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For the past little while the pregnancy rumors have been non-stop and it's getting to become a pain in my ass. Especially because Sidney is going to Pittsburgh today to discuss his concussion at a press conference, and he and I both know that that will be one of the main topics brought up in discussion. It's mid-September and people are still fascinated with his recovery and our relationship. We've made it very clear that we are in a relationship but now that my bump has been spotted they won't leave us alone. And with Sid's injury, I don't blame them for wanting to know, but I never thought it would be like this.

**Sidney's POV**
The second I walked out of the airport, paparazzi swarmed me as if I was Kim Kardashian. I've had the odd reporter or fan wait for me at the airport, and more outside of an event, but this is whole thing is just annoying. I've never felt like a celebrity until this point, and I mean that! I had my baseball hat on and sunglasses covering my eyes. They were screaming questions at me and I could barely get to the car.

"Sidney! Sidney!"

"How's your injury going!?" So I decided to simply answer that question.

"It's improving, you'll hear about it at the conference later today."

"How's your relationship!?"

That one I am definitely not explaining. I just continued to walk to my car and the second I got in, I let out a huge sigh. Am I making a mistake with lying to the press about Ashley? Is it only going to hurt me or her even more? Am I even ready to try and fake an engagement with her or should I try and start a real relationship with her first? Does she even like me that way? Why did I get her pregnant in the first place? I asked myself all these questions until I got to the location where the press conference is. I'll go home for the night and then I'll fly home and help Ash pack so we can move here officially.

I sat alone in the room they gave me so I could think and relax before I was thrown out there to the sharks. I'm nervous as hell and I'm not ready to give all of this information now. I have the coaching staff here to support me and Mario, and the one person I need to have here is all the way back home. This isn't fair. So I decided to call Ashley.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Since when do you answer your cell phone with 'hello' when you know it's me?" I teased.

"Oh, I was just throwing up, cuz ya know, your kid loves to make its mommy sick," she groaned. I checked the clock on the wall; it is around the time she usually gets sick.

"Aw, I'm sorry. I just wanted to give you a quick call to let you know I'm here and at the location. I'll be going home tonight and then I'll have some stuff to do then I'll be back home."

"Okay Sid, how was the flight?"

"It was great, not long at all but the layover in Toronto was a bitch."

"As always."

"The weirdest thing happened to me today though. When I was walking out of the airport I got swarmed with photographers and they were hounding me with questions! I felt like a Kardashian. It's never happened to me before!"

"Aw you lost your photographer virginity!" she laughed. She's a sucker for shows like TMZ and whatnot so it doesn't surprise me that she's excited over this. "What did they ask?"

"About my recovery and my relationship. I answered about hockey, but I ignored all further questions."

"Okay Crosby, you don't have to sound like your professional self in front of me you know, I know what you sound like and who you are away from the hockey world." I could hear the smirk in her voice through the phone.

"I have a question for you though," I bit my lip nervously.

"And that is?"

"Do I answer any questions about our relationship or the pregnancy?" She waited a good couple of seconds to respond to my question.

"Uhm, I'm not too sure. What do you think?"

"I just want to kind of leave it to be honest. Let them think what they want to think."

"Alright. I'm not going to tell you otherwise. This is your career and you need to do what's best for you. If anything talk to Mario and see. You have my permission to do whatever you'd like. I'll be watching the live stream from home ok?"

"Thanks Ash."

"You nervous?"

"A little bit. Just to see what questions I'll get but I'm prepared for it and whatnot so I'm calm and looking forward to announcing it so people can move on from it but I'm sure there will be mixed emotions when I'm actually up there."

"You'll do fine. Remember all the media training you went to for it!"

"Oh I remember that stuff." There was a strong knock at the door indicating I had to go up there. "I gotta go now Ash, I'll talk to you when I can okay?"

"Okay! Good luck Siddo! The baby and I are watching!"

"Tell that little nut that it better behave of its gonna get some discipline later."

"How so?"

"You won't be getting any chocolate croissants." Her one and only pregnancy craving.

"That's a punishment for me!" she laughed. "Good luck!"

"Thanks, bye!"

"Bye." That phone call actually made me a lot better.

**Ashley's POV**
I grabbed a bowl of yogurt and fruit and plopped myself down on Sidney's bed and turned my laptop on, ready to see the press conference. I logged on just in the nick of time to see him walking out. Once the dogs hear Sidney say something they came up on the bed, or struggled to, since it's way too high for them and watched it with me. He looked good up there in his golf shirt with his doctor and the coaching staff and Mario. The questions they asked were pretty straight forward and I could see Sidney answering the questions putting up a front. He had to be strong and I am glad that he always was. I couldn't help but be nervous for him and for if they ask anything about our relationship.

"I will listen to my body and try my best to get back on the ice as soon as I can, I would love to play now if I could but I'm not quite at 100%," he replied in a calm yet professional tone.

"Are there any other questions?" Mario asked the press. Then that opened the flood gates.

"Sidney! Are you in a confirmed relationship?" one man asked. I could see the look or shock and nerves hit both Sidney and Mario at the same time.

