Forty One

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"Who's my little girl?" Sidney cooed, bouncing her up and down while in our backyard. We are home and loving life and enjoying some family time. We had both families over for a little bbq because tomorrow we will be leaving to go to the NHL awards. We have made the bold decision bring the baby only because I will be able to watch her as much as I can, and Sidney will be busy. We are bringing his mom along with us to watch her when we both have to make an appearance and I'm scared as heck to go to Vegas. "Why are you so nervous to go to Vegas?" Sid asked.

"I'm not even sure! I guess it's because I know I have to be sexy."

"You don't have to be, everyone know's that you're a rocket. You don't have to worry about that!"

"Gee, thanks Sid," I rolled my eyes, roasting a marshmallow in the fire pit that we were sitting around.

"I just don't want you kids to get married in Vegas," Trina rolled her eyes.

"Oh God, I didn't even think of that!" my mom laughed, covering her face.

"Don't worry, that will not happen ever," Sidney responded, staring into the fire. I'm not gonna lie, that hurt a little bit, because I know Sidney doesn't want to get married anytime soon and I think he means he never wants to get married. Oh well, I'll try to forget about it.

"I said that too about marriage, and look where I am now," my dad shifted in his seat, standing up to leave.

We knew it late and that we had an early rise in the morning, so we said goodbye and put Kylie to bed. She's gotten better with her routine and now we can plan things way better. I just pulled the sheets back and crawled into bed, not wanted to talk to Sidney.

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing, just tired and waiting to go to bed," I replied.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," I sighed, turning over.

"Night then."

**At the Airport The Next Day**
All hell broke loose once we arrived in Vegas. Photographers were surrounding us the whole time we walked to the taxi that was taking us to the hotel, and they were screaming everything and anything. Trina was pretty calm considering the atmosphere, and I was freaking out on the inside. I had Kylie in one of those baby straps so she was resting on my chest and had a blanket over her so people wouldn't see her face. Sidney carried luggage and loaded the car as quickly as possible and we were off.

"This has never been that bad for you Sid," Trina said getting comfortable.

"That's what happens when you get a girl pregnant and have a baby out of the blue."

That was rude. What's up his ass? I just ignored his comment and waited to arrive at the
hotel. The drive was short and we made it within minutes. More chaos was there, since they knew all the players were staying there, and I nearly ran inside so they couldn't get a picture. I was so mad and upset with Sidney that I couldn't stand to be near him, I just need my space.

I checked us in, and got the room keys by the time Sidney and Trina got in. I could tell he was mad at me for just running in, but what was I supposed to do? Trina went to her room on a separate floor and we went to ours. The second that door closed I knew I was going to get it.

"What the hell was that?" he asked.

"I didn't want them to keep yelling and screaming and taking pictures of my daughter. Is that so bad?"

"You know they wanted to see if you were with me right?"

"Well they saw me."

"Oh yeah, they saw you alright. They saw you running away from me."

"They won't think anything of it Sid. It happens all the time. Will you just relax?"

"I can't relax, I got things to do."

"Then why the fuck did you ask me to come?" I finally snapped. I put Kylie on the floor, who was passed out in her car seat.

"Because they want you to come."

"So you weren't the one who wanted me to come? That's great. I'll leave you be then," I said, walking out of the room with a room key and my purse. I didn't make it very far until I heard him run after me and kiss me passionately, catching me way off guard.

"Don't you ever say I don't want you to come." I just looked up at him stunned. "What are you giving me that look for?"


"I know, I don't seem like that type of guy, but I am," he winked. "Now get back in the room with your family," he put his arm around me and opened the door. I literally made it two feet outside of the door.

Sidney was cute and he knew it, but he still isn't scott free from me. We enjoyed a night out at dinner while Trina watched Kylie, and really worked on our relationship. We haven't been talking about where we want to go with this or made any plans, and I think its important that we need to. Our future is important and I don't want our daughter to be confused because of it.

"So do you see us having more kids in the future?" I asked him, giving him a little smirk to try and ease the seriousness of conversation. I don't know how exactly he will handle this and I don't want to cause an argument.

His eyes grew wide at the question, "well yeah, I can." He grabbed my hand and stared into my eyes. "But I want to wait a while."

"Really? Don't you want your kids to be close in age?"

"Are we close to our siblings age?" I shook my head. "Exactly. It shouldn't matter."

