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It's official, I'm leaving tomorrow and I'll be home for two weeks. Though this is my real home now. I feel upset that I'll be leaving Sid but at the same time I know this is what's best. We've made the plan that I'll be taking the train to the border and a short flight from Toronto to Nova Scotia since it's half an hour. I don't want to fly because I'm pregnant and it's extremely dangerous but it is only for a short time and it's a small plane that's privately owned. Sid's idea, not mine.

I have all of my bags packed and ready to go with enough clothes to last me two weeks, including some of Sid's since I will be missing him a lot. Today we just want to enjoy our time together especially because he has a day off. I even woke up to breakfast in bed and morning sex! What more could a girl ask for? Now we are just going to cuddle and enjoy our day.

"How's that baby doing?" he asked sitting next to me on the couch.

"Good! Are you gonna miss me being pregnant once we have the baby?"

"I actually am. I think pregnancy looks good on you," he smiled, placing his hand on the spot where the baby was kicking. I'm glad he actually feels comfortable to do this now.

"Really? I don't!" I laughed.

"Why not? You look so attractive pregnant! Especially because you're carrying my baby."

"I just feel fat! Look at me! I'm huge!" I laughed, looking down to myself.

"No you're not! It's all baby weight!"

"Wanna rephrase that?"

"Well, you did get bigger boobs, but who is complaining?"

"I know you're not."

"I'm a guy, what can I say?"

"They do look big don't they!?" I held them, feeling quite proud of my newly grown accessories.

"Yes they do," Sid smirked, leaning in to kiss me. When he pulled back and looked down at my belly, staring at his hand making contact with the baby, the baby decided to do a massive flip, scaring the shit out of Sidney. "What the fuck!" he yelled, instantly removing his hand and inching away.

"Oh my God that was priceless!" I laughed. The baby has done one of these rolls when he was on a road trip and scored a hatty while I was celebrating and Sid never believed me. I'm glad he saw this and realized how disgusting it looks.

"That looked so mutated!"

"You're such a big baby! The baby was just repositioning," I laughed.

"That's gross. Like I love the baby and all but that was truly nasty."

"Now do you believe me!?"

"Unfortunately I do! I could have gone without seeing that to be honest."

"How do you think I feel!? I've seen it twice!"

"And you feel it! Oh that's so nasty! How does it feel?" The look of pure horror and disgust on his face was hilarious to me.

"Like it's rolling around. I felt it's legs and arms and back during that."

"That's weird!"

"What's weird is when the baby gets hiccups or rests it's legs on my ribs."

"The baby does that!?"

"Yeah! Where have you been!? tell you about that all the time!"

"I know! And you wake up from the hiccups, but that must feel weird!"

"It does. I find this so funny that you can get punched and hit and go through all of this stuff for hockey but you couldn't handle a pregnancy."

"Your a stronger person than me!"

"Your teammates would make so much fun of you for that one!" I laughed hysterically.

"They can say whatever they want but they even know they couldn't deal with that stuff either!"

"You make me laugh Cindy."

"You love calling me that don't you?"

"Yup," I smirked. "Wanna be a doll and get me something to eat?"

"Of course, what does my baby want?"

"The baby wants food and I want you," I winked.

"After dinner babe," he winked back, gone to get me some food.

**In Bed Later That Night**

"I'm gonna miss you so much," Sidney cooed while we spooned in bed. Now is the hard part definitely for the both of us and we aren't looking forward to waking up in the morning.

"I'm gonna miss you too."

"I've really enjoyed you being here. I know it hasn't been easy but it's been fun."

"It has."

"And then you're gonna be back and we can get ready for the baby to come and then you'll have the baby and we can learn how to be parents."

"You know, we never went to any parenting classes," I laughed, rolling over to face him.

"We didn't!"

"I was gonna pee myself laughing looking at you learning breathing patterns and actually doing them," I giggled.

"It would have been priceless."

"Do you feel that your pregnancy wasn't the best it could have been?" Why must he ask me a serious question like this?

"At times to be honest. But I really enjoyed a lot of it. It's been fun and we've had no problems with the baby thankfully, and I got to look at all the cute baby stuff and wear maternity clothes and plan a nursery. But I did have to worry about being stalked initially in public but that's what happens when your with someone like you and I've learned to accept that. I just wish we spent more time together, that's all."

"I wish we spent more time together too," he kissed my nose.

"Are you gonna paint the baby's room when I'm gone?"

"Yes! I promise! And I'll even organize it too. Though I think you did a pretty good job at getting the clothes and everything put together in the closet."

"I tried my best to. I left the whole right hand side of the dresser for clothes that are actually for the baby's sex so when we get those clothes we can put them there. And I also left the baby's bath stuff on one of the shelves on that side too because I didn't wanna have it out on the floor. And-"

"Easy there partner. I'll figure it out I promise," he smiled.

