Thirty Eight

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The Penguins won and we were on a bus ride back to Pittsburgh. It's only a 6 hour drive from Toronto to the 'burgh and I was never more excited to get back home. It's weird how I now refer to Pittsburgh as home. We followed the Pens bus back and we made great time. Kylie slept most of the way home, but was up during the whole game so I barely saw any of it. Sid even scored too, thankfully I saw that.

We strolled on in to the house, surprisingly we were both wide awake after our glorious sleep on the bus. The dogs were so excited to be home and ran to their beds. Sidney showed Kylie all around the house after we got our luggage in. I was slightly nervous to show her her room, only because it was far from being finished. I know she wouldn't remember this moment but as a mom I still feared disappointing her.

"This is your room! All for you," Sidney said opening the door and turning on the light. To my surprise the nursery was finished the way I had wanted it to be for a girls room!

"Sidney! What the heck is this!? How did you?" I asked, looking around in shock.

"When the baby was born I asked Nat and the girls if they could paint the nursery and decorate it based on that picture in the baby magazine you were looking at for a girls room incase we have a girl for the Cole Harbour house. So they did this and when I got home I went out with them and we looked at some decorations!"

"Sidney, you didn't have to do all of this," I gasped, covering my mouth. "You didn't have time for this."

"I made time for this. I promised you it would be done by the time she gets home, and would you look at that?" he smirked.

"You seriously made this happen?"

"Of course. I know how special it was to you. Plus I know we won't have the time to do it now that she's here."

"You really are amazing, you know that right?"

"So people tell me," he smirked, leaning down for a kiss.

I got a better look at the nursery while I fed Kylie in my 'mom chair' as Sidney calls it. They even got welcome home balloons and the cutest little stuffed animals. They knew me well, seeing as we looked at this stuff together. Kudos to him for making this happen! Sidney was unpacking some things out of our bags and helping our parents get settled. We had more than enough guest rooms for them to stay in, which they have many times before.

When I finished burping her I went into our room where a little crib was set up for her close to my side of the bed for the first little while. Sidney was in the bathroom getting my toiletries ready for me so I could go to bed. I got changed into my pj's after putting her down and walked over to get ready. He walked out and gave me a kiss. He looked hot in his plaid pj pants and tight white tshirt. He can never sleep shirtless if he has house guests. If his parents were over then he was fine, but not with mine for some reason.

It felt so nice to shower quickly, it even made me feel like a whole new person. When I walked out, Sidney had Kylie sprawled out on the bed and was talking away to her. It's so cute to see how intoxicated he gets by her. He gets lost in her eyes and forgets that anyone else is in the room. He has such patience and tolerance for her too. It's absolutely adorable. On the bus, she never left his arms or sight once. If he is with her, she is his!

"Have a nice shower?" he looked up to ask me, as I crawled into bed.

"I really did. Showers have never felt better ever since I've had a baby," I replied, putting my hair in a messy bun. "Can you please put her down in bed? I wanna try and get some sleep."

"Yeah, no problem. Good night baby girl," he kissed her, then allowing me to kiss her.

"Agh! I can sleep on my back!" I cheered, stretching my arms in the air.

"I wanted to spoon," Sidney pouted.

"Aw, we can still do that," I shuffled into his body. He kissed my head and rubbed my arm until I gently passed out.

About an hour later a mighty scream erupted and I was awoken from a beautiful sleep. I missed this bed more than anything. Before I could fully open my eyes, Sidney was picking her up and trying to calm her down. I sat up and asked if he needed help.

"I got her, I think she needs her diaper changed," he swatted. "Lay back down and try to get some sleep."

"You sure?"

"Yes, go back baby."

"You don't have to twist my rubber arm. You rock Crosby!" I gave him a thumbs out and tried to sleep. Until I heard Sidney freak out.

"She has crap all over her back! What do I do?" he asked his mom.

"You need to give her a bath," she responded.

That's my cue to go over. I forced myself out of bed and waddled to the nursery. "Man am I glad you got this time instead of me!"

"As gross as this is, I don't mind cuz she's my favourite little girl," he cooed, trying not to touch her too much.

It was funny watching Sidney try to wash her and not get covered in crap. I wanted to sleep but one could simply not not see this happening! The boys warned him that's for sure. I love him like no tomorrow and watching this made me love him that much more.

"Sidney, you have to take the clothe and get it down her bath so that she doesn't go down in that dirty water," Trina showed him.

"But that's so nasty!"

"What do you think I had to do with you? You always had this issue."

"Mom! That's disgusting! You don't need to tell Ashley about my crapping habits as a child."

"She's a mom now, she'll know all about it by the end of the week."

"Yeah Siddo," I teased, sticking my tongue out at him.

"You're just saying that because you don't have to do it," he said back.

"I've already had to do this, it's good that you learn now," I replied, hinting that he was pissing me off.

