Another One Bites The Dust

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8:35 PM

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8:35 PM

The Guys' Villa

Nia entered into the kitchen where Kelly, Paige and Kaitlyn were. She sported a big grin on her face.

"Ooo, you look happy." said Kaitlyn.

"Dean kissed me." Nia blurted.

Paige dropped the slice of pizza she had in her hand, "......WHAT!"

"YESSSS!" Nia squealed.

"OH MY GODDDD!" Paige screamed, "How-what-when-tell me everything!"

"Well, I kissed him first. Then he kissed me back."

"What kind of kiss was it?"

"Lots of tongue."


"Girl, ugh, I couldn't believe it." Nia said, taking a seat on one of the stools.

"Whats all the screaming about? I want to scream too!" Liv peaked her head inside the kitchen and asked.

"Nia got a piece of Dean today." Paige said, sticking her tongue out.

"What does that mean?"

"He kissed her." Paige responded.

Liv's eyebrows knitted, "Oh....."

Unlike Paige and Nia, Liv wasn't exactly thrilled about what happened.

"Anyway, as I was saying,"Nia continued.

VC-Liv-Im happy for Nia but...I hope she doesn't get mad when she sees me hanging out with Dean because I want to get to know him too. He doesn't belong to anyone on this side of the island so I don't think she has any reason to get mad.

Meanwhile, outside at the pool.

Dean was seen taking off his clothes and resting them on a lounge chair. All he kept on was his black briefs.

"Why is no one in the pool? The night's young girls!" he said before he cannonballed into the water.

VC-Dean-Listen, im in party mode right now okay.

"Carmella! Can you toss like six beers into the pool for me?" he asked since she was nearby.

"Sure thing."

"Well it looks like we're having a pool party girls!" said Dana as she also began stripping. Soon, Dana, Billie, Vanessa, Aliyah, and Zelina were in the pool surrounding Dean, wearing nothing but their underwear. Eventually Liv and Carmella also joined in.

"So you've officially snapped out of it?" Billie asked Dean.

"Yea. From now on only you ladies have my attention. Im not worrying about anybody else."

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