Bonfire 3:1

850 35 100

16th June, 2019

10:34 PM.

"Welcome gentlemen." Stephanie greeted the six men as they filed in and took their seats across from her.

VC-Seth-Another bonfire. Lets see what the girls have been up too this week.

"Welcome back to bonfire everyone. Before we get started, its come to my attention that a certain one of you had a drastic change of attitude since the last time we spoke at bonfire. Dean? What made you change?" she asked.

He shrugged, "I just wanted to start enjoying this whole thing."

"Well, are you enjoying it so far?"

"Hell yea."

"You're making up for lost time aren't you?"


"Thats wonderful Dean. I just hope its not to the detriment of anyone, including yourself. Just remember to take it easy. These women who are here to tempt you also have feelings. Anyway, i'm glad to see that you've changed. So guys, you all know how the bonfires go. This is your chance to get a sneak peek of what the girls have been up too. Anyone nervous?"

"I think we all are. We don't know what we're about to see." said Finn.

"Well, the first guy thats going to be viewing his clip tonight is Jimmy. Jimmy, will you be watching it with everyone or by yourself?"

"With everyone, Steph."

Stephanie handed him the iPad, "Press play when you're ready."

The guys gathered in closer around him to see the screen. He pressed play.

/ "Do you ever worry about your husband on the other side of the island?" Cesaro asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"Not really." Naomi answered.

"Wow. You seem very secure in your relationship. I can see that it is a strong one." he smiled.

"Jimmy's my best friend. He's never given me a reason to worry. Him and I just have that built in trust in each other."

"Thats beautiful."

"However.....I think he worries about me more than I worry about him. He worries about stupid things though, like what I'm wearing. But thats just Jimmy being Jimmy."

"He's just being protective as he should be."

"We've been married for so long and not even once did I suspect him of being unfaithful or anything like that. Even now like, he's over there with all those girls and I'm not even worried. I didn't marry no weak ass man."/

"Damn, its like she knows whats been going on with you and Mandy." Dean said.

Jimmy's heart sank after seeing the video clip. He handed Stephanie back the iPad. Normally, he would have been beaming after hearing what Naomi had to say. After all, this clip was very different than the last two. But instead, he felt guilty.

"Im pretty sure its relieving to hear Naomi say that right Jimmy?" asked Stephanie.

"Um...yea. Its a pretty big relief." he said with a shaky voice.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, "Talk to me."

He shook his head. His eyes became glossy.

"Nothing uh-im just....beginning to really really miss her a lot now. This is all catching up with me. Ive kind of been..... carried away lately and....just hearing Naomi say what she said was like a slap in the face to me waking me up from this daydream. I can't afford to be carried away. I have too much to lose." he said. From his tone you can tell that he was fighting back the tears.

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