Bonfire 4:1

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26th June, 2019

8:10 PM

"Welcome back to bonfire ladies, its been a while, I know." Stephanie greeted the six women.

VC-Naomi-I am definitely nervous for tonight's bonfire. Its been a week and more since our last bonfire and....lord alone knows whats been taking place over on the other side of the island.

"How are you guys feeling tonight?" Stephanie asked.

"Scared." said Renee.

"Definitely nervous." said Naomi.

" pleased to let you guys know that your last bonfire. The next time you're here, you'll be reunited with your significant other." Stephanie informed them. They all nodded.

"Well, lets get down to it shall we? Becky, you're up first. Will you be watching with the girls or by yourself?"

"With everyone."

Stephanie reached over and handed her the iPad, "Press play when you're ready."

/Finn and Dakota were seen on their date.

"Theres something you're holding back from saying. I can tell." said Dakota.

"How can you tell?"

"I don't know, I can just sense it. Is there nothing you're at least hoping to gain out of this show?"

He twisted his mouth and gazed out into the distance.

"I mean....I guess one reason why I didn't mind doing this show is because.....I was hoping that maybe it may make Becky and I's relationship more passionate and more romantic. I love her but the relationship isn't how I pictured it would be. Sometimes I feel like we're just friends still. She's not really into romantic things like I wish she would be."

"Wouldn't you like to be with someone who's as passionate as you are?"

"It would be nice, yea. The thing about Becky is that she's very independent. She has a tough shell. She doesn't like being spoiled. I wish she would be more open with her emotions. I wish she would be a bit more vulnerable you know. But I don't know how to tell her that without sounding like I want to change her."

VC-Finn-I wish Becky would open up and talk to me more but I know its something that she's not comfortable with. She's a very independent woman and sometimes....I feel like she doesn't need me. Sometimes I don't feel the romantic love between us. Its frustrating because sometimes all I want to do is shower her with my love and affection and she doesn't want that. This is definitely something that I'm going to bring up when we reunite./

Becky handed back the iPad.

"So Becky, what do you think of what you saw?" Stephanie asked.

She sighed, "Erhm....he's right. Im not very lovey dovey like he is. But...thats just how I am. Its a very clear contrast in our relationship but...I didn't know that it bothered him that much."

" looks like this experience is paying off on Finn's part. He sees a fault in the relationship that he'd like to fix. Thats what he's here to do; see the relationship from a different perspective."

Becky nodded, ".....Yea."

VC-Becky-Yea I'm not like the other girls he's dated before. Hearing what I heard in the clip just makes me believe even more in my theory that I was just his rebound. Im sorry I can't be what you want Finn. Im sorry I can't be like Sasha or like any of the other women you've been with.

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