Dates pt 2

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After snorkeling, everyone got back onto the boat where it took them to a private beach area. They hopped off onto the shore and saw that on the beach there were six umbrellas stuck into the sand, placed some distance from each other. Under each umbrella was a large beach towel that was spread on the sand, an ice bucket containing drinks and a picnic basket. The couples all branched off and went to an umbrella.

Finn & Liv

Liv took a sip of her orange juice through a straw, "Yum. So good."

Finn smiled.

"Do you want some?" Liv offered.

"Im good." he said, "Did you have fun today?"

"Oh my god I had so much fun. I have never done anything like that in my life. It was so cool."

"It was really cool. What made it even better was the fact that I had an amazing date to experience it with."

"Awwww." she put her hand across her heart, "You're amazing too. What a great first date."

Finn smiled.

Liv blushed and laughed as she looked at him, "Stop smiling at me! You're making my heart melt."

"How am I doing that?"

"Because your the cutest thing ive ever seen. Im dying inside a little bit every time you smile."

Finn changed his smile to a frown, "Fine, I'll stay like this then."

Liv began laughing, "Okay! Okay! I want to see your smile again!"

Finn laughed.

VC-Liv-God, I really like Finn. He's the cutest! But......I also have another interest. Dean........I don't know how that happened but I woke up this morning finding myself super excited whenever I see Dean. Even when we were on the boat I kept looking over at him. I think I got a crush. Two crushes actually.

Roman & Bianca

"How do you feel being away from your girlfriend?" Bianca asked Roman.

"I miss her a lot. But im not worried about her cheating or anything."

"Is it because you know you're fine and she cant get anybody better than you?"

Roman laughed, "That's exactly why im not worried."

Bianca laughed, "Cant blame you."

"No im kidding. I just have a lot of trust in her. I don't think I should have a reason to be worried because I know how Sasha is. When you trust someone with your life you just never seem to be worried about them screwing up."

"No offense or anything but....basically you're dating your biggest fan girl so of course she wont screw up."

"Why would you say that?"

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you don't watch the shows when they air on TV. The Challenges, Are You The One. Sasha is obsessed with you. That's kind of weird don't you think?"

"No......I don't see it that way."

"Well boo I think you really need to think about it."

"She doesn't seem like a crazy fan girl. Back then she was a bit crazy but Sasha matured a lot."

"And that's how you fell in love? Because of her maturity? Her 'maturity' swept you off your feet?"

"Well....the maturity was something I liked and appreciated lot-"

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