Bye Bye Bye

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Yes i titled this chapter after an *NSYNC song


The Girls' Villa

1:34 PM

Alexa and Braun were seen in the pool.

"I don't know Braun....I really like both of them." she said to him, "Both dates with Adam and Buddy went so great but....with Adam...I felt like I could have really let loose and be myself. I didn't feel nervous around him. I didn't feel like he was judging me, you know. "

"I never judged you either." Braun replied.

"I dunno. They're both such sweethearts. I don't want to hurt any of them but, I feel like I am." she said, ignoring his comment.

VC-Alexa-When I think about Adam, I get butterflies in my stomach *blushes* and my heart starts racing.....its the same way I used to feel when AJ and I first got together. But, I really like Buddy too and...I don't know what to do right now.

"I feel like they're both the kind of men that would build me up instead of break me down and....I feel like AJ broke me down a lot."


"I love him so much but....I don't know if I want to spend the rest of my life with him Braun."

"You've been saying that for a while now."

"Yea I know. Can I tell you something?"


"When my family found out AJ and I got back together they were furious. Like, so mad. They saw the state of our relationship on Battle of The Couples and they didn't like it one bit. My mom said that I deserved better than him. They were so mad at me."

"So why did you take him back?"

"Because I loved him and I wasn't about to let what anybody else thought of us get in the way of that. I was drunk in love at the time."

"So are you planning on breaking up with him or something?"

"No-Braun, I don't know. Being on this show made me realise what I needed. It made me realise what I crave for. And then when I look at what I kind of makes me depressed."

"Lex, you're young. This isn't the freakin 50's where people were getting married at 20 years old okay. Don't rush into anything. If you know you're not happy where you're at then go find your happiness. You can find a man that will love you no matter what and who'll spoil the shit out of you. You can find a man that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. This is your life. Don't let anyone make your decisions for you. If you know you're not ready for marriage then don't get married."

"Its so easy so say that but when I'm face to face with him how am I going to do that?"

"Think about your future. If you're hesitant about something but confident about something else then, go with the thing that you're confident about."

She sighed.

VC-Alexa-Im actually at a point where I don't know whats going to happen when AJ and I reunite at bonfire. It sucks *tears start streaming down her face* Im going to have such a tough decision to make and I'm not ready for it. AJ is so amazing and I don't want to hurt him but....I think back to the times where I was hurting because of him and...I hate going through that. Ugh, I hate not knowing what I'm going to do......

20th June, 2019

12:23 PM

"Whats up everyone! Great to see you guys again." Stephanie greeted everyone as they were assembled in the backyard like they usually did whenever she came to the house.

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