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Sidney's return to the ice was perfect and he scored a hatrick. The boys were on fire and they were looking forward to the next few months. It's now playoff time and I am so excited to watch. I'm bringing Kylie with me tonight too because it could be the boys last game of the season. I can't help but be super nervous for them. I know how bad they want it and how hard they've worked for it as well.

I have a feeling that they are gonna have a tough time winning this one. Kylie is always at the games for a little bit but goes to the little play room for the other players kids once things either get too intense or she gets too tired. She's almost 3 months and an absolute ham! She's a really happy baby and always there to cheer Sidney up after a hard loss or rough day.

I had her ready to go, wearing a pink Crosby jersey and a tiny little hat, despite her having a ton of hair, and she had her huge pink ear muffs so she couldn't hear all of the noise and hurt her little ears. I had my jersey on and we met up with the other girls in the family box. Everyone took a liking to her and were always fighting to hold her. Especially auntie Heather and Vero.

"There's my little girl!" Heather squealed, instantly scooping her up. "She's wearing the Crosby jersey! Ah!"

"And she's wearing a Flyers diaper," I winked.

"That's my girl! You make a big mess and we'll throw it at em!" she cooed. "How was Sidney?"

"He was pretty out of it this morning so I'm not too concerned. This is normal for him. Jordan?"

"Nervous. But I think he's feeling confident. You know how they are, they don't like to talk about this stuff."

"Oh I know. Sid's barely said two words all day. He didn't even spend a lot of time with Kylie either."

"Has the press talked to you yet?"

"Nope. They've left me alone actually. But I know tonight they'll be on us."

"It's a good thing we came prepared," she nodded to her jersey.

Sure enough we were constantly on TV or the jumbotron. Every woman was standing and we were all flipping shit. Even the woman that didn't like each other were freaking out. Kylie was out for the warm up because I knew it wasn't the environment for her to be in. Boy was I right.

The Flyer's family box was next to ours and it got heated. They were yelling things at us and we tried not to say anything back, since we wanted to be classy. They did not impress me at all. Yeah I get names called but whatever. I'm so over it.

The boys lost, and it was a tough one. Such a close game with only a one goal difference. My heart sank, aching for Sidney. I know how much he wanted this win and to move on. Especially after his injury. It's been really rough for him and this moment sums it up. Defeat. When that buzzer went off, my eyes were glued to him. Watching his helmet drop, and skating in a slow circle. It wasn't anyone's fault, not the wingers, defence or Marc-Andre's. They just had that one goal over them.

We all walked into the room and you could have heard a pin drop. We know we'd see each other at the end of year banquet, but it felt like it was going to be forever. I know Vero took it rough, knowing how upset Marc-Andre was going to be, especially having his best friend score that goal on him. Watching them hug was emotional when shaking hands. We said our goodbye's and I picked up Kylie who was getting fussy. I knew Sidney would be a while doing interviews.

**Sidney Comes Home**
I put Kylie in her little cradle in the living room while I watched TV waiting for Sidney, with the dogs cuddled into me. I know how he is after a loss and I'm prepared for a long night. I heard the door knob turn and the dogs bolted off the couch to see who it was. He put the keys in the bowl by the door and dropped his hockey equipment on the ground.

I stood up and walked over, not saying a single word. I wrapped my arms around him and just hugged him in the best way I knew I could. He was tense when I first touched him, but melted into the hug and let out a deep breath. We stood like that for a couple minutes in silence and darkness. I know not to talk to him about things that upset him until he's ready.

"Thank you," he whispered.


"Where's Kylie?"

"In the living room."

He walked over and peeped in to see her. A smile grew to his face to see her wearing a pink
Crosby jersey and a Flyers diaper. "That's my girl."

"I couldn't not have her wear that tonight."

"How much did she see?"

"Warm ups. It got too intense for her."

"I thought so. How was the game?"

"It was a great game, shitty outcome, but you can't say that wasn't a good game. You played your best and put up a good fight."

"Doesn't feel like it."

"I know you don't. It'll pass, it always does," I said, walking up the stairs, Sidney following behind me with Kylie. She was stirring and I figured she was hungry so I fed her in bed while Sidney got ready for bed.

"I can't wait to be home," he said, taking off his shirt.

"Just think about it this way, we get to go back to the motherland!"

"The motherland?"

"Yeah! The motherland!"

"This time isn't gonna be the same tho."

"Well yeah, we have a baby!"

"No, like I mean, it's not gonna be the same at all going back home," he said laying on his stomach.

"How so?"

"Cuz whenever I'd finish a season, I'd get so excited to go home so I could see you," he blushed.


"Yeah. I missed you."

"Aw, I missed ya too kid," I smiled, nudging his arm, causing him to laugh. "I looked forward to you coming home too, don't worry. I'd always beg to pick you up at the airport but was never allowed to."

"Why not? I saw you just after that anyway?" he laughed.

"Cuz 'his family should do that, not you'," I said mocking my parents.

"I would've liked to see you more anyway. I remember sitting on the plane wondering if that would be the summer I tell you I liked you or not," he blushed.

"And why didn't you?"

"Didn't want to ruin anything between us. We were too good of friends."

"So we waited till I got knocked up to do it," I joked. "Something we would do." I walked out of the room to put Kylie into her room.

"It really is! I still think you egged me on," he smirked.

"Hey! I did not!" I said, walking back in. "I would never do that!"

"Coming from the girl who would send me pictures of herself in the skimpiest outfits asking if it was hot enough to get this guys attention?"

"That rarely happened!"

"Every Saturday night, oh yeah, very rare!"

"You know that's not true!" I giggled.

"Yes it is!" he said, getting on top of me and tickling me.


"Nope," he laughed, watching me squirm."


"I don't care," he sung.

"I'll flick your testicle cuz I know it hurts more than a punch!"

He stopped and looked down at me. "Where did you hear that?"

"You told me about it once at breakfast when we were talking about balls."

"Oh right," he laughed. "We have the weirdest conversations."

"No kidding," I turned off the light, snuggling into him, ready for a good nights sleep.

That cheered him right up.

**Going Back To Canada**
"We are leaving tomorrow and we have no food left, what are we supposed to eat?" I asked Sidney, clearly getting hungry and anxious.

"Relax, we can go drop these boxes off at the mail place thing and then we can go out to dinner. Sound good?"

"Fiiiiine!" I sighed. Our flight leaves around 10 tomorrow and we are ready to leave. We had dinner with Mario and Nathalie last night and dinner with the team the night before. I can tell Sidney is ready to get back home. I can't wait either.

"The house is sorta empty!" I looked around, seeing just how much he actually brings back.

"You have your flight clothes for tomorrow right?"

"Of course! Can we just eat?" I begged.

"Fine, get in the car," he chuckled, scooping up our daughter.

We had decided on going into town to a restaurant that he really likes and going for a little walk. It was a gorgeous spring day and we were in our spring clothes for a change which was very nice. It was a smaller town and had a country vibe, which was always nice considering we've been so used to spending out free time in the city. We had the odd reporter casually passed by us and snapped a quick picture but that was it. Kylie was content and was enjoying our walk, especially staring at Sidney's baseball hat.

We didn't want to stay too long because we wanted our privacy so we drove to a restaurant in Pittsburgh. Seemed fitting seeing as it was our last night. We got settled and I got a glass of wine, since I have officially stopped breast feeding. We chit chatted about everything and anything and had a really good date night. We had so much fun and for the first time, we were having family time in public in Pittsburgh. No one even bothered us other than those two guys who took pictures of us. It was perfect and I will always remember this time.

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