Thirty Two

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I've been here for 4 days and it has been nothing but chaotic! Thus far I have had a baby shower, thrown by my mother and sister, and the Crosby's, gone to a birthing class with Katie, try and start shipping some of the baby shower items to Pittsburgh and writing thank you cards. It was nice seeing all of my old family and friends but I do miss Sid. He just got concussion-like symptoms again and is unable to play, yet again.

He's been under a lot of pressure and I think now that he's listening to his body is the best thing for him. If he's not able to play why push himself to when it's only gonna hurt him more? Plus I know he wants to be well for when the baby came. His teammates and the world doesn't know that he is out yet but I'm sure once it comes out he'll be attacked again.

But for now, I'm going out to lunch with my family to have a little famjam time. We haven't really had alone time yet since I've been here and I'm sure they've been dying to have some time with me just as much as I've been dying to have some time with them.

"What do you think is going to happen when you go into labor?" my mom asked.

"Hopefully he'll be there too, if not I have no clue what to do. I'll be in Pittsburgh and it's not like I'll have anyone there with me," I frowned.

"I didn't even think of that," my sister Kim said, making me feel a little worst about that possibility. I haven't thought about that happening too too much only because I don't want to freak out about it.

"Well I booked time off for around your due date and I told them the second I get that phone call that I'll be starting my vacation time so you won't have to worry."

"I did too," my dad added. I know for a fact my dad won't be in the room but he swore he'd be in the hospital waiting in the waiting room. He and Troy even joked saying one would be in charge of bringing the beer and the other would be in charge of bringing the food.

"Have you and Sidney discussed what would happen in that situation?" mom asked.

"Not really. We've been so busy and I've been having a hard time getting things done because of my stress level. Our nursery at home isn't even ready," I flinched, knowing I'm gonna get in shit.

"Ashley! How have you not gotten that ready yet!?"

"I'm telling you! We haven't had the time! We have the furniture and clothing and stuff but the walls aren't done! Basically I have a drawing of what I want and Sid said he's gonna paint it when I'm here and put the stuff on the wall cuz it's all just in the middle of the room."

"You're lucky you're pregnant or I'd slap you," she joked, semi serious. "I can't believe you didn't even get that done yet!"

"Well at least I can get the nursery in Sid's house done for when we come home after the season is over."

"So have you decided on what you're going to do when the season is over?" my dad asked.

"We're going to be living together and be a family."

"Does anybody know about your secret?" he asked, clearly getting nervous at the thought.

"Nope. Actually, we aren't faking it anymore," I blushed.

"Finally!" Kim yelled. They were all shocked and it was so cute to see!

"When did this happen!?" mom asked, visibly thrilled and trying not to draw attention to herself.

"A while ago," I giggled.

"We couldn't even tell in pictures! There was literally no difference! You guys sold it so good!"

"It was kind of natural for us. It was weird at first but we got used to it. Are you guys happy about it?"

"Yes!" my mom and sister squealed with excitement.

"At least I know he won't treat you horribly and hurt you," my dad said.

"But it's a little late for the 'don't get pregnant talk'," mom joked.

"Thanks mom," I groaned, rubbing my belly. It's really been upset today and I'm so uncomfortable right now.

"You okay Ash? You seem upset."

"Yeah, just getting a lot of movement right now," I shifted in my seat.

"Take a bath when we get home and you should be fine."

"I'll probably take a nap too. This is so uncomfortable."

"We'll be leaving soon, don't worry," Kim said, finishing the last bite of my dinner.

**At home**
As soon as I got home the dogs were running around everywhere and we weren't being cooperative. My hormones got the best of me so I waddled up to my room and got a nice bath ready. I texted Sidney wishing him good luck for tonight, not knowing if he'd play tonight despite what he told me or not. I got no response so I figured that he'd be either on his way or getting dressed up. Music on, lights down and relaxation time was starting.

I had a quick bath considering I didn't want to miss his game and got into my comfy clothes for the night. My stomach was still upsetting me so I decided to take a quick nap before the game, hoping it'd help me out.

**Sidney's POV**
I decided that I was going to play tonight, since I was feeling a lot better. I was all dressed up and ready to go, letting the adrenaline take over my body. I had figured out why all of the press was so up Ashley's ass, and I was not impressed. Those stupid wives that think they're hot shit would call and give them hints about games and places she likes to go. I spoke to Mario about it and he said he'd handle it. It still bothered me though.

**Ashley's POV**
I woke up from my nap in agony and feeling a lot of pressure in my stomach area. This doesn't feel normal, I though. I forced myself to sit up but couldn't stand on my own. I began to panic and had no choice but to call my mom. She ran up the stairs from watching the pregame with my dad.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel a lot of pressure and like a spasm in my stomach and it hurts so bad," I began to cry, almost panting.

"Do you feel any wetness down there?" she asked. My mom is a nurse and has delt with this before so I'm trusting her with this.

"Only a little bit. It's not as much as they said it would be." I continued to explain to her what is happening and she said it may be Braxton hicks so I should wait it out.

About an hour later another one came and she knew it had to be labor. She called the hospital and explained the situation and sure enough I was actually in labor, but my water hadn't fully break yet and because the baby was so early they couldn't break it for me so I had to wait at home until my water fully broke for me to be able to go to the hospital.

"I don't want to be in labor yet! I'm not ready!" I bawled, having every emotion hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I know but you have to stay calm!" my mom cooed, rubbing my forehead.

"I have to call Sidney," I said, pulling out my phone.

"He might not answer, it's close to game time," she said.

"I have to let him know," I begged. She went to go call Troy and Trina, and my dad just left the room in general. He hates seeing me in pain.

I called and no answer, so I left him a voicemail, then I texted him saying I'm in labor. The game hadn't started yet and they were about to go out for their mini practice time. I'm determined to let him know. I didn't know what else to do so I called Nathalie, Mario might not answer either and she was my best bet at knowing what to do.

"Hey Ash! How's it going!?" her cheery voice said. I could tell she was at the game too so this could work in my favor.

"It's going good. I need you to tell Sidney something or have him answer his phone. It's an emergency."

"Oh no! What's happening?"

"I'm in labor!"

"So early! Oh my God! I'll call Mario and tell him to tell Sidney when he comes back into the dressingroom before the game!"

"Thank you so much. I just want him to know," I begged.

"I know hun, I'll get things done now for you. Just stay calm and good luck! I'll be in touch with Trina to know what's going on."

"Thanks Nat!"

"Stay strong!"



"Well?" mom asked.

"I called Nathalie and she's gonna contact Sid to let him know."

"God she's a saint! I called Trina and she's on her way over."

"I just want Sidney," I cried.

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