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Sid and I have been more than thrilled to be pregnant. It wasn't an easy decision to agree to co-parent but we might as well make the best of it. I am now almost 2 months along and we are preparing to tell our parents what is going on. Our parents have always been close and we aren't too sure on how to tell them or how they will react. I was standing in front of the mirror in my room debating on what to wear. Sidney could see my trying to pick a shirt to wear when he came in and sat on my bed. As he plopped on my bed he let out a bug sigh.

"What was that for?" I asked, holding up the green shirt to my chest.

"I'm sort of scared to do this," Sidney groaned.

"Oh I am too!"

"Uh, is your dad your toughest critic?"

"Are you the boy who knocked someone's little girl up off of a one night stand?" I said glaring at him. Sidney's eyes widened and his face instantly went pale. "Bet ya didn't think about that did ya?"

"I didn't even think of that," he groaned, lying down on my bed.

I had decided on wearing the shirt that I was wearing at that time. I lifted my belly and started to rub it, turning to the side to see if there was any progress already. I doubted it but you never know.

"When do you think I'm gonna start to show?"

"I don't know, a couple of more weeks?"

"I'm being serious!"

"Well I don't know, I'm not the baby expert."

"You're right. Is this outfit okay?"

"Yes, it looks fine," he sighed.

"Sidney, you can't just say that, you have to mean it. You can't lie to your baby mamma, you need to tell her how you think she looks. If I'm carrying Sidney Crosby's baby, I want to look my best, you know?"

"Why do you have to look your best? You always look fine to me."

"Aw, Sid! You're so sweet! I said with my eyes tearing up.

"Why are you crying?"

"That was just so sweet!" I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Holy crap, not even showing yet and you have the pregnancy hormones."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be this emotional, I swear!"

"It's fine! I'm just gonna let the dogs out then we'll be leaving so go do your pee and we can leave!" he yelled walking down the stairs. I couldn't help but laugh, he knows me too well.

On the car ride over, we were both extremely nervous. I never thought this day would ever come. Telling both my parents and Sid's that I was pregnant was one thing I did envision however, but telling them Sidney was the father was a whole new idea. I don't know how they're gonna take it, they've been best friends ever since before we were born but I don't think they ever planned to be family this way.

When we pulled up to Sidney's family home, the nerves hit me like a ton of bricks. It felt as though Sidney drove us into the garage. We were greeted by their golden retriever Sam, jumping all over Sid and myself. I could see Sidney grabbing the dog by the collar, yanking her off of me since she was hitting my belly. Protective daddy already, I like it. We walked around the side of the house and saw his family and mine all mingling. They were under the gazebo and had the twinkly lights everywhere. It wasn't the sunniest of days but it was still comfortable.

"Hey guys," Sidney smiled, carrying bags of hot dog and hamburger buns, going over to see his mom first.

"Sidney, you're late, what's wrong with you?" his mom teased, pulling apart from the hug, playfully tapping his arm.

"I'm sorry, it was all Ashley's fault. You know how she is."

"Just like her mother!" my dad Randy laughed, earning a playful tap from my mom Lynne.

"Hi dad," I smiled hugging my dad.

After we all said hello to each other we just settled down and enjoyed ourselves. My younger sister Kim was running around with Sid's little sister Taylor, kicking a soccer ball around. Sidney would run in and mess around with them, picking them up and throwing them into the pool. I was on the balcony watching everyone play while the parents were behind me surrounding the BBQ. I was broken out of my thoughts when Troy yelled over.

"Ash, you want a cooler? We got your favourite kind since we knew you were coming!"

"Oh that'd be great thank you!" I smiled. Sidney, who was just out of the pool and was drying off his hair with a towel shot me a look saying 'what are you doing?'. Oh shit! I can't drink!

"Here, you go," Troy said passing me over one.

"Ash, you can't have that, you're designated driver tonight, remember?" Sid asked, thankfully turning the drink down instead of me. He knows I can't say no or refuse once someone's already gone out of their way to do something or get something for me.

"Oh right. Here Sid, you can have it." I handed it to him. He shot me a 'I'm going to kill you' look, since he hated drinking coolers. He opened it instantly and chugged it until he finished it not even a minute later.

"I'm gonna need another drink," Sid said, walking over to get a beer. Damn straight he needs another one. I would've been drunk by now if I could drink and had to share this news.

The whole evening was full of small talk, especially at dinner sitting on the picnic table together, enjoying the night sky starting to appear. After dinner, as we always do, Sid and I cleared the table. Once we made it to the kitchen he asked, "so when are we gonna tell them?"

"I was thinking of during tea, that way they'll be relaxed and everyone will be there."

"You can bring it up though."

"No you can, you were the one who got me pregnant."

"So? It takes two to do the tango," he winked.

"You say you wanna take care of your baby mamma, so step it up and start it," I winked.

"You're so lucky you're carrying my child," he frowned, putting the rest of the scraps in the garbage.

Sure enough it began to downpour and everyone came inside to the living room to have tea and coffee. Sid and I were standing in the doorway. His parents on the love seat, mine on the couch and the girls on the floor.

"Jeez guys, you could sit down you know. You look nervous," Troy joked.

We looked at each other and knew it was time to share.

"Well actually, we have some news for you guys," Sid started. he patted me on the back and rubbed it soothingly. My hands were numb and I was weak in the knees. I could see them all shift in their seats with concerned looks on their faces. I took a deep breath and let it out along with Sid.

"We're pregnant."

Our parents mouths dropped instantly and they cheered with joy and excitement. Our moms leaped up and hugged each other, tears streaming down their cheeks being overwhelmed with joy. I know they have both always wanted to be grandmothers and I am thrilled I can make that happen for them. Just shocked that Trina will be my babys other grandmother.

After they hugged us and congratulated us, the questions started coming through. Explaining what happened was extremely awkward but it was worth it. Then the topic was asked.

"How are you gonna announce this to the press?" Troy asked.

"Well, uh, I'm not sure. I know the team knows Ash is my best friend and she's been seen at my games before so it shouldn't be too bad."

"Sid, you're gonna get hounded if this happens out of the blue. You need to slowly introduce it."

"I know." he swallowed. My stomach was feeling sick.

"You know what you should do guys is just go out in public together and make some appearances together that way it won't be as shocking to the public when they realize you're going to have a baby," my dad suggested.

"Yeah, and maybe play it off as a couple!" Troy said, agreeing with my dad. "Think about it but I think it's a smart way to announce it."

Oh great. Just what we need.

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