Twenty Three

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Ever since Sidney and I's wild night together, things have been wonderful! Yes, it was a little awkward afterwards but we both feel a lot better and relieved. I can't help but think why we hadn't done it sooner. It's made my feelings for him develop even stronger and I think he's starting to have feelings for me too. We literally haven't stopped since that night so maybe it's a sign. He's also going away for a one night road trip and I'm gonna miss him a lot. Though maybe it's a good thing that we will take a break cuz I'm not sure if I can walk after our last time.

"Ash do you know where my-" he was about to ask when I handed him a roll of hockey tape, knowing he was superstitious when it came to his tape. He never used tape provided by the team, it had to be tape that he purchased and brought from home. "Thank you!" he smiled.

"I know you too well Crosby," I smirked, crossing my arms, watching him put it in his hockey bag.

"Yes you do," he said in a semi sexy voice, pulling me in and putting his hands on my waist and pulling me close to him, kissing my forehead.

"You all ready to go?"

"Yeah, I don't want to though," he hung his head.

"And why not? You love roadies."

"Because I'm gonna have to leave you two," he looked down at my belly, which is still growing. It needs to stop cuz at this rate I'm gonna be a whale near my due date.

"Sid you don't need to worry, nothing will happen I promise!" I leaned up to kiss his lips.

"I know, I'm still always worried. Plus, I'm gonna miss all the fun we've been having lately," he winked, moving his hands down to my ass and patting each cheek lightly.

"That gives us more time to prepare for when you come back, and leaves you wanting more."

"I like your thinking," he kissed me passionately.

"Not nice Sid," I scowled.

"What's not nice?"

"Teasing me like that!"

"Oh you'll get a good tease later I promise!" he bent over to pick up his hockey bag, then grabbing the handle to his suitcase and pulling it behind him.

I grabbed my car keys and bolted out to the car. It was getting cold and I'm not about this fall/winter life. It's November and feeling like January already! Then again, I'm an east coaster, I'm used to this crappy cold weather. I didn't bother even wearing my thick jacket since I was only gonna drop him off at the airport to where the teams private jet was going to fly them away in a few hours. I stuck with my zip up Pens hoodie instead, since it was comfy enough and perfectly warm and comfy.

"Remember to please be careful on the ice for me, I don't want you getting anymore injured than you already are," I sighed.

"I won't I promise. You be careful without me. Watch out for the press that's here when you pull out, it can get a bit overwhelming."

"I will, I've done a good job with it before," I chuckled.

"I'm just saying," he laughed. "I gotta go now though. Be safe," he said getting out of the car.

I got out too knowing that I'd have to give him a hug and kiss to say goodbye. He went to the back to get his stuff out of the trunk then came back around to say goodbye. Photographers were off in the distance so I knew he'd give them a show, even though he wouldn't want to normally.

"Bye Sid, have a safe flight and good luck, call me when you land," I said, curling into his arms and kissing him.

"I will babe, text me when you're home, I'll still be here and call me if you need anything."

"I will," I leaned up on my tip toes. He hugged me tight and kissed me passionately, leaving me wanting more, then he had to leave.

I got in his car and began to drive him. The whole time I could see photographers following me home and taking pictures of me at every stop. I was freaking out on the inside but didn't wanna show them because it would only encourage them. It was stressing me out being followed, especially because Sidney isn't here with me. Why would they want to see me? I'm not even the celebrity or anything. I don't know what they want from me or what they could do to me, plus I'm upset about Sidney leaving.

Once I got in the safety of my own home I texted Sidney to let him know I made it home safely. I didn't even have time to fully tell him what happened because he had to turn his phone off. Regardless, I had to start getting ready to go shopping with Heather, since she was going to help me get some new maternity clothes and get some early Christmas shopping done. I wasn't gonna try going baby shopping again because I just need figure out what it is that I need exactly.

I had Heather come and pick me up, not wanting to take Sidney's car out again after the airport fiasco and gain even more buzz. I even changed for our little shopping trip! Heather came in no time and I couldn't have ran fast enough to her car.

