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"Photographers caught Canada's golden boy Sidney Crosby cozying up to his new gal pal on Saturday at teammate Marc-Andre Fleury's wedding to his long-time girlfriend Vero. Before the ceremony we caught pictures of the couple mingling with Sid's teammates and even Mario Lemieux and wife Nathalie so you know they are pretty serious. She even got along great with the Lemieux's, acting like a natural, even causing Mario to laugh himself. Seems to me like Sid likes a sense of humor," the host winked. "We also saw Sidney lending her his jacket to keep her warm during the overcast and surprisingly cool day. Such a gentleman! Sources say that the couple was even more cuddly inside and shared a wow moment on the dance floor. Stealing the spotlight from the bride and groom? Maybe a wedding for them is in the future."

Sid and I both turned to each other and started laughing. We arrived home late Sunday night and all morning today we have been watching news stories of the two of us at the wedding. We found it hilarious to be watching all of this. We've been lounging around all morning and haven't really done much other than make breakfast. Heck, we were both still in our pj's! I woke Sidney up accidentally when running to the bathroom to take care of our baby situation, since the baby doesn't like its mommy to sleep in whatsoever. And Sid being the good dad-to-be that he is, he came running.

"Doesn't this stuff just make you laugh?" he laughed shaking his head, changing channels
with the remote. "Yeah, cuz we stole the spotlight from Marc and Vero right?"

"Oh I know, and you whisked me off my feet and off to the moonlight to a horse drawn carriage, I said being over dramatic, mimicking the tv hosts we've watched all day.

"Oh, and she gets along with Mario Lemieux so it has to be fate!" Sidney mocked, fanning himself. We were having a great laugh about it, like we always do in these situations.

"Seriously though, does it not bother you or annoy you that people pay attention to things like that about your life and make up stories about you?"

"Well yeah, but you sorta learn to deal with it. It happens so often that you can't possibly keep up with every single rumor. Plus everyone always tells me not to let them get to me and beat myself up over them but I'm not the person to care about it or make comments about it."

"You're really not. I'm glad you aren't though; it would change you way too much and I wouldn't like that very much."

"I hope the baby doesn't listen to what people say about it," he said, rubbing the little baby bump again with me after I gave him the go ahead earlier. He's still scared to touch it.

"Meh, I don't think it will to be honest. It has 2 parents who don't care what people think and we're both pretty strong individuals so I think we'll have a strong little baby. Both physically and mentally," I said, flexing my muscles.

"Are you trying to tell me that you are going to birth a little muscular baby?"

"Yeah! It'll come out carrying huge weights and doing those chest presses like a boss!" I teased.

"You are actually an idiot," he laughed shaking his head.

"But you know you love me!" I yelled. He got up, still shirtless might I add and did a big stretch, flexing all of those sexy muscles.

"I'm going downstairs for a drink, do you want anything?"

"I'm okay thank you," I said. Once he was gone I continued channel surfing. Sure enough we were on yet another channel, only this time the headline absolutely shocked me and made me sick to my stomach. "Sid!" I cried out in panic.

"Ashley what's wrong!? Is everything alright!?" he asked, whizzing up the stairs immediately
after he heard me cry out for him. I couldn't speak; I just pointed to the screen and showed him what was scaring me. My body was numb and my arms were shaking. Even the dogs who were curled up on the bed were staring at us in shock and got up and ran away. I am in full on panic mode. I just dropped my jaw and pointed on the TV, tears instantly forming in my eyes.

"Is that a baby bump we see? Sidney Crosby and girlfriend who still remains nameless attended Marc-Andre Fleury's wedding on Saturday and in quite a few pictures it looks like she is sporting a little baby bump. The dress may be a little bit flowy, but in these pictures as shown on the screen it looks like she purposely planned the beautiful outfit. In past pictures of the couple she has been seen a bit more thin, so could it be a slight weight gain? A source also tells us that she didn't have a sip of alcohol at all that night and was seen constantly sipping on water. Seems like a pretty good indication to me. We'll keep you updated."

Sidney just turned to look at me with a blank expression on his face. Neither one of us knew what to say. I let out a huge sob and began to bawl my eyes out. Sidney jumped on the bed faster than I imagined he could have and threw his arms around him. He let me sob on his broad chest and didn't even care that my tears were running down his perfect body. He kept whispering encouraging things in my ear but it didn't work out for me. I was too upset.

"They know Sid, they know about the baby," I whimpered, trying to catch my breath.

"No they don't. They're just being stupid and speculating things," he cooed, rubbing my arm softly. "They do that all the time Ash and I need you to not let it bother you right now. You're
better than that. Just let them keep thinking what they want and when the time comes we can get through it together. We're a team now and we're facing them. You don't wanna lose do you?" I shook my head, whiping my tears. "See, so we just have to look at it as a game. Is that a good idea?"


"How about we just relax and take it easy for today like we've been doing is that alright?"

"Yeah, I think that's what I need."

"Me too. I'm not gonna work out today, not gonna walk the dogs, not gonna buy groceries even though we really need some, I'm not even gonna shower," he slouched back against the headboard. He put his arm around me and cuddled me into him soothingly.

"Sid, I love you to death and all but you reek!"

"What!? I do not!"

"You really do," I giggled.

"Is it as bad as after a practice or game?"

"Hell no! That is just retched! Like I can honestly say that the smell of your hockey bag right now even makes me wanna puke, let alone if you actually used your equipment."

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious."

"You have the nose of a bloodhound since you've been pregnant."

