Forty Two

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Vegas was good for our relationship and ever since then we've had a blast. Things have been super easy for us and we've been getting along great. We're getting ready to go to Thunder Bay for Jordan and Heather's wedding and have made the decision to not take Kylie with us. She'll be spending the weekend with her grandparents while we enjoy a weekend away.

Sidney rented a log cabin in the area of where the wedding will take place and it's going to be super romantic. I'm really happy with how things are going with us and I couldn't have asked for anything better. This will be the time for myself and him to try and figure out where we wanna go in the future since our last conversation wasn't the most hopeful conversation. I just want to insure that I'm not wasting my time with him if he doesn't want to get married.

This will be our first time away from Kylie for more than a couple of hours and I am freaking out on the inside. I know she's going to be in good hands but at the same time I can't help but worry. She is my baby girl after all. Hopefully her schedule won't change and she'll be on her best behaviour. She's now starting to roll over and her hair is able to be put up in the cutest hair styles and I am loving it. Hard to believe she's 6 months!

"I miss my baby!" I cried in the car while on our road trip to Thunder Bay.

"I do too-are you crying?" he asked, laughing a bit.

"Yes! I haven't been away from her for this long," I wiped my eyes on a napkin from Tim Hortons.

"She'll be fine, she'll be in good hands. You don't need to worry about a thing," he adjusted his baseball hat to look at the gorgeous view of forests everywhere around us.

"I think we made a mistake by not bringing her."

"But if we brought her we wouldn't be able to enjoy ourselves. I know you want to be there to enjoy the wedding and see the girls, but you have to remember that if she came we would have to always have her with us and we would have to leave early. It wouldn't be any fun."

"You're right. Are we there yet?"

"Almost. I am just gonna go to this little place here, grab the key to the cabin, then we can go get some groceries, and then we can go check this place out. Sound good?"

"Yes," I giggled.

"Now give me a kiss. And I'll be back in a second."

Sure enough he was back not even a second later and we went to the store to get a few things. We know we wouldn't be eating there for many meals and we brought what we could, but we still needed some things. The whole time in the store, like I always did with Sidney, I would throw random and unhealthy things in the cart to see if he'd notice, dance around him, make him laugh and just annoy the crap out of him.

"Are you two years old?" he asked, clearly getting frustrated.

"Yup. Almost three," I smirked, throwing a box of twinkies in the cart.

"Why are you putting this crap in here?"

"Because we need something for dessert."

"I have something already planned," he said casually, putting them back.

"You're no fun."

"That's not what you always tell me," he smirked walking to the check out.

The cabin was huge and on top of a hill. It was jaw droppingly beautiful. It had a beautiful front porch with a little outside furniture set on it and huge windows, allowing tons of light to get in the house. Inside was even more gorgeous. Huge walls, stone accents along with wooden accents and an all around cabin vibe. It was so cute and romantic. The bed room was huge and had the worlds comfiest mattress, and I couldn't wait to test it out.

"Sidney this is beautiful."

"Almost as beautiful as you," he winked.

"You're just saying that," I giggled, playfully swatting at his chest while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Aren't I obligated to? It's the top cheesy thing a man needs to say to his girl."

"You got that right," I giggled, kissing his lips softly. "What's the plan for tonight?"

"Well, I was thinking we do make your own pizza, and then we could watch a movie on Netflix and have a relaxing night."

"I like the sounds of that," I said following him into the kitchen.

He had tons of things already set up on the counter and we had fun getting them ready. We were throwing the dough at each other, splashing sauce on each other and licking it off and had this nice semi serious food fight. I went to the washroom to wipe some stuff off my face and came back to him handing me a glass of wine.

"You got me wine!?" I gushed.

"Of course, I want to make this special for us. It's a way to celebrate our first vacation as a couple for one, and it's our first vacation away from our daughter as parents. It's a good milestone."

"Aw honey, you're so sweet!"

"To a great weekend," he toasted, and taking a sip. He even got me my favourite wine too, such a sweetheart.

After getting into my yogas and my vs pink hoodie, we suckled up on the couch and ate our pizza and drank some more wine. By the time we ended up in bed I was fully tipsy and ready to get into some trouble. I know that I'm gonna have some stuff to drink tomorrow but I don't care at this point.

"Baby let's go in the hot tub," I smirked. He was feeling it too and was obviously down for the idea.

I got in my skimpy bikini that I brought and walked out back with my glass of wine. It was pretty with the lights shining around the backyard, and it was better when he came in and joined me. Our hands couldn't keep off of each other. It was steamy and I knew we were going to get heated pretty quickly. He attacked my lips in one swift motion and the make out session started.

I instantly straddled him once his hand cupped my face and his tongue roamed my mouth. Once I was on him I could feel his massive hard on, and it was so hot. He lifted me out of the water a little bit and kissed his way all over my neck and down to my chest.

"I am so glad you wore this bikini," he mumbled into my breasts, kissing them as much as he could, until moving the fabric aside for easy access.

My nails dug into the back of his head, back arching in pleasure at his touch. He's so sexy when he gets in this state. My hips were grinding into him while he loved my breasts and his hands roamed my back. I pulled him away for a moment only to passionately kiss him hard. His grip only got tighter on me as the kiss deepened.

"I think we need to go inside," I gasped, in desperate need to catch my breath.

He immediately stood up and we dried off quickly as he put the cover on the hot tub. I ran in quickly and raced him to the bedroom. He caught up and pinned me on the wall and attacked my lips again. One hand on the wall, one hand on my waist.

The second we landed on the bed bathing suits were off and we were in a tangled mess. He decided to please me first by laying me on my back and getting me comfortable. He left a trail of kisses down my body, covering ever inch he could, all the way to between my legs. He kissed the inside of my thighs, teasing the crap out of me, and finally gave me what I wanted, his tongue. This, I'd have to say, is one of his many specialties. Then it was my turn to perform mine.

I took his cock into my hand and felt up and down his length slowly enough to make him twitch at my touch. I honestly love watching him squirm at my touch. His eyes were shut once I sped up the pace and out of no where I deepthroated him and made him moan out loud. It was so hot watching him get that way. I continued my pace until he couldn't handle it and had to take control.

He picked me up, put me in my place and pounded me hard, the way drunken sex would usually be. We did get romantic but it wasn't for long. We did a number of positions and really worked up a sweat. And once we finished and collapsed for a bit, we had to go for round two. Then when we woke up, it was time for round three, and possibly a round four too. I don't think we'll be doing it again before we leave to go to the wedding tomorrow.

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