Twenty Two

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I finally convinced him to grow a pair and get sexual with me! Thank God! I was dying without some sort of physical interaction. He kissed me with the most passion I've ever felt, well, not sexual passion I guess, and it took me by surprise. If I wasn't already in the mood, he would have made me in that kiss.

The little makeout session was intense. My mouth instantly parted even wider than it already had during that first kiss, allowing his tongue early entrance. Most guys went overboard with the tongue, but not Sidney. His tongue instantly found mine and gave it a kind greeting by dancing together rhythmically. He knew what to do with his tongue but I could only imagine what he could do with it on other parts of my body.

My fingers instantly laced through his thick hair, digging my nails into his scalp. I could tell he loved it, especially every time I really dug them in, because he would let out an incredibly sexy moan. His moan was even enough to turn me on. His hands were all over my hip and back, moving them slowly and sensually. The way I was angled he could get a slight grip of my ass and when he could, he grabbed a handful. I know he's an ass kind of guy so he must've been in his heaven. With that, he picked me up so that I was straddling him and carried me by my ass, up the stairs.

Once we got to the bedroom, he closed the door shut with my back, and pushed me against it. The last thing we want is for the dogs to come in and ruin everything. We finally got sexual and I am not letting a damn thing ruin it. He grabbed my ass and continued to squeeze it roughly. I love this side of Sidney. He lifted me a bit higher to the best of his ability with my little pregnant belly and began to attack my neck. He gave me kisses along my jaw line and down to my neck. He searched my whole neck and found a couple of my hot spots, using each one to his advantage. I'm convinced he gave me a hickey the way he sucked, bit and used his tongue on my neck. But I really don't give a fuck.

As he kissed my neck I held on to the back of his and used my nails slightly, encouraging him to do more. He pulled apart and smirked at me, then crashing his lips on mine again. That was not a very nice way to tease me. He walked me over to the bed and placed me carefully, not wanting to hurt me in any way. If I wasn't pregnant I know he would have thrown me onto the bed. He came back down and kissed me again. I leaned up this time and made him sit up. I pushed him back onto the headboard and straddled his lap.

Once I sat back down on him I could feel his hard cock, I'm sure he could also feel just how wet and into it I was. I kissed him for a bit and his neck, making him groan and go wild. While I kissed his neck I would grind down on him, causing his hands to attach his hands to my hips. He did a great job at squeezing me tightly and guiding me. I'm beginning to really want him to the point where I'm ready to strip and fuck him just like that.

I took his top off and felt his body with my hands. I could rub his muscles for forever and not be bored. He attacked my lips again and took my top off. His rough hockey player hands rubbed my soft and delicate skin quickly and roughly. I could tell he was impatient to get to my breasts because he instantly pulled the cup of my bra off and kissed and sucked them one by one. I unhooked my bra for him, knowing he wanted this to go by quickly.

"Glad you got that out of the way," he smirked, taking time away from loving on my breasts.

His tone was unbelievably sexy, and the look in his eyes was just sensual and firey. He knew what he wanted. He still kept going and leaned me on my back to continue what he was doing. While he was kissing my chest, his hand crept down and began to play with my special spot. My hips found themselves digging up to him naturally, craving more. "Easy baby, we'll get to that," he chuckled.

I just smiled and threw my head back in pleasure. Next thing I knew he was taking my pants off and playing with my thong. He kissed down my body and hooked his fingers through the thin straps. My hips lifted again and he just laughed. He leant down and let out a hot breath right on my clit, causing me to go mental. He kissed my thighs and let his tongue run up and down on them, going right to where my panties cover.

"Stop teasing me," I giggled slightly, letting him know I want it badly.

"You know you love it," he said, breathing down on my clit through my thong again.

I let out a huge moan and shivered in pleasure. He was right and I hate to admit it. Just when the anticipation was becoming too much for me to handle, he pulled off my thong with his teeth. Once they were at my ankles, his hand took over and his mouth attached itself to where I was craving it. Yup, his tongue does wonders. After a little while, it was his turn.

I sat up, having to push him away and rolled him over, taking his pants off in one motion. Up came his huge cock and my eyes got wider. The man is truly blessed, what can I say. And I am going to be one lucky girl in about 10 minutes. I rubbed my hand on him for a little bit, leaning my head down and looking up at him with my sexual eyes, breathing directly on his tip. Now his hips have risen and the tables have turned. I love teasing and seeing him squirm under me. I licked a little bit then went full out.

"Jesus," he threw his head back, after I took him all the way for the first time.

"You like?" I asked, looking up at him again.

"I love, don't fucking stop," he gasped. I did what he told me to, not only because he wants me to, but I am more than willing to and want to. His reactions are sexy as hell.

He rolled me over and positioned me so that I was laying on my back with my head on the poofy pillows. At first he hurt like hell, because it's been a while and he's fucking massive, but felt amazing once we got into a rhythm. He knew how to rock me and he didn't slow down or stop once. It was rough but passionate and all I ever dreamed it could be like. He would even talk dirty to me and pleasured me in more ways than one.

He leant himself down and whispered in my ear with his sexy and airy voice, "do you like when I fuck you like that baby?"

"Oh fuck," I cried. That was so fucking hot you have no idea.

"You like when I do this to you? And fuck you harder and harder?" emphasizing the 'harder' and 'harder' by thrusting me harder and even harder.

"Don't you fucking stop!" I yelled.

From there on in we were both screaming and gasping, and moaning for the whole neighborhood to hear. At this point I really don't give a fuck who hears us, I just want to enjoy this and savour every moment. We both lasted a long time and as we ripped an orgasm we both held onto each other tightly and screamed it all out. I dug my nails into his back and he breathed onto my neck. It was the most amazing moment I have ever had with someone. After we finished, we just stared into each other's eyes, panting and sweating, smiling from ear to ear.

"You don't know how badly I've wanted to do that with you," he smiled, kissing my lips softly.

"Me too," I smiled.

And that was that. My first and magical time (that I can remember) with Sidney. For the rest of the night we slept, and did it again, again and again of course.

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