"But I want them to be close in age. It sucked not having a sibling growing up to play with."

"You had me though!" he laughed.

"Yeah but it sucked when you weren't around."

"Doesn't it always?"

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm just saying I want to have another baby eventually."

"We'll see. We can always practice though," he winked.

"If our daughter wasn't in our room tonight we would," I said in my sexy voice that drives him mental.

"Why is she the biggest cockblock?"

"My daughter is not a cockblock!"

"Yes she is. But I'll give you some of this when we get home," he said, rubbing up and down his chest and abs while flexing in the process. That fucker knows how to drive me crazy.

**Next Day**
The sexual tension last night was unreal and I was so hot and bothered. He would touch me seductively under the covers and whisper dirty things in my ear. What really got me going was feeling how hard he was. That was so unbelievably hot.

But today is the big day and we have to spend the whole day getting ready. Trina won't be coming to the awards but she will be in the hotel with Kylie. She'll also be extremely hands on while I get my hair and make up done. Sidney set that up for me so I didn't have to stress about doing it myself. I always feel like a celebrity when this stuff happens to me. A girl could always use a good pampering.

I got ready in Trina's room and Sid got ready in ours. He had a lot of press throughout the morning and socialized with the guys so we just chilled out and got made up. I was in the middle of getting my hair done and Sidney came in wearing his dress shirt and dress pants.

"You're looking beautiful," he walked in, kissing my forehead.

"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself."

"I just wanted to know if you're almost done so we can get ready to leave."

"I'm almost done. Just gotta get out of this robe and into my dress."

"Okay, I'll see you in the room then."

When I was finished we walked to our room and took a few pictures of us and then with Kylie. I dressed her in a little dress so she could be dressed up too, even if it was for a little while. He seemed very turned on with my look which of course I didn't mind. I had to be a little sexy for tonight, especially because I had to match my man. As with every other event I go to with him, I knew my place and when to leave and be with him.

We walked out on the limo and the photographers went crazy. I just stood there and tried to look my best next to him. He just smiled, had his arm around me and had a hand in his pocket. Such a Sidney pose. I left him so he could get his individual photos taken and stared in awe. This is my first time at this event and now I know why he didn't want to take me. People go crazy! And there's way more TV sports news crews there.

We walked to a couple of news stations set up booths and kept moving on. It was so much fun but really exhausting. Again, I just smiled and looked pretty. It wasn't until we caught up with Jay and Dan, everyone's favourite morning anchors.

"Sidney Crosby! How ya doing buddy?" Dan asked.

"I'm good I'm good! Yourself?" Sidney asked back with the biggest smile on his face.

"We are great! Hello lady friend!" Jay smiled, shaking my hand.

"Hey!" I smiled back.

"Sid you are one lucky man. Gorgeous girl! How's the baby?"

"She's good! At the hotel with my mom actually."

"Couldn't leave without her? Must be a perfect date night," Dan replied.

"It's nice getting some alone time."

"Now Sid, since you are a new dad to a daughter, we decided to get you some clothes, you know, to help you out with some of the clothes costs and as a gift. This one says, 'Silly daddy, boobies are for babies', I know, it's pretty funny."
"This one says, 'Don't look at me that smell is coming from my daddy'. Accurate?" Dan asked.

I just nodded and got them to laugh. "It happens to the best of us big guy. This one says, 'all mommy wanted was a back rub'. I'm sure that's really how it started," Jay laughed.

At this point Sid and I were dying of laughter. "And last but not least, 'I wake up daddy early in the morning to watch Jay and Dan'. How do you like it?"

"That is so funny! Thank you so much guys," Sid chuckled. These two are so funny and I am loving this interview. They kept him there for a couple more minutes and actually talked about sports and whatnot.

The ceremony was great and the host was hysterical. Sid even won a couple of awards which was great and we had a really fun night. I even got a shout out which was really uncomfortable to me but it was all for fun and games I guess. We posed for a ton of pictures with different players and their wives and girlfriends, and I had so much fun. I got along great with Eric Staal's wife Tanya. She had just had a baby a couple months before us, and already has another so we got to bond over parenting. I'm excited to see her at the wedding.

Another great date night done and over with, the final hockey appearance for the season, and another step further to our freedom from the press. I missed my daughter, and I know that she will stay the night in Trina's room, so Sidney and I can finally get a good love making session in. It is about to get steamy in this room!

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