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Sidney's been gone for a week and a half now and everything has been alright. I've had one job interview, otherwise it's been pretty dead. I only had the group over twice, otherwise no one has really been over. I took the liberty to rearrange Sidney's office, with his permission of course, since he badly needed it done. But something hasn't felt right, my period is late so I don't know if it was just hormones or if something was wrong.

"I'm late Katie," I said to my best friend ever Katie, who was sitting on the other end of the couch, in Sidney's seat.

"Maybe it's stress Ash, you've been uber stressed lately and that's what happens when you get that stressed."

"Yeah but I just feel weird. Especially my boobs. They are beyond swollen and tender," I said, grabbing a pillow and hugging it against my chest.

"I know, they look much bigger than normal."

"Do they actually!?"

"Anyone would notice, even Sid."

"Well that's a good thing he's not here."

"Yeah, no kidding. How's it been living with him?"

"It's been great actually, we've always gotten along really well so it's perfect."

"Do you miss him?"

"I do, but I'm already used to him being gone, so it doesn't really affect me," I choked out. I felt a really sudden urge to throw up, so I ran to the bathroom and let it out.

"Oh my God!" Katie yelled, instantly got up from the couch, rushing over to help me and held my hair. What are girlfriends for right? "Have you had sex lately?"

"Yeah, why?"

"We need to get you a pregnancy test."


**Sidney's Arrival**

Sidney's coming back home today! Believe it or not I kinda missed him and I really want to make today worth him coming home. The whole house was cleaned to perfection just the way Sid would want it, since he is the worlds biggest neat freak. I know the meetings didn't go the way he wanted it to and the media gave him an extremely difficult time for his concussion and recovery process. I know he hasn't been back to normal yet and he can't take this anymore. I'm not used to this Sidney and I don't like seeing him this down and nonactive.

I was standing in my bedroom looking directly into the mirror, playing with my hair. I was slightly nervous before he came home and I was petrified for his reaction to everything that has gone on since he left. Sure we skyped and had a phone call once or twice but we didn't talk too much other than that. I heard the taxi pull up front and my two dogs go crazy, bolting to the door and on their back paws, jumping at the door.

"Sidney's home!" I cooed, moving the dogs back while Sid rang the door bell. When he opened the door, a huge smile grew on my face and I got so insanely happy. "Sid!" I yelled jumping into his arms, giving him a massive hug.

"Did someone miss me too much?" he smirked after he set me down.

"Shut up," I laughed, "how was New York!?"

"It was so good," he said moving his luggage away from the door and crashing on his seat of the couch. I went down and sat on his stomach, "it couldn't have gone better. I honestly had a blast down there with a couple of the guys."

"Really? That's awesome!"

"Yeah! You sound surprised by my answer," he chuckled.

"Meh, I sorta am. You took so much shit the past little while and I am shocked it didn't ruin your time there."

"It bothered me but I've had worst. To be honest I didn't mind it. I understand people are confused, just as much as I am and I know I can't control it and am trying my best to find answers. I'll be back soon and I cannot wait until I can play. Hopefully by the end of this summer I'll be ready to go back on the ice."

"I like the positivity." I said. I could see Sid's nose twitching like a hound dogs. "What are you smelling?"

"Are you making my favourite spaghetti sauce?"

"Guilty," I giggled.

"I knew it! You know me so well! That's just what I wanted!" he said tickling me.

"Well I know you always like to have it when you get home from long vacations so I thought I would make some for you for dinner."

"This is exactly why you are my best friend." he smiled.

After dinner, we placed the dishes in the dishwasher we went to Sidney's office so I could show him how I organized it for him. I started feeling really nauseous and sweat began to drip from my forehead. It wasn't from nerves that's for sure, or the food. When we walked in, Sidney's mouth dropped.

"Do you like it?" I asked biting my bottom lip, now from nerves.

"Oh my God, I love it! You did such a great job! You even orgnized the files by what they are needed for, then in each one alphabetically. And you even labelled the bins and folders clearly too! You know me so well!"

"You are way too excited about this," I chuckled, "If only the world knew how much of a nerd Sidney Crosby was."

"Oh shut up, this is amazing! Thank you so much!" he hugged me. During the hug I felt the urge to throw up again and I ran into the bathroom. Sidney followed and instantly began to help me. He grabbed my hair and started rubbing my back soothingly. When I finished I got up and brushed my teeth while Sidney got me a glass of water from the kitchen. Guess it's time to talk about it.

When he came back in he asked me, "are you okay Ash, you never get sick."

"I know, yeah, I'm fine now," I said panting because of the nerves.

"You sure? You don't seem it."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ashley, I know you better than that, tell me what's wrong."

"Let's go sit down." We walked down to the living room in our seats, facing each other directly.

"What's wrong Ash?" he asked with great concern in his voice and on his face. I don't wanna tell him, not yet. He shouldn't stress about this, not now. I hope he takes the news well and I don't want him to overreact or hate me. Our friendship could be ruined.

"So remember the night we said we would try to forget?" I asked. Cheesy, but hey, it's a start.

"Yeah," he said nervously, raising an eyebrow. I could feel my heart beat quicken and my mouth go dry. It's now or never, and I have to do this.

"Well," I said taking a deep breath.

"You can tell me Ash, I'm not gonna get mad," he rubbed my shoulder comforting me. Here it comes.

"I'm pregnant."

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