"Mess it up and your a dead man," I joked, kissing him softly.

We had a peaceful nights sleep and we were more than content in each other's arms. We did wake up for a last minute sexy time, which has gotten extremely hard! Being almost 8 months pregnant is a little hard to move around and get into position but we did the best we could despite that. In the morning we had breakfast and Sidney packed the car with my luggage that was full of maternity clothes and doggy toys for the most part.

**Saying Goodbye**
While I was getting my final stuff together for my purse, which I chose my huge one to fit more things into, a couple of friends came to say bon voyage. Heather, Jordan, Vero and Flower came over to say goodbye.

"Have a safe travel and don't do anything I wouldn't do," Jordan said, giving me a hug. "And make sure you don't make your mother puke because that is nasty," he said to the baby.

"Jordan!" Heather slapped his arm. "Don't talk to the baby like that!"


"Don't worry, the baby forgives you uncle Jordan," I rubbed my belly.

"I'm gonna be an uncle to the baby!?"

"Of course!" I smiled.

"You guys are who we are closest to on the team," Sidney smiled.

"That means we're aunts!" Vero and Heather squealed.

"Make sure to watch all our games and cheer us on loud!" Flower said, hugging me tight. "I'm serious, the baby's gotta learn how to be a goalie one way or another."

"Their baby won't be a goalie!" Vero said. "Only an idiot wants to take pucks to the face!"

"Sid wanted to be a goalie for a while."

"It's true," Sid shrugged.

"Just be safe and shoot me a message when you get there so I know you're okay."

"I will don't worry V," I said hugging her. I looked over at Heather who was starting to cry. "Why the heck are you crying?"

"I'm gonna miss you!" she cried. She's always made fun of me for my hormones and it's funny that she's now crying. She crashed into my arms without smooshing me, causing me to cry too.

"I'm gonna miss you too." Sid was taking pictures of us girls saying goodbye and a group shot, just for memories to show the baby. We've been staying true to our pact to take lots of pictures for the baby and I love it. "Thank you guys for coming, I really appreciate it." They walked me to the car, placing my puppies in their little travel cage and putting them in the back seat.

The car ride was silent, both of us regretting this decision now that the moment has come to say goodbye. It's so weird knowing I'll be the one leaving this time. Before we knew it we were at the station. No one was there so we had loads of privacy to say our goodbyes. I got out of the car and he brought everything out for me being the true gentleman he is.

"Well, we're here," I said, holding back tears.

"Please don't do this," he begged, seeing it in my eyes. I burst into tears and leaned into him looking for comfort.

"I can't help it, I'm gonna miss you so much," I sobbed.

"I'm gonna miss you so much too. But we're doing this for a good reason. You gotta be strong for me okay?"


"I'm proud of you for being able to do this."

"I'm doing this for you and the baby," I wiped my tears.

"And I love that that's the reason. It's so weird that you're the one leaving and I'm the one staying behind. I don't like this."

"Now you know how I feel, and how I've always felt."

"It's not a good feeling." The horn went off and the train was pulling up. This is it. "Please be safe and I'll text you when I get home and we can talk then, and we'll talk when you get to the airport. I'm gonna miss you so much, hang on there little baby. Daddy loves you," he kissed my stomach, holding it the whole time before hugging me and kissing me. "I love you Ashley."

He just said he loves me. He loves me! He actually loves me!

"I love you too Sidney!" I cried, as we smiled at each other looking like idiots, and giving a passionate kiss.

He walked me to the train and helped me get my luggage up the stairs of the train. I found my seat and looked out the window, not wanting to leave his sight. His hands were in his pockets and he never looked away. This is me leaving him for two weeks. As the train started to move I waved out the window as tears streamed down my face. He waved back, looking like he too was crying. I looked back as we went away, knowing he wasn't going to leave until the train was fully gone. I hate that I left when we said 'I love you' for the first time because it's only making it harder.

**Sidney's POV**
She's gone. She's on that train and going back home like we planned on. I know it's for the right reason but the selfish part of me is saying it's wrong. I love her. I really do. I'm not ready to be apart from her for more than a day, and now I have to deal with being away from her for 2 weeks.

I cried the whole way home and even when I was inside the home we once shared. It seemed so big and empty. I wasn't greeted by anyone when I got through the door, not her or the dogs. I went and sat in my room and noticed a picture frame on my dresser. It was a picture of her and I on vacation years ago. I haven't seen this picture in years, probably since... This is the picture I brought to Mario and Nathalie's when I lived there. She must've grabbed it when she was staying here. It's a small gesture but a great one to remind me that we'll be reunited again and that we've always been together no matter what. Man I love her.

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