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"Hey Sid! You got a text from Marc-Andre!" I yelled up the stairs, after his phone went off, waking me up from my nap on the couch in the tv room. I immediately heard him get up out of his chair from his office and practically ran out into the room. He picked up his phone, read the message and got a huge smile on his face. I know he and Marc-Andre were very close and I could tell he missed him. They were extremely close, and talked literally almost everyday. They even lived together at one point, so I know Sid missed him. "What did it say?"

"It was about his wedding," he said, responding to the text.

"Oh nice, and when is that exactly?" I asked, sitting it, putting my elbows on my knees.

"He just wanted to ask me how we were going to get there."

"Oh fun," I replied dropping my voice. He didn't really mention anything about Marc-Andre's wedding.

"Yeah," he said sitting down with a very puzzled look on his face, continuing to text away.

"When's that?" I asked.

"Next week," he bit his lip.

"So when are you flying out?"

"Me? You're coming with me!" he said getting excited.

"What do you mean? You never mentioned any of this to me!" I replied panicking. I am used to the Pittsburgh Penguins and meeting Sidney's friends and co-workers, but I am extremely nervous about this one. I wasn't expecting this!

"Ash, you have to come with me! You're my 'girlfriend', it'd be odd if you weren't there with me!" he leaned out of his arm chair.

"So?" I asked, slouching on the couch.

"Come on Ash, this'll be perfect as an appearance and this way we can get you acquainted with the team and their woman."

"So? I've met some of those broads and I don't like some of them that much," I folded my arms. Remembering the time when one of the girls Evgeni dated almost clawed my eyes out just for talking to him and saying hello. Sidney couldn't help but chuckle, remembering the time I met her. "It's not funny Sid!"

"It kind of was, you were pretty rattled. But seriously, it'll be fine. Half of the team won't be there anyway. And I really wanted you to come with me," he scratched the back of his head, showing he was slightly embarrassed with what he just said.

"Aw really?" I asked, actually getting a little excited. Oh my God, what are you doing Ashley!? Don't show him how much you like that answer!

"Yeah, I mean, you are my best friend and all and the mother of my baby. I wanna show you off!"

"Aww, thank you Siddo," I smiled.

"So are you in?"

"I guess I have to be," I rolled my eyes laughing. "You're right!"

"Good. Now go find a dress that'll hide a possible bump that you could get!"

"I have nothing, it won't come for a while," I laughed, throwing a pillow at him.

"You never know, it could happen!"

"I'll be skinny for as long as I can!" I laughed.

**Night before the wedding**
"Ah, back in Quebec! Can you smell the fresh air!? Can you feel your lungs just opening up!? Can you feel-"

"I feel like I'm gonna throw up!" I gagged, as Sidney and I stepped out of our car that we had rented.

"What? Don't you like the smell of Quebec?" he asked, admiring the view of the mountains ahead of us. He was completely oblivious.

"Sidney, I feel sick." That's all I needed to say until he understood what I was talking about. His face looked surprised and he immediately turned to check if I was okay.

"What's a matter?" he asked, remembering what the situation was.

"I don't know but I feel sick again."

"Was it the flight? I know you were like this when we got to Pittsburgh and when we got back to Nova Scotia."

"I don't think the baby likes flying very much," I said, looking down at my stomach and touching it a little bit.

"Aw, well it better learn to like it, cuz one day it'll have no choice, especially when they wanna come see their daddy play an away game," he smiled.

"Aw, I know!" I smiled. Sidney placed his arm around my lower back. I couldn't help but lean my head on his shoulder and enjoy the view with him. While we were lost in our own thoughts and distracted by the beauty of the nature ahead of us, I felt a slight flutter in my stomach. I jumped, causing Sidney to jump too.

"What's a matter?" he asked, slightly frightened by my reactin.

"Oh my God! I felt the baby flutter!" I screamed, holding my stomach.

"Wait, you did!?"

"Yeah! It felt just like a butterfly in my stomach and that's what the doctor said will happen!" I yelled, getting really excited.

"That's so amazing!" he yelled, picking me up and hugging me tight. He even spun me around and kissed me cheek when he dropped me. "I know we got a picture of the baby but that on it's own is just unreal. There's actually a baby in there!"

