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"I'm pregnant."

"You're pregnant?" Sidney choked out. I his eyebrows instantly showed the worry on his face, but the look in his eyes is what really killed me. He was panicking. And quite frankly I am not surprised. This could completely ruin his image to the media and I don't want to damage him even more. I don't like seeing him hurt this way. My eyes began to fill with tears as I looked into his panicked eyes.

"I am," I hung my head low, not wanting him to see that I was hurting.

I hate when he see's that I'm upset at times, especially if it's affecting him as well. Sidney rubbed the back of his neck, then rested his elbows on his knees, and his forehead in the palms of his hands. His breathing was extremely heavy. I looked up at him once, and that's when I silently began to cry. A single tear fell down my cheek, followed by what seemed like thousands of other tears right afterwards. I sniffled once, trying my hardest for it not to be loud so Sid would look at me. He heard me and turned his head, making eye contact with me. The second he noticed me crying, he instantly reacted.

"Ashley, come here," he said, shifting positions on the couch and wrapping his arms around me. He had be in a tight embrace, and was rubbing my back with one of his hands, letting me know that he was here for me, consoling me in the best way he knew how. He just let me cry on his shoulder and into his chest. he would occasionally whisper, "It's okay Ash, it's okay."

"No it's not," I cried. "Sid, none of this was supposed to happen! We weren't supposed to hook up that night and we most certainly weren't supposed to get pregnant because of this!"

"I know Ashley."

"And think about it, this is gonna ruin our relationship no matter what we choose to do. I don't want that to happen."

"I don't either."

"And like, think about it. There are millions of couples trying to have a baby and are unable to and we were drunk and acting stupid and we managed to conceive. That doesn't seem fair at all. We aren't ready to be parents. Heck, we aren't even in a relationship. How are we supposed to raise a baby that way? And how would the media and everyone else react when Sidney Crosby knocks some random girl up from his hometown?"

"You're not some random girl from my hometown. You're my best friend, they don't know that but I'd let it be known. And the guys can back me up, they've seen you come and visit before, heck you partied with us when we won the cup."

"That's true. I feel like this is all my fault."

"It's not tho Ash, it's my fault. I got you drunk. And somehow it happened, I'm not sure how or who initiated it but it's our fault."

"I don't wanna ruin your image though.

"You won't. You are talking to Sidney Crosby the regular, everyday person. Not Sidney Crosby the hockey player. This has to greatly deal with my personal life, I'm not even thinking about my image to the public right now and nor should you. We need to have a mature discussion about this and get everything sorted out. You know I want to make the best decision for the both of us."

"I do too Sid," I said wiping away my tears with a tissue. "So what are you thinking right now?"

"I'm gonna be a dad," he said blankly, slightly chuckling at the word dad. "I can't believe it."

"Yeah, neither can I. Sidney Crosby's gonna be a dad," I laughed, placing my hand on my stomach as I slouched back.

"And you're gonna be a mom, that's scary."

"Is not!" I laughed.

"I know it's not, I'm just playing with you," he smiled over at me.

"So what do you think we should do? I just wanna try and get this situation done and over with as quickly as we can."

"Agreed. Well, I don't know, I kinda wanna keep it."

My eyes opened wide when Sidney responded that way. I was not expecting that answer from him whatsoever. It's quite shocking.


"Yeah. I know both of our families beliefs. I think that I need to be a man about the situation and grow up. We made this mistake and now we have to make the best of it. I don't feel right not raising this child and not giving it the chance to live when I know we can give it a great life."

"Wow, Sid, that's deep."

"I know it is but it's true. I know you don't feel right about it either and I think we should keep it. Plus, you've always said you wanted a baby, and I know I've always wanted one too. We're a great team and I know we can do this."

"You're actually so right about this. Honestly tho Sid, it's gonna be hard. Are you sure you want to do this? You know my answer."

He looked down at his hands and licked his lips, genuinely debating his answer. "I do."

We looked at each other and both had a huge grin on our faces. We hugged and I began to cry again. Well, I didn't really stop from the first time but I just cried harder.

"Wow. We're gonna be parents," he gasped.

"Oh I know, I never thought I'd see the day," I laughed.

"There's actually a baby in there?" he asked pointing to my stomach.

"Yup, says about 13 pregnancy tests," I laughed.

"You took 13 tests!?"

"I didn't wanna believe the other 12." I blushed.

"You're crazy."

"I'm carrying your baby, of course I am!" I laughed.

"Hey, that's not nice! But since you're now my baby mamma, wanna make me food and get me a beer?" he asked, earning a yeah right look from me. "What?"

"I'm pregnant, therefore I should be resting. You want a healthy and baby hockey player right?"

"You're right."

"Then get off your ass and get me food too while you're at it." I laughed, resulting in Sid laughing and getting up to walk over to the kitchen. Never in my life would I have thought that I'd be the mother of my best friends baby.

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