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**Sidney's POV**

I can't believe it's been a week since we got the first picture of the baby. I keep it on my night table in my bed room, falling asleep looking at it and waking up doing the same. I had no plan in the world to have wanted a baby but I am more than thrilled to actually be having one. I'm gonna be the best dad that I can. Tonight Ash and I are flying to Pittsburgh and I have a meeting to attend to tomorrow and an appointment within the next week, which is the perfect time to debut Ashley. I'm shitting bricks. I have Ashley dropping off the dogs at her parents house while I pack my bag of clothes. I was broken out of my trance to my mother strolling in to my house.


"Be down in a second mom!" I yelled down, feeling like I was a teenager again. I never should have given her a key, I thought. I ran downstairs and said hey to my mom.

"You getting ready for Pittsburgh?"

"Yeah. I'm actually just finishing up. Ashley is just dropping off the dogs at her parents house and picking up my suit from the dry cleaners."

"Oh wow, so you're really almost ready. Is she showing yet?"

"No, not yet. Mom-"

"You're scared shitless aren't you?"

"How'd you guess?" I chuckled.

"Because I know my son."

"I'm just so nervous. What if they know she's pregnant right away?"

"They won't, you just need to go out there and do what you're doing. I was watching some news show and they showed a couple of pictures of you two at that store downtown. The pictures were really cute actually."

"Yeah, we've been trying."

"Good! I'm impressed. Just remember to do what you two need to do. Don't let the press bother you. You are going through enough with them and you know you are gonna get more for having a girlfriend now. You're used to this though, she however is not. You need to make sure she is okay. She's going through a lot right now and you need to support her."

"Thanks mom, I needed to hear that."

"No problem. Besides, this is my grandchild, I'm not letting anything happen to that baby," she giggled.

"See, I feel like I can actually talk to you, you listen. Dad just freaks out and goes off on a rant," I said sitting on my kitchen counter.

"Oh I know how your father is. Just remember to act like a couple and don't breathe a word of a baby."

"Will do."

**In Pittsburgh**

Ash did really well on the plane, despite the constant feeling like she was going to throw up. I felt bad. On the plane I would hold her hand and rub her thigh. A couple of people looked at us and maybe took a double take.

"Did you see all those people staring at us on the plane?" she asked me as we walked through the airport to where the car as waiting for us.

"Yeah, I'm used to it. I'm glad they were staring though, makes it seem more obvious," I leaned down to whisper so no one could hear me.

"Yeah, and thanks for holding my hand and everything by the way," she smiled, "I felt so sick oh my God. You know I never get sick on planes but I was trying so hard not to throw up."

"I know, but you are okay now right?"

"Yes I am, thank you."

We stood there awkwardly waiting for our car. Everyone was staring at us, despite my attempt of hiding my face with my baseball hat. She was bundled in a nice hoodie and a scarf with huge aviators and her hair pulled back in a loose bun. She looked straight out of a gossip magazine, like one of those candid pictures taken of celebrities at the airport. The amount of people staring around us didn't help with the scene either.

"So should we uhm, kiss or something?" I coughed out.

"Uhm, yeah I think we should, it'll look more realistic if we did," she responded nervously.

"Okay," I said leaning in. My hand found her lower waist and placed my hand on her hip. Her hand found my back. I leaned down and went in for the kiss, still forcing her to go up on her tip toes. The first kiss we've ever shared that we remember.. awkward. Especially in front of all these people. She pulled away smiling and seemed pretty happy.

"That was awkward but not bad at all," she said quietly.

"Agreed," I laughed, taking her bags as the car pulled up. This better go well with the press.

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