Thirty Six

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The first couple of hours was overwhelming after having Kylie. We had a few visitors, including Katie and Sidney's good friend Andrew, and some family. I get to go home tomorrow morning so for now I've just been trying to relax. Sidney has been by my side the entire time, and has barely left me. Our parents went home for a little bit to get some sleep, and call the family that is important enough to know.

"The more I look at her, the more I see you," Sidney said, looking down at Kylie.

"You think so?"

"Yeah. I mean, sure she has that newbornness to her, but I see you."

"You're crazy," I laughed, getting a better look at her. "Have you told Mario yet?"

"Naw, none of the boys even know why I left," he chuckled.

"Well send them a picture!" I laughed, I angled her so that he could take a picture. "We're gonna show you off to daddy's friends back in Pittsburgh. That's where we'll be living when we leave here," I cooed to her.

Sidney took a picture and typed up a little message to send to Mario and Dan. We figured that they should know first and we know they'll send a response as quickly as possible. I know that they'll be thrilled to know the gender and to know that we're all doing okay.

**Sidney's POV**
As soon as I sent the message to Mario and Dan, Mario called me. I excused myself and left the room to take the call outside.

"Congratulations!" he yelled on the phone with a chuckle in his voice.

"Thank you!"

"She's beautiful!"

"She really is, thank you so much," I blushed slightly.

"How does it feel to be a dad?"

"Amazing. I can't believe how much I love her. She's so perfect in my eyes and I couldn't be any more happier with her, and Ash, and my life."

"I told you it'd change you. How was Ash taking it?"

"I've never seen her emotions change that much in my life," I sighed. "It was like new people would come into her body every minute."

"Nathalie was like that, she even punched me in the face at one point just for encouraging her," he laughed.

"She could've if I did anything else."

"Nat's happy for you guys and wants more pictures. She's just having a bath right now, but she cried when she saw the message."

"That would be like her. Do you mind if I ask her a favor? It'd be alone with Heather and Vero."

"Sure, I'm sure she's more than willing."

"Could you ask her to maybe paint and decorate the nursery? I know the girls have all been shopping with her and has an idea of what she'd like, but the room isn't painted and we don't have nearly as much as we should. On the coffee table is a baby book with a page folded down of a girls nursery, which I know she wanted for the Nova Scotia house, so I was thinking maybe if they could try and get that at least started? I'll pay for it, but I just don't want Ash to come home and have nothing be ready because that's only gonna add more stress on her, and she's already overwhelmed."

"They'll be on it! I know Nat said if that was to happen she'd be down to help. I'll get her to ask the girls and I'll give you feedback."

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to us."

"We're here to help! Heck, you were our babysitter for us! Kinda scary that we could be babysitting your baby now."

"Don't say that! Makes me feel old," I laughed.

"You don't know how this makes me feel!" he laughed. "I'll let you go spend some time with your little girl. Tell Ash congrats for us! And send some more pictures!"

"Will do! Thank you guys so much!"

After saying goodbye to Mario, I sent a group email to the team to show them a picture and let them know why I left. I could imagine the responses I'd get. Dan messaged back, pretty much with the same reaction as Mario, which made me feel good. When I came back to the room I saw Ashley talking away to the baby, completely occupied.

**Ashley's POV**
"How'd the call go?" I asked, looking up from Kylie who was getting a little fussy.

"Good! They say congratulations and are really happy for us," he kissed my forehead, then Kylie's. "You ready to go home in the morning?"

"I can't wait," I laughed. He knows how much I hate hospitals.

**Leaving the Hospital**
I was dressed and ready to go, hoping the ride would be easy. I wasn't as sore as I thought I would be but my breasts were killing me more than anything. Sidney got her in the car in her little car seat perfectly, well, after having some struggles. Then he helped me in the back next to her. His parents were in the car behind us, to make sure we'll be okay, since the roads are bad here, and we aren't sure how to drive with a newborn. I was worried that something would happen but it was just fine and worked out in our favor.

We were going to stay the night at my house, then we were going to stay for a couple of days, and I don't know what is going to happen next. When we got to my house and walked in, there was a little party set up for us and it was really fun. A couple relatives were there and they had pink balloons everywhere. It was a great surprise.

Later that night we got into bed, while I fed Kylie a bottle, taking a break from breast feeding. Now was our time to finally talk about what would happen over the next few days. I know there was a couple of games coming up and that Sidney wanted to play in them. But who knows with him?

"How do you feel most comfortable going home? We could fly you down to Toronto and get a cross over flight to Pittsburgh? Or we could do like how you got here?" he suggested.

"I really don't feel comfortable flying with her yet. She's only a day old, and I don't know if that could effect her or not. Plus the doctor says it's not good for her to fly yet."

"Do you want to take the train?"

"With a newborn? Everyone would hate us!" I laughed.

"Well I was also thinking about maybe getting an RV and having someone drive you guys down? Rockstars do it, why can't we?"

"Siddo! We aren't rockstars!" I laughed.

"But seriously. We already had her passport picture taken at the hospital because of our circumstance, so why can't we take the time to drive? I know it won't be the nicest at times, but it's the only option we have at this point, unless you want to stay here for the rest of the season."

"I don't want that at all, and I know you don't want that either because you want to spend time with her and see her. I like the RV idea. Would you want to go home while I travel down with her?"

"Well we have a game in two days, so I was going to fly down the morning of and play, then come back. When do you want to leave?"

"Well I don't know yet. I mean, I want to see you, but I understand this is your job and this is what you need to do in order to make money. So if you want to do that I understand. What's your schedule like coming up?"

"Well, say if we were to leave in a week, since that's when we'd get her passport. I could go play during the week and come back after each game if I can. Then when you leave, I would have back to back games. One at home, and the other in Toronto. If you stop for the night at a hotel and leave the next morning, you'd be in Toronto by the time I get there and I could drive back with you from there."

"That would work with me. We just need to get the go ahead from our family and plan out the transportation. Do you think our moms could come? That way they could hep me out with her and stay with us when we get home for a bit and then they could fly back home?"

"They'd love it more than anything. Just like I love you," he kissed me. "And you," he kissed Kylie.

Looks like we have a game plan. But for now, I just pray we survive the first night home with the baby.

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