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It's been two months and I since I started living with Sidney, and it has been a wonderful two months. Since he has been balancing his hockey career for too long and I am glad to see that now he is finally enjoying his months off. He takes his job very seriously and is very proud of his team for doing so well, but losing has gotten to him. He goes through a funk when a season ends and its as if he doesn't know what to do with his life anymore. It's the equivalent of a break up for a girl. He still went through that phase, but it wasn't as bad as it normally is. He wore sweatpants for about a week straight, ate junk food for two weeks and started working out again during the third week. He wasn't in the mood to start going out and seeing friends but it was what both of us needed.

I have been better than since I moved in. I have been applying everywhere I possibly could to try and get a job but was unsuccessful. It just get's more and more frustrating the more I wait to hear back from somewhere. I have been there for Sidney during the first bit of my stay, like I always do. And now that his funk is gone, he's supporting me through mine. He knows when to pick me up and cheer me up. Whether it's taking the dogs for a walk by the ocean, going fishing or sitting out back on the dock and watching the stars. He's been a great support for me and I hope he continues to be just as supportive for the next little bit to come.

"Ashley, Ashley, Ashley," he said, shaking his head as he grabbed my shoulders and slightly shook me. I was sitting on the couch emailing more resume's and looking for a job.

"Sidney, Sidney, Sidney," I mimicked his playful tone.

"Are you ever gonna stop looking for a job and cheer up?" he asked taking a seat on the arm chair at the other side of the room.

"Ugh, no," I sighed, "You have no idea how frustrating this is."

"I know Ash, it'll be easier once you get some interviews."

"Sid, you've never had a working class job before, mister, get picked up by a hockey team at a young age, then play there, always at the rink, get drafted to the NHL and wins the cup," I laughed, causing him to laugh as well.

"Hey, in my defence I never said I did. I know it can be frustrating though, I watched my parents go through it too. My parents went through numerous jobs to support our family. Heck, even as a kid, I would do anything I could to help make money for my hockey to help my parents out."

"Yeah, my grandma still tells me about how you would mow her lawn and wash her car when you were younger and how that helped you become the strapping young man you have become," I laughed.

"Yeah, I remember those days, I should really go say hi to her sometime soon."

Sidney had a rough upbringing and his family didn't have the greatest financial stability. When he was 9 he got a paper route to help support his hockey, he did odd jobs around town to help make money and even had people just donate money to help him play because he was just that good. I remember when he was 14 and a television crew from TSN came to interview him, the town was in an uproar then. Let alone when he got drafted to Pittsburgh or won the cup. When he came home with Lord Stanley the town threw him a huge party and I've never seen Sidney so proud to be back home. The town loves him. He's a real guys guy and is relatable, that's why the town still loves him.

"Do you wanna go out tonight?" Sid asked, playing with a roll of hockey tape.

"I can't, I gotta look for more jobs," I groaned.

"Ash, that's all you do day in and day out. You need a break and to have fun."

"I don't wanna have fun," I huffed, acting like a toddler.

"Ashley, are you gonna act like a two year old?" he grinned, acting goofy, picking up Chloe and playing with her paws.


"Can you please come out and have some fun? We never have fun anymore!"

"But I have to get this done!" I giggled as he got up and layed on me. He was laying on me and squishing me like a bug. "Sidney!" I giggled.

"Come on, I leave for New York in two days! And I'll be gone for 2 weeks!"

"You'll be back!" I joked, trying to get off the couch. Obviously he is much larger than me and I was unable to move.

"I am shocked and appauled you even said that!" he opened his mouth, pretending to be hurt.

"Oh suck it up princess, you know you're not hurt!" I joked.

"Fine, I'm gonna go cry in my room cuz you don't love me," he said playfully, getting up and almost walking away.

"Now I know why they call you Cindy Crybaby!"

"Oh shut up!" he laughed as he went upstairs, "let me know if you wanna go out with me and Andrew tonight!"

"I will."

Sidney was right. I really should go out with him and spend some time with him. He is one of my good friends and I am gonna miss him when he's gone. Plus, I have been miserable the last couple of weeks. I need to get out and do something fun to forget about the hard times. As I always tell Sidney, when he is down in the dumps, go out and pretend that nothing is wrong with you. No one can steal your sunshine.

"Fine Sid, I'll go!" I yelled up.

"Yes! It's about time you lazy ass!" he yelled down from his room.

"Hush it Crosby!" I laughed. I walked upstairs to my room and looked for an appropriate outfit to wear. I wasn't in the mood for anything too fancy but that's almost what I need. So I picked out my sexiest dress and heels and began to get myself ready. I could smell Sidney's cologne from my room, taking the hint that he was ready. I heard him walk down the stairs and sit down on the couch waiting for me to be ready to leave. He was talking to the dogs in his baby voice, it was adorable. When I was ready, I walked downstairs, "let's go kick some ass."

"Someone looks a lot happier today!" he smiled, checking out my outfit. "You're lookin a bit too sexy though," he said spinning me around, checking out my form fitted dress. He always treated me like a little sister and was always skeptical of the guys who I would date. If they broke my heart, he wanted to break their face, it was plain and simple.

"Oh sure, you bug me to go out and now that you have me going out you tell me I am too sexy. What do you want from me man!?"

"I'm kidding! Just watch yourself, there are some horny boys out there!"

"I will!" I laughed.

**At the club**

It was alright at the club tonight. Sidney's best friend Andrew was there with his girlfriend Joanne and we enjoyed a booth together. There weren't any boys that I was interested in tonight, considering I went to school with them all and know what they're like, but even if there were, I wasn't in the mood for flirting tonight, just to enjoy it with my friends. The whole town seemed to have been here tonight and it was a great energy. We were all up dancing and drinking away. I know for a fact both Sidney and I were intoxicated out of our asses. Sidney has always been a flirtatious drunk, which is the reason why he never gets drunk. He knows that if he let himself get to that point and if he does and starts getting close with a girl there will be pictures and the press will have a field day and ruin his reputation. He's always been smart.

Never in my life have I been this drunk before. Sidney kept buying me shots on shots on shots and drink after drink after drink. It was not easy to keep up. I was on the dancefloor by myself just dancing when I felt an arm on my lower back and saw a drink infront of me. I turned around and it was Sidney who was dancing behind me and offering me a drink.

"You need another," Sid smirked.

"Sidney! No I don't, I don't need anymore!"

"You promised!"

"Fine!" I said, taking the drink and chugging.

One thing let to another and I was abscentmindedly dancing with Sidney in a bad way. I was not sure why this happened but it did. I didn't care, I wasn't afraid. I was having a good time and letting my guard down. I didn't think I let my guard down that much until I kissed him out of nowhere. I was so drunk and didn't see it coming! He kissed me back, even being the first one to use his tongue. It was so hot and in the moment. We began to have a steamy make out right there on the dancefloor, and that eventually lead to it being continued on in the bedroom later that night.

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