"Hey girl what's up?" I asked getting in.

"Oh my God, you should see the amount of press I just saw leaving this area!"

"Oh, I know! That followed me home from the airport."

"You're kidding! Why'd they do that? Like I know that you're Sidney Crosby's girlfriend but shit. He's not even with you. No offence, but why should they care about you?"

"I know what you mean. I'm just carrying his baby, they wanna know about me and our story. It's becoming really overwhelming lately."

"I know! I can't look through a gossip mag near here and not see a picture of you or Sidney. This is ridiculous."

"It is, and it's stressing me the heck out. What if they harm me or the baby? I don't want anymore complications with this pregnancy," I joked.

"Honestly, your best bet is to bring it up with management and they'll take care of it for you. Ask Sid to talk to them and make sure they'll put a stop to them. I They'll do anything for the comfort or safety of any teammate and their family, especially the golden boy himself," she winked. God I'm glad she has the same sense of humor as me.

"That's what I'm gonna do when he gets back."

"Does he even know that this situation happened?"

"Nope, he just saw them at the airport and they took our picture."

"Ash! Why didn't you tell him!? They followed you to your fucking house! That's serious!"

"I know! I didn't wanna worry him before his flight. Plus I didn't have time to because he had to turn his phone off."

"Makes sense. Seriously though, you guys need to invest into some security or something like that."

"Yeah, I don't think my dogs are gonna do me any good."

"They're just gonna lick you to death," she giggled, pulling into a parking space.

We walked into the store with no problems and by the time we got to the candle section we wanted to check out, the press was at the windows taking pictures of us through the windows.

"Oh my God, they're here!" Heather said, freaking out. Trying not to freak out, I just told her what Sidney always told me in these situations.

"Just pretend they aren't here and keep doing your own thing."

Nope. That wasn't going to work so we got out and tried another store, hoping they would leave us alone, but that wasn't going to happen. They followed us all around town and wouldn't leave us alone. At one point Heather tried to drive away and take the extremely long way home to drop me off, when another car sped up and was literally out of the car window taking pictures of us.

"What the fuck! They are literally up my ass! There's another 4 more cars following!" Heather freaked out. This is when panic really sunk in for me.

"What do we do!?"

"Has this happened before!?"

"No! I'm gonna try calling Sidney right now and explain the situation, they should be on their way to the hotel now." I shakily dialed his number into my phone, being too rattled and impatient to find him in my contacts. With each ring I felt myself getting more and more nervous. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I was beginning to really panic. I was on the verge of tears I was so scared and I am praying he answers his phone.

"Hey babe, I landed-"

"The press are fucking following us on a speed chase!" I blurted out. I'm not tryna be rude here but I just need to fill him in as quickly as possible.

"What!?" I could really hear the anger and panic in his voice right now. "Who are you with!? What the fuck is happening!?"

"It all started with me leaving the airport, they followed me the whole way home and waited near our street for me. Then they left as Heather came to pick me up cuz we were going to shop for a bit to pass the time and then they found us and have been stalking us since. So Heather decides to take the long way home and then this one car is in a speeding match with us and has a guy out the window taking pictures of us! And there's like 4 more cars following us too!"

"Stay calm and just get home! Tell Heather to drive safely! How is she?"

"I'm good Sid!" she yelled out, knowing I had him on speaker.

"Just keep driving, I'll let Jordan know after this. How's the baby doing?"

"It's doing good! I'm freaking the fuck out and I'm so scared right now," I said, fighting back the tears that were attempting to burst out.

"Please try and stay calm for the baby. You know stress effects it and we don't want anything to happen to it. Drive to the house, grab the dogs and anything you need. I'll call Mario or Nathalie and have one of them meet you at the house. I don't want you staying there alone tonight and not even with Heather. I'm sure you can stay there for the night."

"If not she can stay with me," Heather piped up.

"That too. Just relax baby okay?" I could hear the genuine pain in his voice. He too was just as upset about this situation as I was.