"Ugh, I know, all I've smelled since you got back was that piece of bread you ate downstairs," I rubbed my belly a little bit.

"How the heck did you know I ate that?"

"My hound dog nose," I smirked. "Therefore my nose is extra sensitive so you gotta shower." I know how to milk him up and get my way with him. But I really can smell him even though I know normally he isn't that bad. I feel bad for him actually.

"But I'm so comfy," he groaned, leaning his head on mine.

"But Sid!" I whined. "Go shower."

"Fine, I'll be back!" he said, getting up and running to the shower. I just stayed in his bed in my pj shorts and Sidney's big tshirt.

While he was making noises all I could see was his abs flexing and his strong arms. His plump lips and the way he was smiling. He has the kind of lips you can't help but want to kiss and bite his bottom lip. His hair was short and at the sexiest length on a guy in my opinion. It's short and looks sharp and sophisticated and mature, yet at the same time, sexy as fuck and something I could grab onto. I have had feelings for Sidney for a very long time, but this new sexual attraction to him has just come over me like a wave. I can't help but get these thoughts and visions in my mind.

**Sidney's POV**
Why in the hell haven't I noticed just how sexy Ashley really is? I mean, she's a beautiful and amazing woman but she is just sexy as hell. Why haven't I ever seen it before? I mean, she's so sexy! She's always had a banging body and has been super fit and athletic. She has great chest, the right size for me, and the swelling in her boobs have made them a bit bigger and it's hot to see, not gonna lie. Her ass on the other hand, it's always been the nicest ass I've ever seen. It hasn't grown any bigger with the pregnancy but as a whole I just want to cup it and take a nice handful. I wish I could remember the night we conceived. I know I would have had my hands all over that amazing ass. And now that she has a baby bump, it makes her even sexier.

This shower has not been helping me very much and I can't wait to see her again. My thoughts about her, her body and what I'd do to her isn't helping me and I know that if I stay in here any longer that she'll get ideas. God I miss sex so damn much. It's not like I can go hook up with anybody else, especially randoms and I know that I'm not going to get any from her. I've never been more sexually frustrated in my life. Okay, I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

When I walked downstairs my parents were over talking away to Ashley. She was on the couch bawling her eyes out getting consoled by my mom and my dad was standing. I could tell that they knew that the rumor was out there and that things were going to change from this point on. I could read it on my dad's face that we needed to talk. I know I shouldn't talk to Ashley, so my dad gave the signal to head to my office. The second that door closed he got serious.

"Sid, I know that this was all a mistake and that you're lying to the public but I need you to think of something else to help this news come out easier," dad pleaded.

"What do you want me to do dad?" I asked, sitting down in my office chair.

"Do you feel comfortable faking an engagement?"

"What?" What the hell does he mean fake an engagement?

"We all discussed it last night when pictures of you two started to surface, and we both thought if you just put a ring on her hand that it would make it easier."

"So what do I have to do?"

"Buy her a ring and just tell her to wear it in public. Act like you're dating. The press will be fooled by the ring and automatically assume that you're engaged but in reality it'll be a... present for having your baby? I don't know what to call it but we want this to be easy for the both of you."

"I guess I could do that."

"Your mother is out there talking to her about it too and trying to calm her down. How did she react this morning when she saw the news?"

"She screamed and broke down. I know this is going to be hard on her and I don't want that for her. She's under enough stress as it is. It broke my heart seeing her like that this morning. I think she's more scared of ruining my reputation than anything and I don't want her to feel that way."

"There's no way of avoiding it Sid, she's a great girl and always has the best for others in mind. She genuinely cares about you Sid and you can't expect her not to."

"I know."

"Just try and make it easier, it's only gonna get crazier as the news breaks," he patted my back.

**Ashley's POV**
After a deep conversation with Sidney's parents we needed to lighten the mood somehow. He went to clean the garage and I went to take a nap in Sidney's bed of course. His bed is way comfier than mine, and what's he gonna do? Kick a pregnant lady out of his bed? Heck, his baby mamma? I don't think so. When I woke up and walked into the kitchen I saw him leaning on the counter, letting out a huge sigh.

"What's wrong Sid?"

"I'm frustrated," he trailed off.

"What kind of frustrated-oh." He's not the only one in this situation.


"How long has it been since you've had sex? Not with me though."

"Uh, 6 months?" he questioned, trying to think that far back.

"Aw muffin," I pouted, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his torso. It's kind of funny to see him this way. I know he could get it with whoever he wanted and it's kind of funny how he can't do that anymore. Well to me it is anyway, not to him or the girls fantasizing about it with him.

"This is not funny Ashley," he said when I finally burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's just so funny!"

"It won't be funny when it's you," he winked.

"No need to, it won't be me," I smirked back.

We decided to share his bed again that night; I guess we both are enjoying each other's company. Well, I'm the one who begged him if I could sleep with him because there was a storm and I was scared, and I just wanted to forget about what happened today. In bed, he kept tossing and turning, he couldn't stay still for a second and it was keeping me up.

"Sidney can you please stop?" I begged. I'm exhausted and I want to sleep. He just kept tossing and turning. "Sidney, please stop." Again he didn't. "Sidney, if you're that frustrated, go masturbate." He then got out of bed. "Ew!" I squealed.

"Well you told me to go do it!" Sid laughed. I knew he wasn't really going to do it; he just went to sleep in the guest room. It was time for some much needed sleep for the both of us after a long and tiring day.

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