"That doesn't give you an excuse to be rude about it."

"And this doesn't give you an excuse to be a girl about it Cindy." And right on time, Kylie spit up all over his arm. "That's my girl! Backing mommy up," I cooed, wiping her cheek and kissing it. Then cleaning Sid off of course.

It was a night to remember that's for sure.

**One Week Later**
Things have been great at the house and we finally have a system that works out for the both of us. Both of our parents are going home in a few days and are going to watch the Penguins game as they always do when they come down. Seeing as it'll be a night by myself with the baby, I've recruited my girls and we will be watching the game together. Heather and Vero haven't seen much of the baby so I can tell they're all excited to spend the night with us.

We had our spots on the couch in some pens gear, even having Kylie in her Penguins onesie that the team gave her. They sent her a huge basket of toys, clothes and baby care stuff, all in Pens colours, and Pink of course.

"Seeing her laying there looking like that makes me want one so bad!" Heather gushed. Sipping her tea, looking at Vero holding the baby.

"Oh I know right!? Look at the little onesie!" Vero sighed.

"Oh no, look at what's really cute," I said, lifting her up, showing the back of the onesie that read 'Crosby 87'.

"Now that is too cute!" they squealed.

"I'm telling you, the team will spoil you rotten when you have a baby. They sent this massive basket full of stuff like this!"

"I want a baby now!" Vero said.

"seriously?" Heather asked.

"Yeah. I mean, we've been together since we were teenagers, we've been married for a while and I think we are ready for it. I know Marc-Andre kept saying that he wants kids everytime he saw you pregnant and now the baby."

"That's so exciting! It's definitely a lot of work. I never realized just how hard it can be," I replied.

"After seeing what you went through, I want to wait with Jordan after we're married. I just want the wedding to be done and over with, wait a while and see where it goes from there."

"I feel like we've learned a lot from you," Vero said to me.

"I'm glad you guys have! I learned a lot too."

"Did you two want a baby? Or were you even together for that long? Because I didn't even know you were dating, I just knew you guys were close friends."

Crap. "No, we definitely did not plan a thing. She was a pleasant surprise that's for sure."

"Do you feel like you guys rushed things a little bit?" Heather asked.

"I really do. I loved Sidney for years, more than anything and he was my best friend since birth. I feel like we are just missing a step in our relationship and that's all. I just wish I was better prepared for being pregnant and dealing with the new life here in Pittsburgh. I was anticipating any of the drama with the press, but I knew the responsibility that I was going to have if that makes sense."

"No, we all understand and we feel like you've done a great job representing the team and the wives and girlfriends. Even though not everyone supported you, you had a lot more than just your friends rooting for you," Vero said, wanting to make me cry.

"But on a positive note, Jordan told me that the bitches and their husbands are not going to be signed back here so we don't have to deal with them," Heather smirked. "If we had wine I would totally make a toast but let's use tea instead. And Kylie you can use your bottle! Cheers ladies!"

"Cheers!" we all yelled.

We turned our attention back to the screen and watched them play a rough match. Sidney was in the corner with the puck, trying to score a goal. He broke free and went back, turned his head to look, and got cross checked into the boards and dropped like a fly. He was not moving and a huge brawl was about to start.

"Oh my God!" I shrieked.

"Please tell me he's gonna move," Heather said, eyes bulging out of her head.

I never get emotional over him when he's playing, and I never panic. I'm used to him and it's just second nature to me. The girls find it funny how I never freak out after something nasty or anything major. It had been 2 minutes and he was just starting to move. He was escorted off the ice and to see the team doctor. Dan did not look impressed and I could tell Sidney would not be playing for a while.

My phone rang and it was the team doctor. "You need to come to the arena."

I explained the situation to the girls and they were more than willing to watch her for a couple more hours. The game was only in the first period and I know that everyone would be back by the end of the game at least. Luckily I had some milk saved for her and I told them where everything was and I was out the door. I drove like a maniac and made it by the end of the intermission.

I walked into the medical room and he was all wired up and alone in the room. The doctors were giving him a bit of silence. He looked like he was in pain and I've never seen him like this before. It crushed me to see him this way.

"Hey baby, how you feeling?" I asked, brushing his hair back off his forehead.

"I'm out for a couple months I think."

"You need to rest though Sidney. You know your body and you can't keep playing if your body isn't right. This could effect your long term health and stability."

"I just want to support you and Kylie."

"Honey, you already do. You are an amazing dad and I can't stress that to you. You make tons of money already, she'll be fine. You'll play in a couple of months. Take this time to yourself again, and work on getting better. I know you feared this from your last injury, but think of it as spending time with us okay?"

"Okay," he choked out. I could tell he was in a lot of pain.

Together we sat there for another hour and a half in silence. He lay there trying to relax, and I just held his hand, being there for him physically and mentally. I know I need him, but right now he really needs me more.

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