"I am in a confirmed relationship but this is a press conference for my career. I chose not to speak about anything nonrelated to hockey or my health, please and thank you," he replied calmly.

"Can you confirm that you have a baby on the way?" every single person on that panel literally looked like they were about to crap themselves, especially Dan. Sidney played it off pretty cool and I could see Mario breaking a sweat. This was the moment that could slip it out, or keep the secret even longer.

"Again, like I mentioned earlier, I will not discuss any personal matters. I'm known as a professional athlete, I'm not here to talk about my personal life. I will not answer questions regarding my personal life. Thank you," Sidney replied again. I could see Mario trying not to smirk and pat him on the back. I'm really proud of him and how he handled the situation. It was kind of hot actually. I kinda like the professional side of Sidney. I watched the end of the conference and knew I would be getting a call sooner or later from him. Then it hit me I only had a week to pack for Pittsburgh.

**Sidney's POV**
"Sid! I'm so proud of how you handled it all out there!" Mario said, patting me on the back.

"Thanks, I was literally shitting myself up there," I chuckled, nervously. It was just him and I now and I know that I can be honest with him.

"You and me both kid. Did you see the look on Dan's face too?"

"Oh fuck yeah! Do you think I played it off good?"

"I do, you handled that in a mature manner. I'm proud of you."


"What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking about it and I'm scared for what's gonna happen when the media does find out. I hate hiding this Mario."

"I know, but it's up to you two as a couple to decide. Have you decided to make anything else official yet?" he nudged me, knowing I'd know what he was talking about.
"Not yet. I've always had feelings for her but I don't think she'd like me back. We've been friends for too long, and I know that she won't want to ruin that. I'm praying the baby won't ruin it either. I'm gonna have to accept the fact that we are gonna raise the baby as friends and not as what we had envisioned all our lives."

"Does that bother you?"

"A bit. When I pictured myself having a family I pictured me having a wife, being married for a couple of years, someone who knows who I am like the back of their hand, who I can look at as if they have everything I need, someone who is comfortable with me, who can handle my career, having a consistent life together and someone who I can be myself around, and once all of that stuff is figured out, then have kids! And that's hard to find."

"You already have most of those things with Ash! Are you that blind that you can't see it?"

"No, what do you mean?"

"Sid, I've seen you two only a few times and I know that she is the one for you. When I first met her years ago she left a great impression on me. She was so calm and relaxed in your environment; she was happy to meet everyone and was so outgoing and friendly. And when I saw you two in Pittsburgh earlier this year you two seemed so natural together I believed you two were actually an item, but then again I know you better than that so I could tell that something was up. The wedding you two seemed so in love, I saw you guys dancing on the dance floor and how you two seemed like you were the only ones in the entire room. And every single time I have seen you two, you both have looked at each other like you are madly in love. It's obvious to me that she likes you back."

"But she doesn't! She doesn't want to ruin anything."

"Well you are by not being with each other. Look, I didn't go on that girly little rant for just nothing. Just remember that when you are with her next. You'll catch on to those things. But anyways, she's perfect for you and you need to make a move. You're already half way there with your "fake" relationship."

"Thanks man."

"Anyways, you have another appearance to make, so let's get going. You'll see your girl in a few days."

I can't wait to see her, I miss that beautiful face.

**Sidney's Arrival Home** **Ashley's POV**
I've been waiting for Sidney to come home since he left, I miss my best friend and I can't wait to show him my growing baby bump! That's right, it grew even more. I'm even picking him up from the airport and driving him home. When I pulled up to the pick-up and drop off zone, I noticed all of the press there, which never happens. The airport had a private jet section and a special spot for their cars to wait for them so I parked the car and waited for Sidney in my car. The press was swarmed around my car and trying to catch a picture. I fear when I get his text because then I'd have to get out of the car. Sure enough, when I got the text I braced myself.

I simply opened the door and locked it, walking to go to the exit to meet Sidney. I saw him and I instantly lit up. He had no clue there were photographers here and I could tell he was going to be pissed. He had a suitcase he was lugging behind him and that was all, I was pretty surprised to see that he only came back with that when he left with two, but I know he'd be back in Pittsburgh later this week so it's not like he's missing anything.

"Hi babe!" I smiled, running over and hugging him tight. He embraced me even harder, and I could sense that he was being serious about his emotions going into the hug.

"Hi," he smiled, giving me a quick peck on the lips. I wanted to kiss him but if it wasn't for the photographers being here I know I wouldn't have gotten one. It was nice.

"Need any help?" I asked.

"No, no. It's okay, I got it. Do you want me to drive?" he asked, putting the suitcase in the back of his car, yes, I took his car. I just walked onto the other side and hopped right in. It was like we weren't even paying attention to the photographers, even thought it was hard to miss them. He hopped in and turned on the car, giving me another quick kiss.

"Imagine, this but five times worst in Pittsburgh."

"Oh shoot," I frowned, knowing he must've hated it. Sid is far from being a flashy person and this is not his scene at all.

"Welcome to my life," he said, pulling out of the spot and driving off back to our house.

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