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"Sidney Crosby is going to be a dad."

"Penguins Captain Sidney Crosby has a baby on the way!"

"Sidney Crosby gains a girlfriend and a new baby in a few months!"

"Sidney Crosby-" Click. I can't stand to hear one more story about it on the news. Literally Sidney and I are all over the news and I'm stressing the heck out. This is so crazy! Why did we have to do it the way we did? Media outlets have been after him all morning since the pictures were released this morning. We even made the front page of the paper here in Pittsburgh. I was sitting on the couch with the dogs while Sidney was in his chair eating a bowl of yogurt and fruit.

"Oh come on Ash, you should at least watch one and laugh about it," he encouraged. I could hear the sarcasm in his voice and I just chuckled back. "What? You don't wanna learn about your own life?"

"Oh but of course I do! I just love learning things about myself that I didn't know before! Did you hear we're having a girl?" I asked, looking up from a newspaper.

"Oh I heard on the radio this morning that it's twins!"

"Oh boy, I hope not! Can you wait though, once we find out the sex of the baby all we're gonna get is Pens stuff."

"Hey, that's not true!" I shot him a look that could kill him. He knew more than I did that he would want the baby to have Pens gear but we also know all we are gonna get from the organization and his teammates is baby Pens stuff. Granted, I want the baby to have some stuff too, but I don't want him to know that and get a big head. "You don't have to look at me like that you know," he chuckled.

"I know but I want to Siddo!" I laughed.

"So we need to talk."

"Ou, what about? A serious talk or a fun talk?"

"Uhm, serious!"

"Alright, shoot."

"Well," he shifted his body slightly, adjusting his body weight. "I have received the good news from the coaching staff and my doctors that I am clear to play in my first game!" A huge grin appeared on his face as he told me.

"Oh my gosh that's amazing! Congrats Sidney! I'm so happy for you!" I yelled, running up to him and hugging him. I knew how bad he wanted this and how it was killing him not being able to play. Heck, the worlds been waiting for this news and we all have been more than ready for his arrival.

"Thank you so much!" he said into my neck. He stood up to pick me up and make sure I didn't have to bend down to hug him.

"I'm so happy for you! You have been waiting so long for this and you really deserve this comeback."

"Do you think you're gonna be okay with this?"

"Of course I am! Are you?"

"Well yeah but I'm gonna be away a lot now and I'm not always gonna be here to help you when you need me and make sure you and the baby are okay. It's gonna get crazy again."

"I know but we will both be fine I promise."

"But you know that the press is only gonna be on your ass more now because they know about you and the baby and they wanna know more about our situation."

"Sidney, you don't have to worry," I grabbed his face, forcing him to look into my eyes. "I promise you that we will both be fine."

"If you say so Ash," he said looking down at my belly. "But if anything happens I will be the first one to fix it, I promise."

"I know you will," I said softly. I knew he wanted to touch my belly, but I want to know if he wants to kiss me or not. The way the room was lit with the dark light outside from the overcast day and the way he was standing holding me. His lips looked so kissable and overall he looked gorgeous. I always think he's the sexiest when he's wearing track pants or sweats or jeans and a tshirt or hoodie. Even with a baseball hat on I love it.

He coughed slightly, causing me to look into his eyes. Is it just me or am I the only one feeling the tension? I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck and leant into the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist, as tight as he possibly could anyway. We just stood there hugging until his office phone ring.

"That's probably the coaching staff," he said, breaking the silence and moment we were having.

"Yeah," I said fixing my shirt. "If you want while you're at practice I can take some calls, I'm sure the phone will be ringing off of the hook for bookings and whatnot?"

"Yeah, that'd be great. I just gotta take this and go to the gym with the boys for a bit."

"Okay, I'm gonna go make me some lunch."

"You just had breakfast like 2 hours ago you fatty!" he yelled from his office.

"That's not nice Cindy!"

"Fuck you!"

"Love you too!" I yelled back. "But I really do love you," I whispered to myself.

**Sidney's POV**
I have one more month until I can officially play in a game and I am feeling on top of the world. I can't wait! unfortunately due to crazy circumstances I can't show my face anywhere and I have to get hidden from everyone. But unluckily for me I have to deal with all of the press and fans wondering about Ashley and the baby.

Once I left my best friend and pretend girl friend but real life baby mamma at home to eat her Kraft Dinner that she brought from Canada, it was chaos. The second I pulled up to the 'secret' arena, I was bombarded by people yelling questions at me. I felt angered by this considering no one was supposed to know we were going to be at this rink to use the gym. I just want to go work out and come home to Ash hopefully curled up watching a movie in my bed so that we can sleep together and cuddle tonight. Instead I'm getting every question possibly asked.

Don't get me wrong, I love that I finally shared to everyone my biggest pride and joy right now and one of the most, if not the most exciting thing in my life right now, but this is getting crazy. I didn't expect 80 people to be here! I want to tell everyone everything out of pride and excitement but I can't, not yet. I just threw my hoodie up and said nothing. I would sign some things for some fans and say hello, but otherwise that was it.

After my workout I had a couple of news crew there to interview me and I was not that excited about it. The first question I was asked wasn't about hockey and that's when I knew my career won't be the same anymore.

"Sidney, congrats on the pregnancy, when is she due?"

"Is she just a fling?"

"Why did you get her pregnant?"

