Thirty Nine

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This concussion for Sidney has been a blessing in disguise. Yeah it's been hard on him, and that's not what he wanted, but we've gotten to spend a ton of family time together which is something we didn't expect. I try not to let Kylie scream or cry that much so that it doesn't hurt Sidney too much, but if it does get a little out of hand he just goes to the garage or the gym in the basement to tune her out. She's just like her mother, I'll leave it at that.

When my parents left I cried for a good 3 days just out of pure fear. It was scary knowing I didn't have them here incase of an emergency. Kylie is now over a month old, and so much has changed. She has more of a schedule now and I find her more consistent in her timing. We've even found a doctor for her here too and she's completed all of her shots and check ups. It's cute when she and Sidney have doctors appointments in the same day and they both freak out over certain things. They both don't like needles.

The team has been great with showing support for us. Sidney can't drive for the most part which gets a little frustrating, so if he needs to go out for something the whole family has to go. It's hard with a newborn and a car seat. If he has to see the team doctor or go to the arena, a teammate would usually drive him, or the doctor would come here for a bit. And if Kylie couldn't come to an appointment because of the circumstance, good 'ol uncle Mario and aunt Nathalie watch her, or Vero or Heather. They all love it, which I'm so glad they do, only because I know it could be painful watching a newborn. Hey, it gives some practice for the future.

**Sidney's POV**
I'm feeling ten times better already now that it's been a month since this new concussion. I'm starting to get into work mode again, attending appointments, trying light work outs, and making the odd appearances. I've had tons of work to do and I've tried to stay as busy as I can. Fatherhood has been a whole new experience and I'm loving that I can be here for her first month. She's so much more aware and alert now, which is so cute, but I still love her nap times.

I'm sitting in my office just reviewing some emails and trying to see what I have lined up for the next little bit. Injuries mean a whole lot of meetings and public appearances. I don't have a personal assistant or anything of the sorts, I just get my information from the team publicist. And if he doesn't get through to me, I have him go through Ashley since she loves handling these things.

"Hey Sid, hope I'm not waking the baby," Jeff chuckled.

"No, no. She's upstairs taking a nap. What do you got planned for me today?" I leaned back, wondering what crazy activity he has for me.

"Well, it's something that involves both you and Ashley actually. I know you don't like mixing your personal life with your career but I think this would be a great way to help the press back off, and help put Ashley and yourself at ease with the situation."

"Oh God. Well I'm open to hear it."

"The Pens organization is doing a little special on PensTV on the players and their families to help promote a new fundraiser for the team. A couple of players are going to have an episode each where a tv crew films them at home doing some stuff with their kids. Then they'll interview the parents and just ask about what it's like at home, and how they handle everything. Then just talk about how you met and all that girlie crap. It's basically supposed to help show family bonding and crap. I know Ash might be iffy but I think it'd be a good way to shut them up."

"I'll talk to her about it, but I don't know how she'd feel."

"Just warm her up to the idea and get back to me. You are the captain, and it would look nice to show you guys."

"I'll tell her that, trust me. Thanks for letting me know man."

"No problem."

I walked out of my office and upstairs to the nursery to see Ash with Kylie.

"How's my hungry monkey?" I cooed, looking down at her getting fed.

"She is good! She's eating so much now, I can't believe it!"

"When are you going to start feeding her formula?"

"I was thinking in a few months, only because she was premature and I don't know how big she's gonna be in the future. So I just want to get her started right. Why? You miss my boobies?"

"Absolutely! Plus I don't want her to be obsessed with your boobs."

"Say, 'silly daddy, boobies are for babies'!" she said in her baby voice, picking up Kylie and burping her. She's going onto two months in a week and she's really starting to look like us.

"So I have a little offer for you, and us I guess."

"Oh Lord, what is it now?"

"We've been approached to do a special for PensTV and to help promote a new fundraiser the organization is doing," I said, sitting on the foot rest of the rocking chair. "Basically they'll interview us about our relationship and our family and then show them our house and yeah. Jeff thinks it will help keep the press off our backs for a bit and shut them up."

"But do you really want to expose her to the public like this?"

"Well babe, she was on TV with Don Cherry."

"But no one saw her face really."

"Are you comfortable with this, yes or no?"

"No, I am! I just didn't think you were."

"I'm not really comfortable, but she's only a baby and after this they'll leave us alone. That way they'll know our story, even though it's not accurate, see her face for once and then they'll know everything they want. Plus I am the captain and they said that now that I apply to this kind of stuff that I should be involved more."

"Well yeah, you're right about that I guess. Well I'm down I guess. Just let me know when we're gonna film, cuz I'm gonna need to know what to wear."

"Thank you," I begged for a kiss.

"Shoot! Can you please let the dogs inside! I let them out to pee and she needed to eat and I forgot."

"I'm on it. You rock mamma!" I yelled back, knowing just how much she hates being called mamma by me. I could hear her in my head yelling 'eat my shit Cindy' back at me.

**Filming Day****Ashley's POV**
"Is this okay?" I asked him, showing him my outfit.

"Uh yeah, of course it is! You're a milf!"

"Thanks! I am so impressed that I lost most of the baby weight this quickly!"

