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Great, I'm running late for work again, just what I need on a day like today. It's important because today, half of my department could lose their job, and I don't want to be that person. I made it just in the nick of time, rushing to my desk. Thankfull my boss hasn't been around yet. It was a good morning, but at lunch I got called in.

I was in hysterics with myself. It's bad enough I can barely afford to support myself, but I also owe money for my house. Then it dawned on me, I might be kicked out this month! Great, just what I need. My dogs are gonna kill me. And all my best friends are on a big group vacation with their boyfriends before they get back to work. There was one person left behind, and I'm definitely close with him, so I gave him a call.

**Sidney's POV**
I was out at dinner with a group of friends who I hadn't seen in a while, when I realized someone sent me a message. I excused myself from the table and went to answer it.

"Hey Sid, it's just me, just letting you know I lost my job today and was wondering if we could hang out, I really don't wanna be alone right now and you're the only one here I still trust. But since I got your voicemail I'm guessing your busy. If you need me, I'm at home. Talk to you later, bye."

Her voice sounded miserable, I could tell she had been crying. It broke my heart to hear her like this. What more could I do? She is my closest girl friend that I have; I need to be there for her like she is for me. I let my friends know what happened and made a quick McDonalds run before going to her house. I hope she's okay, I'd hate to see her fall anymore than she already has. She's always there for me when I need her, especially during the hockey season. She would stay up until 3 in the morning, listening to me rant if we lost or if something happened, and at the end of every season she was there to lift my spirits when I came home. I need to be here for her.

**Ashley's POV**
Someone was knocking at my door, great, I wonder who this could be. I went to the door wearing pj pants and a long sleeve shirt with a messy bun. I opened it seeing Sidney's smiling face, "Need a pick me up?" he asked holding up the bags of McDonalds. He came in and got his stuff off, while I brought the food into the kitchen. My dogs were jumping at his legs excitedly as always. They love Sid. "Sorry to hear what happend Ash, I came as soon as I could," he said hugging me tightly.

"Thanks Sid, I appreciate it."

"So I thought I'd bring over some McDicks, cuz I know you love it, and we can eat our emotions away."

"I'd love that," I chuckled. Next thing I knew we were on the floor, eating McDonalds watching TV. My two dogs were all over him, preventing him from eating. "Chill guys, it's only Sidney, you've seen him before."

"That's why they should be excited," he smirked.

"You're so cocky," I laughed.

"I'm not cocky, just sure of myself."

"Okay pal. You haven't changed in years, you know that?"

"No, I really haven't."

"Just famous now."

"You know, you really haven't changed either."

"Thanks I guess."

"You have! You know it's not a bad thing. You're a beautiful, fun, hardworking woman. You don't need to change."

"I wonder why all of this is happening to me though. It's not fair. I just lost my job, and I know I'll be evicted from my house. This sucks." I leaned my head onto his shoulder resisting the urge to burst into tears.

"I know it might feel bad now, but it will get better. That's what you told me when I got my concussion and was going through my treatments. You know it will, it just seems hard now."

"You're right," I said starting to cry. It wasn't often that Sid ever saw me cry but when I did, he knew something was wrong. "God Sid, I don't know what to do. I'm losing everything." He began to rub my arm and comfort me in the best way he knew how. "I'm losing my house, my job, and I don't even know what's gonna happen to my dogs."

"It'll be okay, my famiy had to get rid of our dogs too when we were younger because we couldn't afford them. I know what you're going through, you know what, come live with me."

My head instantly shot up and I looked at Sid who looked seriously at me but with a smile on his face. "What? I can't! That's not right."

"No, I insist, I'll be gone for half of the year anyway and I need someone to stay at the house while I am gone. That way you have a place to stay and I can try and get you a job too," he said softly.

"Sidney, are you sure?"

"Hell yeah I'm sure!"

"Thank you so much," I said, jumping on him, wrapping my arms around his neck, squeezing him tight.

"You know, I love your smile," he said smiling, causing me to smile despite tears streaming from my face. God I love this man, he truly is my best friend.

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