"Okay," I sighed.

"Just go home and lock the doors. I'll call the Lemieux's and they'll take it from there. I'm so sorry for all of this and for not being there physically."

"It's fine, I know you would be if you could be. Just kick some ass tonight. I'll call you when I get home and update you."

"Okay be safe babes."

"I will."

"I love you."

"I love you too." Minus the events that are going on at this moment in time, that made my whole life right there. Whether he meant it or not in the way that I wanted him to, I loved hearing him say that to me and I loved being able to say it back. Even though he might not know that I genuinely mean it, it still felt good letting him know that.

"Bye babe."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and officially lost my shit.

"I'm so sorry girl," Heather rubbed my back while letting me cry.

"This is so fucking difficult!"

"I know it is, and you're handling it great! Call your parents and explain what's happening. We'll be home in a lil bit and I don't want you getting too much more upset."

I can only picture Troy's reaction to hearing this news. Troy has always hated the press surrounding his son's life, even though he knew it would come with the territory. He doesn't mind the good press but this is the stuff he absolutely hates. And the fact that his grandchild is now being at risk just puts the icing on the cake. I'm almost afraid to tell Sid's parents. I know my parents will be supportive and will help in any way that they can.

**Sidney's POV**
"You're fucking kidding me!" I yelled, immediately hanging up the phone. We were on the bus that was taking us to our hotel and half of the team was with me.

"What happened man?" Marc-Andre asked with concern.

"Fucking press are following Ashley and are not in a speed chase with Heather and her! They've followed her around all day and now this!"

"Whoa, are they okay!?" Jordan asked, practically leaping out of his seat.

"They're fine but clearly rattled. I gotta call Mario or Nathalie to go to the house to help her get her stuff," I looked down at my phone.

"I'll call Vero and tell her to spend the night with Heather," Flower said, pulling out his phone.

"Heather can stay with Mario and Nathalie too is she wants to," I replied waiting for someone to answer the phone.

"If they follow her car to their house then they'll just follow her some more though," Jordan said.

"Have Heather spend the night with Vero," Flower said.

Nice to know the whole bus was on a mission to help my girl. I'm so glad that they understood the situation and were more than willing to help. Jordan was shocked but trying to stay calm, or at least he showed that he was. He must've been fuming on the inside.

"Hey Sid what's up?"

"We have a huge problem."

**At the House** **Ashley's POV**
By the time I got to my house it was dark and around dinner time. It was an eventful afternoon and I'm so glad it'll all be done and over with soon. When Heather pulled up to the house the only car that was visible was Mario's. It was such a relief that he was here and that they'd help make this day a lil less worst. When I got in my puppies went crazy and I was never so happy but to see them.

"I missed you two so much!" I cooed to them. Heather ran to the washroom really quickly and I saw Mario appear from my kitchen.

"Sid gave me a key, I'm pretty sure you know that," he chuckled. He walked up to me and gave me a hug. It was so hard not to cry and fangirl all at once. The only thing that was going through my head at the time was that I was hugging Mario Lemieux. Seriously, I've known the man for how long and I still fangirl. Sid says that'll change but I don't see that happening anytime soon. "How are you feeling?"

"Terrible. I'm so scared you have no idea," I wiped my eyes.

"Don't worry, we have everything under control. I just checked the security system around the house and put together some of the things Sid wanted me to. Go upstairs and pack some clothes and I'll drive you to my place. You're more than welcome at our place for the next few nights."

"Thank you so much Mario, you have no idea how much this means to me."

"Oh no problem, you know I have you and Sid's back, and even the baby's now."

"I'll be back in just a sec, do you mind grabbing the dog food bag and their dishes and putting them in the grocery bag on the counter?"

"You got it!" he gave me thumbs up and off I went to my room.

I grabbed a few articles of clothing, not really caring what they looked like, knowing I wasn't going anywhere in public, but knowing I was a guest in someone else's home. As for my pj's I went to Sid's room and pulled out a pj top that had his scent and one of his sweaters. I want a piece of him with me. I grabbed my toiletries and my pills that I needed and was ready to go. I walked downstairs to see Mario talking to Heather.