"You did great!"

"You okay? You don't look too good."

"There's a slight issue."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, uhm. They scratched the idea of coming to the house, but we have an interview on the TV show on PensTV and they're gonna have just us on instead."

"Sidney! Why didn't you tell me sooner!?"

"Well, I've been distracted! I'm preparing for my first game back in a few days!"

"You're lucky we're best friends."

"We're also boyfriend and girlfriend," he winked.

"Oh right," I chuckled. "Whoops! It's just too natural I guess! Can you please go get a little clip for Kylie's hair?" Yes, I know she won't be going on air but I still want her to look cute. "Look at mommy's baby! How precious are you!?"

"She's so much like you!" he said, kissing my cheek.

"Shut up and get the carseat," I giggled.

**At Studio**
Kylie was behind the stage with Nathalie, who was more than willing to come watch her, since Mario was here anyway. I was nervous but at the same time I wasn't. I'm pretty social and outgoing, and Sid and I know our story and what we're sticking with. We got introduced and out we walked to a mini studio audience.

"Welcome, have a seat!" the female host smiled, taking her seat next to the male host. "How ya feeling?"

"Pretty good, can't complain," Sidney chuckled, in that cute way he always does.

"How does it feel to be out of the house without your newborn?"

"It's okay, she's actually backstage right now."

"Have you had any time without her yet?" the male asked.

"I have, but she really hasn't, so this is a nice little break from parenting duties for her I suppose," Sidney replied.

"Is it weird for you Sidney to be asked these baby questions all the time now?"

"In a way, but I get it in my personal life all the time, so it's not too weird hearing it at work. I've never really had people so interested in my personal life before. I'm not even that interesting."

"To us normal people you are! But I guess we should ask your spouse and get the dirt. Is Sidney interesting?" the female asked.

"He is very normal. He loves to stay busy, work on things around the home, still gets giftcards for his birthday and Christmas, and is really your guys guy."

"So we gotta ask, how did you two meet?"

"We have been best friends since birth actually. Our parents were friends growing up and we're around the same age too. So we grew up always being in each other's lives. We had a weekly family dinner, we went to school together, and spent all our time together," Sidney said in a calm way.

"So when did you make this transition from best friends to a couple?"

"It just kind of happened, I don't know," Sidney laughed, causing a huge burst of laughter.

"For those who don't know, we would always see this girl at Pens games for years and everyone would be asking each other if that's his girlfriend and nobody knew!" the male joked. Sidney looked over at me and laughed too, knowing how true it was. "Did you get asked that?"

"Oh all the time! I would come to Penguins games and people would be staring if I saw him or anything, looking like 'is he actually with this one'?. Then it got to the point where the teammates and everyone knew we were close friends so they stopped wondering. No fans knew though because I was just another girl in a Crosby jersey."

"Do you get stares now?"

"All the time! Before I would sit in the crowd and now I'm always in a box because it gets too hectic. People are forever coming up to me and asking questions or being hateful. Especially the more pregnant I got. Back before everyone didn't know I was pregnant and was just there at games nothing was really said to me. But that's what you get for being with an athlete and I'm totally aware of that. I just hope my daughter won't get that one day."

"Sidney, how does that make you feel?"

"Like crap. I mean, I don't want that for my family at all but it unfortunately comes with the territory. I did my best to help her with it. She's a strong woman and I'm glad she handled it the way she did."

"Let's talk babies now!" the female said, getting excited. "How is parenting when Sidney is on the road?"

"Even though it's been a short amount of time, it's been okay. Granted he's been injured which makes things hard at times, but I love it."

"You guys had a scary birth experience as well, didn't you?"

"Not really. I went home to Cole Harbour for a couple of weeks to get away from everything and then I went into labor and it was right before a game, so I'm laying there in pain and wondering what the hell is gonna happen!"

"Yeah, I was getting ready to play, feeling pretty pumped and then I got the call and I was gone!"

"Most of us were like where did Sidney go? He never leaves! And the team wouldn't release any information either." We heard a scream coming from back stage, obviously being Kylie.

"That's my girl," Sidney joked, causing everyone to laugh.

"She's got quite the lungs on her!"

"Just like her mother," he joked.

"How do you guys last at home with that one?"

"With a concussion? I don't!" Sidney laughed.

"It's a race to go get her so she doesn't get that loud because I don't want him to get a headache. So it's pretty quiet at all times."

"Is Sidney a good daddy?"

"He's a great dad. He's already super protective and he makes sure he's as hands on as possible. Even though he went and played, and now he's injured and get's really bad headache's, he's extremely hands on and spends a lot of time with her."

"Have you had to help with some dirty diapers?"

"I've had my fair share," he chuckled, thinking back to the first night in Pittsburgh. "I didn't believe the boys when they said that it can get rough, but I am a believer! I don't know how something that cute could make something that messy!"

"We set up a little game just to see who is the better diaper changer. Team Crosby? Or team Dupuis? We'll be back after the break!"

Not the best interview but now they can shut the hell up. We talked about the new organization after the break, and also had our diaper challenge against the Dupuis', which we lost. It was all in good fun, and I had a blast. Little does everyone else know, Sidney is going to be playing on Saturday night.

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