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Thousand Waves Beach House, Turks and Caicos

Thousand Waves Beach House, Turks and Caicos

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"Wow. We have a whole beach to ourselves."said Lacey as her and AJ approached the house.

VC-AJ-So we will be staying at the Thousand Waves Beach House for our date. The beach is just a minute walk from the house. This should be a nice, relaxing time.

"This is beautiful

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"This is beautiful." Lacey said, checking out the bedroom.

VC-Lacey-This house is the only one on the beach. Its very private and cozy. Its a very simple house. Its a good bit of walking to do to get here. This house is just ideal for us because I think it reflects who we are and want we want out of life which are the simple things.

"The producers did say that we're getting chef, butler and maid services so we don't have to worry about cooking."AJ informed.

"Do you think I'm one to shy away from cooking? We don't need those services darlin'. I can take care of everything."

"Well thats even better."

The pair spent a few minutes unpacking their stuff and checking out the rest of the house.

"Want to take a walk down by the beach?"AJ asked.

"Id love too."

VC-AJ-When it comes to Lacey, id love to get closer to her but I know I can't do that. Therefore, I got to keep her at a distance. Its the right thing to do. In a way, its unfair that you're going to have to leave behind the relationships you developed with the singles. Id love to remain friends with Lacey but we all know how Lex feels about me having female friends. But in all honesty, Lacey is an incredible woman and I wish her the absolute best.

"You do have my number. Remember, if you ever need anybody to talk to about anything, I'm always going to be there."Lacey said as they walked along the soft sand that lined the shore.

"I definitely appreciate that."

While walking, they often stopped to pick up sea shells that they found in the sand.

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