"Were you prepared to be a dad?" This is when I got really frustrated and really couldn't take it anymore.

"Can we please talk about my career? I'm a hockey player, not a reality star, so I'd like to stick with something that's actually relevant." Crosby-1, Media-0. That shut them right back up.

**3 Weeks Later**
It's my first day back and I can't be anymore excited. It's been a long few weeks and I can't believe that the big day is finally here. I've been in the media constantly lately for things other than my hockey career. For the first time I actually have people giving a shit about my personal life and I'm weirded out by it. I mean they were before, especially because I never talked about my private life but this is just a whole new experience. I still haven't told anyone about Ashley and our relationship and nor do I plan on it.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about tonight. I have my family coming down and Ashley's too, to surprise her. She has no idea this is happening and I can't wait to see the look on her face. She will be seeing them when I leave to go to the arena and they will all come to the game after. I came out of my room and walked down the hall to the stairs, Ashley popped out of the bathroom at that end and threw her arms open, wearing one of my jersey's and doing a little dance.

"I'm ready for the game!" she cheered with her bubbly personality coming through. It was adorable how cute she looked in it and how big it was on her.

"Look at you! I think you need a smaller jersey though," I winked. Nobody could wipe the smile off of my face at this point.

"It's your jersey, of course it 's huge!" she twirled around, causing the jersey to swish a little bit.

"Oh is it? I didn't notice," I said, grabbing it and feeling the material. I knew it was mine but she's just so cute, I couldn't ruin what she was doing.

"You know you have too many jersey's when you can't tell the one someone else is wearing is yours," she winked.

"What can I say? I have a lot. You can't really tell you're pregnant in it though."

"It isn't until I take off the jersey then you can really see my baby," she winked, rubbing her belly through the logo. When she was rubbing it she stopped and screamed, "the baby just kicked!"

"Oh my gosh, really!?" I said getting closer to her.

"Yes! Feel!" she squealed, grabbing my hand and putting it right where she just felt the kick. I'm still way too hesitant to just touch her belly and enjoy it but I'm glad she got the hint. I was waiting around and then I felt it. A little bit of a kick. It was amazing.

"That is so cool!" I responded with my mouth wide open. I noticed she had tears in her eyes and she looked so excited and happy.

"I can't believe that we actually have a baby," she cried.

"But you've known this for a while Ash," I coeed, rubbing her back and her belly.

"But this just makes it so much more real. I am so happy for us," she cried, leaning into my chest.

"We need to take our milestone picture," I smiled, knowing that would cheer her up. During every major milestone we always take a picture now to remember it and so in the future we can look back and remember how awesome it was.

"You're right!" she smiled, taking position with her hands down on her belly. Her hair was wavy and slightly curled and she looked gorgeous. She even decided to take a pic without the jersey on so we could see her bump. Pregnancy is so sexy on her.

Within the next hour our parents came to the house and it was just exciting overall. My parents even brought my dog Sam who got along great with Ashley's puppies so it was a little chaotic. As nice as it was to see everyone I needed to get going and prepare. I have a ton of interviews to do before.

"Alright, I gotta go!" I said, getting up off of my seat.

"Good luck Sid!" everyone said at once. I gave hugs and handshakes all the way around. Because my sister was in school she couldn't come which sucked but I knew she's be watching at home.

"You'll do fine. You have a right to be nervous and kick some ass. Your suit is ready to go and in the garage so get changed in there. You're gonna play amazing and I know it. We'll be cheering you on," Ashely smiled, pointing down to her belly. "Say good luck daddy!"

"Thanks baby!" I leant over to kiss her belly and rub it for good luck. "And thank you! Have fun and don't listen to anyone." I gave her a quick kiss, knowing our family was in the other room, since she followed me to the little hall that led to the garage door.

"I won't. Luck!" she smiled, watching me walk out of the door that led to the garage.

**Pre-Game Interviews**
Tonight is a special night for me and I want this to be huge. I'm in the scrum and I am so excited to be interviewed for once. The usual game day questions were asked, and the regular 'return' questions were asked too. Then they asked about the family situation, again.
"Sidney, who do you have in the crowd supporting you tonight?"

"Obviously I have my fans and hopefully Pens fans too. My parents flew in to watch the game too, uh, they've never missed a season opener for me and it's a nice little treat to have them here."

"Is your girlfriend here?"

"She is!"

"With the excitement of playing hockey again and having a baby, what's more exciting for you?"

"Good question," I laughed. "I'm excited about playing tonight obviously, I've missed this like crazy and it's been really weird not playing but having a baby is way more exciting. I can't wait to be a dad and I can't wait to meet my son or daughter."

"Quick question everyone here is dying to know, will the baby be a Pens fan?"

"Oh man," I chuckled. They are killing me with the questions today. "It better be!"

I let my guard down for one minute and look what happened. Oh well, at least they can leave me alone for now.

**Ashley's POV**
I'm at the game in the crowd with Sidney's parents and mine and I am loving the energy. We have great box seats and we are somewhat actually in the crowd which is rare. We were watching the interview on the big screen and once the camera went on me and I was on the big screen I could feel a million eyes on me. It felt really weird. It warmed my heart to hear Sidney talking about the baby and it meant a lot to me because I know that he doesn't like to talk about his personal life but this was huge. He must be so thrilled. At that point I got a text and it was from Heather.

Lookin good mama!

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