"I know! I can't believe it!" I squealed. "Hold on a second, we need to capture this moment!" I grabbed my phone and took a selfie of the two of us and the view and did a self timer picture as well. This is such an amazing moment for both of us and I could care less if I'm in yoga pants and a tank top and sweater, or if Sidney is in shorts and a tshirt. I want to remember this moment for the rest of my life and let the baby look at this picture and see where we were when we felt some sort of movement for the first time.

When we finally arrived at the hotel that was put aside for us, I was more than ready to take a nap. Sidney opened the door to a typical little hotel room. I know normally we would have gone to a high class hotel but Sid didn't want to draw any attention today and tonight. So we checked into a smaller hotel just outside of the town they were getting married in. The room was gorgeous but only had one bed. While Sidney moved all the luggage onto a bench, I crawled onto the bed and hugged a pillow.

"What are you doing?" Sid asked laughing at me.

"I wanna take a nap!" I giggled. "I'm pregnant and tired, so I deserve a nap!"

"Are you gonna come out tonight with me? The boys are getting together for dinner just to catch up and have something to do."

"I would love to!" I smiled. Shortly after I said that I got a feeling in my stomach and I ran to the washroom to throw up. Sidney ran up behind me and even held my hair for me. He rubbed my back and whispered encouraging words in my ear. He knows just how to soothe me. When I finished, he helped me stand up and walked me to the bed after cleaning me up.

"You aren't going anywhere. You are gonna lay in bed and relax. I don't want you to overexert yourself and have something happen. I'm gonna stay with you all night," he said fluffing my pillows.

"No Sid, I want you to go out and have some fun. Go see your team and enjoy yourself, please," I begged. "You came all this way for your teammates wedding, go enjoy yourself and have some fun. You know you won't get to have many moments with your teammates during the season or even in the offseason. I don't want you staying back for me."


"Sid, please go. It'll look bad when the press is there and you're not. They know you and Flower are friends and they'll be shocked if you aren't there."

"You're right."

"Now go get that dress shirt on that's in the same bag as your suit."

"You put it in there? I thought I forgot it!" he laughed, opening the bag and finding it.

"Yeah, I knew you'd forget so I thought I'd do it for you," I smiled. He was busy in the process of taking his shirt off and flashing his sexy body. His chest was so muscular, his abs were so detailed and those arms, I just want to be held by them. He's really teasing me.

"You like what you see?" he winked, obviously noticing I was staring at him. Great going Ashley. He looked so cute buttoning up his shirt.

"No, I just thought you did your buttons up wrong, that's all."

"Oh, I did miss one actually! Damn you're good." Woo! Nice save Ashley!

"Aha, I know," I joked, brushing off my shoulders.

"Please relax tonight and get lots of sleep. And if you need anything at all, please call me. Okay?"

"Okay. Have fun tonight!" I hugged him tight, dying on the inside to kiss him.

"Thanks, I won't be late. Remember to call me," he pointed walking out the door. I just gave him a thumbs up and he walked out the door. Time to relax.

**Sidney's POV**
"Sid!" the boys cheered as I walked into the restaurant, greeting all the boys that were there, giving them all handshakes or hugs. It was such a relief to see the boys again. Tonight there was Max Talbot, Jordan Staal, Evgeni Malkin and Kris Letang. The other boys will be at the wedding tomorrow.

"How've ya been?" Jordan asked, putting his arm around his girlfriend Heather.

"Pretty good, concussion is coming along," I nodded, with a drink in hand and another hand in my pocket.

"You working out yet?"

"A little bit, I have to stop a lot but I'm getting there."

"And what's this about a girlfriend now Sid?" Kris asked, nudging my elbow.

"The one and only Sidney Crosby actually has a girlfriend! I never thought I'd see this day come!" Max patted my shoulders, getting excited. I knew this was coming tonight.

"Yeah," I chuckled. "I am in a relationship."

"You're so shy about it! Holy fuck!" Kris laughed.

"Where is she?" Geno asked.

"She got sick after the flight so she's back in the hotel getting some rest," I nodded.

"Wait she came!?" Jordan asked in shock.

"Yes she did!"

"Who is she?"

"Remember that girl that comes to our games when she can? My really good friend from back home?"

"Ashley?" Geno asked.

"Yeah," I laughed.

"Sid! You lucky fucker!" Max jumped on my shoulders excitedly. He always thought she was hot.

"I can say I really am lucky." If only she was actually mine, then it'd be perfect.

"We better see her tomorrow," Heather piped up.

"Oh you will."

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