"Jordan and the boys want you to go to Vero and Flowers for the night, Vero is at your apartment now and she'll take you there. They don't want you to come to my house because they might see the car and make a connection. Plus they don't want you being a target either. You and Vero are close friends right?"

"Oh yes, we've been close since day one!" she smiled. That is very true. Vero doesn't come to many games but from what I hear, Heather and her are close like we are. And from what I know from meeting her the few times I have, she's definitely one of us.

"Okay good. You ready to go?" he asked. I nodded and scooped up my dogs and put them in their cage. Mario carried them and my bag out like a true gentleman and I said goodbye to Heather.

"I am so, so, sorry about today," I hugged her.

"No problem. I know it isn't your fault or anything. Plus, if I was to have an adventure with anyone, I'm glad it was with you," she smiled. "Have a good night and text me if you need me."

"Thanks you too."

"We'll have a hockey girlfriend meeting later," she winked walking to her car.

**Sidney's POV**
We're about to do warm up and I'm really nervous for tonight and what's going on back home. I never let my personal life affect me on the ice but this is serious. The girl I love and my baby are and may be in danger. I don't want anything to happen to either one of them and I couldn't live with myself if something did and I wasn't there to help. After I got back to the dressing room before puck drop, I spoke to Dan about the situation and he agreed to let me use my phone and call her. He knew I never ever had my phone even visible in work situations, especially games, but he also knew this was a serious issue.

"Hello?" I heard her soft voice. She sounded better with that short little 'hello' but I could tell she was still upset. I don't blame her for it.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling? How's the baby?"

"I'm better and the baby seems just fine. Mario is driving me to his place, we just left. Sorry for not calling, I knew the puck would be dropping at anytime now and I didn't wanna interrupt you or distract you."

"It's okay."

"Things also didn't go as planned."

"I know baby and I understand. Is everything going as planned?"

"Yup! Heather is also on her way to Vero's as well so tell Jordan not to worry."

"I will baby. I gotta go now but I'm so glad that you and the baby are okay."

"Thank you. Good luck and kick some ass for us tonight!" her voice sounded cheery.

"And score me a damn hat trick you lazy plug!" Mario chimed in.

"Tell Mario I'll go bar down for him too," I laughed. She repeated and it was really time for me to leave.

"Good luck!"

"Thanks, love you!"

"Love you too."

Now that I know everyone's alright back home, it's game time boys!

**Ashley's POV**
Walking up to Mario's front door I was so worried about what tonight will be like. Mario took my luggage again, and I took the dogs since they were running around like crazy in their carrier. Their both small enough to fit comfortably and they are super close to the point where they sleep laying on each other. When I walked in Nathalie instantly saw me and opened her arms for me. Mario took the dogs quickly allowing me to give her the big hug I knew I was going to receive.

"How are you doing?" she cooed, embracing me in her arms. The baby was obviously in the way.


"You just come on in and I'll get you something to eat. We can have a nice talk, and watch the Pens game as well." Mario let the dogs run free and go crazy along with his two massive dogs. Thankfully the girls love big dogs, especially the Crosby's dog Sam, so they weren't going to fight. "I made you chicken alfredo, Sid told me it was one of your favourites. I also made you a hot chocolate cuz I know you don't like drinking tea now that you're pregnant."

"Thank you so much, you really didn't need to."

"Hush it! You've had a long day and you must be starving, and you need to relax. So sit down and shove your face," she laughed, sitting on the couch with me. Nathalie reminded me so much of my mom and Sid's. She really made me feel at home.

We turned the game on and slowly ate and talked. I explained everything that went on during the day and I could feel the emotions taking over me. Mario was constantly in and out taking calls from the guys at the game, don't ask me who cuz I honestly have no idea, so it was nice to have some girl talk.

"Will it get better when the baby comes?" I groaned.

