Reunion Special pt 2

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-Brace yourselves, its a long ass chapter.


"WELCOME BACK EVERYBODY!" Chris yelled as he reopened the show, "We're here with the lovely stars of the hit reality show Temptation Island, I'm your sexy beast of a host, Y2J Chris Jericho! And so far, things have gotten pretty heated, not gonna lie. I mean hell, we opened up the show with a slap to the face. We're here sitting down with these legends and talking about their time on the island. As we know, one of the couples that didn't make it out alive was Finn Balor and Becky Lynch. Guys, how has things been ever since leaving the island. Did you guys reconcile at all?"

"We....talked it through some more."said Becky, "We're still not together. But theres no bad blood between us. "

"Have you guys been seeing anybody? Spill the tea sis!"said Chris.

Becky smiled, "No. I haven't. As I said, I feel like I need to be alone for some time before im ready to get back on the dating scene."

"Yea I'm still single as well."said Finn, "Taynara got in contact with me recently so we've been texting but its nothing more than that."

"Oh really? No sexy pictures being sent back and forth?"Chris asked.

Finn blushed, "Well....maybe."

"But whats the deal with Bayley? Because don't get me wrong, it seemed like you and Bayley had a spark between you while on the island."

"Yea I mean Bayley's great. We keep in contact too but nothing is serious right now."

"Bayley, how do you feel about that?"

"Im fine with whatever he wants. I understand what he went through wasn't easy so I respect whatever he wants to do. If he needs time for himself then its fine by me."

"So Becky, you had a theory that you were Finn's rebound. You said that...there was a point where he was very hung up on Sasha and you were there to comfort him. Lo and behold, you guys end up getting together. Why did that thought run through your mind while you were at the villa and not any time before that?"

"It was just epiphany. It just dawned on me right then and there."

"But thats not true."said Finn.

" weren't ever hung up on Sasha?"Chris asked.

The cameras panned to Sasha who seemed uncomfortable.

"Well...there was a point I was and that was after we did Are You The One. I was a bit bummed but I got over it."

Chris turned to the camera, "So, Bayley and Finn weren't the only long time friends that continued their story. We saw a little bit of Saige action going on. Paige, Seth, after the rocky relationship that you guys shared previously, why confess your feelings now to each other?"

"Well, we never really shared a relationship....ever."said Seth.

"Yea it was more like....I don't even know what it was." said Paige.

"Well after years of knowing each other and Paige, you even disliked Seth at one point, why now? Why confess your undying love now? Was Temptation Island getting to your or...?"

"I don't just felt like the right time. I did dislike him at first but that slowly went away. I don't know where the hell these feelings came from!"she laughed.

"You were just horny Paige." Nia commented.

"Seth?"Chris turned to him.

"I had always adored her. I just kept it bottled up because she showed no interest in me whatsoever. But its nice to let it out now."

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