally wet hands.

"I think everybody is. Im nervous but im also dying to find out what the guys have been up to. Hopefully its innocent fun."

"Are you nervous for Finn to see what you've been up to?" Apollo asked.

"...No. I havent been up to much really. Im innocent! They can show Finn anything and i'll be fine."

VC-Becky-So bonfire is where we get a chance to see what our boyfriends have been doing and who they've been connecting with via a little video clip. These things are really going to be a slap in the face of reality. These video clips can really change us and really change our relationship depending on the context of what we see. Its not going to be fun, I can tell ya that.


Alexa went into the kitchen to pour herself a drink. Today was a pretty depressing day for her. Usually, June 2nd was a day of excitement for her and AJ but given the circumstances, she was feeling down.

"Hey, why the long face?" Braun, who happened to be in the kitchen eating cereal, asked her.

"Im just....not feeling it today." she said, unscrewing a bottle of Bailey's.

"How come? Still missing your little boyfriend?"

"Well-yes but-today's my boyfriend's birthday. He's turning 30. Its sad that im not there to be with him. Turning 30 is a big deal you know. I wish there was a way to tell him happy birthday but....... we're miles apart."

"Write a message on a piece of paper, put it in a bottle, send it off in the ocean and hope he gets it."

She smiled, "Good idea but I don't think he'll get it in time."

She propped herself up on the kitchen counter and sipped on her drink.

VC-Alexa-AJ, I may not have gotten the chance to tell you in person so I'll say it right now, happy birthday my love. You are my everything. I cant wait until we celebrate your 60th birthday together. *blows kiss to the camera* I love you and I miss you so much. I wish I could have been there with you on this day.



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