"It really will, because once you have that baby you will forget about the press and they won't bother you. Because Sid will be on and off on the road and at events, you know you won't wanna leave the house, plus you'll be too busy taking care of the baby to even have time to leave. You know you have the girls on the team to help out and I'll always be on call. It may seem like you don't have support but you really do! And once you can get out of the house easier, Sid will be done the season and you'll be back in Nova Scotia in no time."

"That's such a long time away."

"You can do it though. Do it for the baby."

"I'm trying. I feel like the poor baby has had a really long day-Scores!" I yelled, watching Sidney go bar down. "Bar down too, eh Mario!"

Mario instantly ran into the room with the biggest smile on his face, "that bastard actually did it!" he laughed. "He's gonna get it later."

"What the heck are you two talking about?" Nathalie looked at us.

"Don't worry about it," he smirked. Right as Mario finished his sentence Sid scored again.


"He's having a great game tonight! 2 goals in 7 seconds."

Oh I can tell you why, I thought. When we were younger, if Sid was really and I mean really angry at something then he'd score a lot and be more aggressive to let it all out. I just smiled and couldn't wait to see the interview after this period.

The boys all skated off the ice and it was coming. Mario sat down on the couch with his elbows on his ankles and was practically out of his seat to see if he would say anything. Sidney came and sat in his little spot in the dressing room with his helmet off and his sweaty hair dripping. God damn he is one sexy man!

"2 goals in 7 seconds, one bardown and the other a chip of the glove, where is this all coming from tonight?" the slut, I mean interviewer asked. She looked like such a hoe and was totally flirting with him, pointing her boobs at his face. The jealousy definitely set in.

"Well, I promised some people that I would score for them, then I promised Mario that I'd go bar down for him and it actually happened," he laughed.

"Were you intending for it to actually happen?"

"No! I mean you try for those things but sometimes it accidentally happens but I'll take it! Those are the best goals sometimes. He's definitely sitting at home shaking his head at me now," he chuckled. He was in such a great mood but deep down I knew part of him was still angry.

The rest of the third period was great and Sidney got his hat trick. The Pens won 6-0 and Flower got his shut out. Always an amazing victory when you beat the home team in their own arena, especially with a shut out. It was late here so it was time for bed. We said our goodnights and made our ways to our rooms.

I got to take Sidney's old room, which still had some of his things in it. There was the odd jersey and book laying around, and of course, hockey tape. And a picture of the two of us from back home was there too. It was taken when we all went on a group vacation to the Dominican when Sidney got drafted. We looked so young! We were swimming and he had me picked up while in the ocean and I was obviously hysterically laughing. I completely forgot about that picture until now. I was broken out of my thoughts when my FaceTime ringer went off. It was Sidney's.

"Hello mister hat trick!" I giggled.

"Thank you thank you!" he chuckled. He looked so happy, and had a twinkle in his eye.

"You played a great game!"

"Thanks," he blushed. "How are you doing?"

"Better. I got some food in me and some rest and now I'm feeling a lot better."

"That's good. How's the baby?"

"It's good, I think it had a long day. I was so stressed."

"Just stay calm and relax. Hey, are you in my old room?"

"Yup!" I laughed. "Hasn't changed too much has it?"

"Not at all! That's so funny! I just wanted to call you to make sure you were alright, and to see your beautiful face. I gotta go to bed now."

"That's fine. I'm gonna get some sleep too. Good night daddy!" I pointed the phone down to my bump, letting the baby say good night to him.

"Good night baby! Thanks for cheering me on tonight, I miss you and I'll be home soon. I love you." he kissed the screen. Seeing him talk to the baby through the phone was actually so adorable and heat warming. It made me feel special.

"Night Sid. Text you in the morning when I'm up."

"Night Ash, sweet dreams. Glad you're better."

I hung up blushing like crazy and got changed into his shirt and my pj pants. I curled into bed and surprisingly drifted off to sleep slowly but surely. I miss Sid laying next to me though, and I can't wait for him to come home.

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