Thirty Four

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"Did I mention how much I hate you?" Ashley groaned as she layed in the hospital bed in agony.

"I know, and you have every right to," I cooed, praying it would calm her down. My phone had been going off all day with messages from my friends wondering why I left the game and if everything was okay.

She had just got settled into her room and in her scrubs and was waiting for her epidural. We hit a snow storm on the way to the hospital and that only made her more on edge. My mom and hers were in the room as well, while our dad's waited in the waiting area. Our sisters were both at Ashley's family home having a sleep over and having fun with the dogs. Taylor would message me wanting to know details and she's about the only person I'd respond to.

Ashley's hormones were all over the map and I was very proud of her for handling things relatively well. The nurses found it hilarious that I was getting yelled at, especially knowing my status, and kept patting my back. They knew it had been a long pregnancy for her and she just wanted it to be over.

Ashley's mom worked at the hospital and all her friends kept popping in and saying that they were proud she was having the baby here at home. We were both born in this hospital years ago and it's nice that our first child would be too. Plus, it makes me happy knowing that we can start a tradition here with our family, hopefully.

"Sidney, I want this to be over," she pouted.

"I know, but we have to wait until the baby is ready."

"Can I please get my drugs yet? I just want the drugs," she whispered, starting to cry.

"I'll get a doctor to come check you out, then hopefully you can get some sleep too. I don't want you to be too wired."

"Please don't take too long. And can you please get me some ice chips?"

"Of course baby," I smiled back.

Thank God I can leave this room, I was about to rip my hair out. One minute she's crying, another she's silent, and another she's wanting to rip my balls off and shove them down my throat. I asked the doctor to come, which she did, and got her some ice chips.

The doctor did her thing, and sure enough she was dilated enough to finally get her epidural. The whole time she was getting it done she was leaned into me and so calm and soothed. Her eyes were closed and her breaths were slow. For the first time this whole hospital stay she was calm.

"How you feeling?" I asked her in a soft tone.

"Much better now," she breathed.

"Do you still feel any contractions?"

"At this point sorta. I'm almost done getting this fully so I feel it faintly. I'm so sorry for how I've been treating you this way. I don't mean it, I swear. I'm just really in pain and I'm scared, and overwhelmed and really exhausted."

"I know Ash, you don't have to apologize. You are really doing amazing. I know this hasn't been the easiest pregnancy for you, but you're in the home stretch now."

"Alright, you can lay her back down Sidney, and we'll give it a little bit and see how well this going to work for you. Try and take a nap now that your body is relaxed, and I'll be back in a little bit. Send someone if you need me," the doctor said, starting to lay her into a comfortable position.

"Thank you," I said, helping her down.

Ashley was passed out soon after, holding my hand, and I found myself dozing off as well. Our moms were busy taking pictures and trying to get comfortable themselves. Silence has never been more amazing. I love how I think she's bad, and I'm about to have a baby. I need to re-evaluate this situation.

**After Nap**
"How you doing Ash?" mom asked her.

"Oh I'm doing great," she smiled. Oh sure, now she's smiling.

"That's good," I said. She looked over at me and gave me a dirty look.

"Was I talking to you?" she snapped.

"No," I said, sort of scared.

"I'm just messing with ya! It's very great!" she laughed. There's the girl I know!

**Later On**
We've been in the hospital for 10 hours now, and she's been in labor for about 15. It's 8:30 in the morning and things are getting really anxious in the room. Our dad's drove home last night to get our sisters and now they're in the waiting room as well. They came in for a bit but otherwise they didn't want to stay in there too long, probably in fear of the devil herself.

I've only had Tim Horton's since I got in the hospital, and I couldn't eat it in front of Ashley. She snaps on anyone who even smells like food, let alone Timmies. Any Canadian knows it smells like heaven. The doctor came back in to check on her, and she was getting more than uncomfortable.

"Can this baby please get out!? I don't wanna be pregnant anymore!" she cried. I sort of wanted to laugh but I knew it wasn't appropriate but it was just so cute how she said it and flung her head back.

"Okay Miss Ashley, let's see how you're doing," she said, going down in there. She looked up with a smile on her face, "you're good to go!"

"Really!?" we asked in unison, scared shitless.

"Yes! I'll be right back with my staff and we'll get you all set up!"

"Well, the time has come," she smiled up at me. "Our lives are going to change forever."

"I know. I'm excited for it," I rubbed her hair.

"Me too."

"Say cheese guys!" my mom screamed, taking lots of pictures, and Ashley's mom with the video camera.

"Any words on how it feels to be a parents any minute now?" she asked.

"I'm nervous for the delivery, in pain from the labor but I am thrilled and so excited to meet you! You're gonna be my new best friend, and I'm excited to start our journey together!" she smiled.


"I'm so excited to meet you, and protect you, and be the best dad I can be. Whether you're a boy or girl, I just can't wait to see you! I'm gonna try and be the best dad I can be."

"Sid, that was so sweet," she smiled at me, with tears in her eyes.

"You little suck," I laughed.

"Hey!" she lightly tapped. "I earned that right!"

They were getting Ashley all set up and ready to go, while our moms were right on in there with their cameras.

"Ashely's about to give birth and she's still smiling big, she's getting all set up, how you feeling?" her mom asked.

"Couldn't be better! I'm about to be a mom!" she smiled. Messy hair, no make up and all, she's still gorgeous. "One last belly touch for luck!"

"I'm gonna miss this belly!" I sighed.

"If I wasn't in labor I would too," she joked.

"Alright Ashley, I need you to get ready, Sidney, hold her leg back like this and hold her hand," the doctor said.

"I'm sorry if I break your hand," she looked up at me with the most adorable look of concern and softest voice.

"I've had worst," I smiled. "Good luck, I'm proud of you."

"Alright Ashley, push!"

She was a rock star and my hand was pretty much broken from the moment she started pushing. She needed a break and started to cry, which I don't blame her for doing.

**Ashley's POV**

"You can do this baby, I know you can. Do it for the baby, you're doing amazing," he said, rubbing my forehead. This is the most pain I've been in in my life, and I am ready to quit. I'm done with this experience. Thank God for Sidney's encouragement.

"Alright, let's go," the doctor said, knowing I was having a contraction. I pushed really hard this time and they could start to see the baby!

"We have a head of hair! Keep pushing!" Sidney said to me. "You're almost there! Oh my God, our baby is adorable!"

Next thing we knew, our baby was here and a little cry came out. We're parents.

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