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I don't remember a thing about last night after I fell asleep, especially when Sidney came back. When I wore up he was spooning behind me with his arm over my body. He was so comfy and smelt so good. I could lay there forever. I looked over at the clock and realized the time, crap we woke up late and now we have to rush to get ready.

"Sid," I tapped his arm.

"Yeah?" he groaned.

"Go get ready while I eat," I said while sitting up. Sid, being the gentleman that he is even brought me over my muffin that I packed for the car ride yesterday. I hate eating take out so I just make something and bring it with me. When I stood up after I ate and looked at my stomach in the mirror I let out a big scream. Sid, who was in the bathroom shaving his face couldn't have come out fast enough.

"Ashley! What happened!? Is everything alright!?"

"It happened!" I yelled. I ran over to him and lifted up my shirt a little bit. "Look!" I yelled, showing my stomach. I got my baby bump! Sidney was so happy he was lost for words! His mouth was wide open and he had a beaming glow about him. There he stood, in a towel, soaking wet, pecks and abs in full view and looking ecstatic. He placed his arms against my waist and hugged me tightly.

"So it really did happen," he chuckled.

"It did! Our mommies weren't lying!"

"Well aren't we just making progress in Quebec!?"

"I know!" I smiled, holding my slight bump. I could see Sidney just staring, almost as if he wanted to touch. It was a moment I know that I'll always remember. It was as though he had badly wanted to reach out just to touch the baby bump, especially with it being his baby but something was stopping him. Does he feel awkward wanting to touch my belly because he's my friend or does he feel that because he is not my boyfriend he can't touch it? It broke my heart seeing his face and how hesitant he got. I want him to feel comfortable enough with me so that he can do that whenever he wants. "You know you can touch it right?" I smiled.

His hand reached our trembling, as if he was about to move a ninety year old vase that could break at any second. It was like he didn't wanna break it or ruin it. It was really cute. I watched his hand like a hawk watching its prey. It was actually way too cute how shaky he was. When he finally made contact with my small belly, I got shivers all through my body, my heart dropped, I got butterflies, a huge grin appeared on my face and oddly enough, it made me feel like me and Sidney connected and that my feelings grew stronger for him. We couldn't do nothing but look at each other and smile, we were beaming with pride.

"This is just-wow. I can't believe it," he shook his head, lost for words.

"I know, how scary is this? It's becoming a reality now."

"And it just happened, like boom! You were fine yesterday and today you wake up with a little beach ball in there," he chuckled, running his hands up and down my belly.

"Oh I know! It's like I gained 10 pounds in one day!" I laughed.

"Are you sure it's baby and not from all the food you've eaten today?" he winked.

"Oh shut up Sid," I laughed. "We need to take a picture of this too! Can't you tell we are first time parents?"

"Oh yeah, just a tad," he chuckled. I pulled out my phone and we took some pictures in the mirror and in general.

After Sidney finished up in the washroom I started to do my hair and get ready. I took the worlds quickest shower and got everything done as fast as we possibly could. Thankfully the dress I chose was very loose and could hide my stomach a little bit because of the material. That's the only reason why I brought this dress with me, plus I really wanted to wear it and needed an occasion for it. I even put my hair in a nice side pony tail and added a cute flower as a nice little accessory, just to add to the dress. When I walked out, I could see the expression on Sid's face. He looked impressed, and very dapper if I may add. If we weren't only friends and I had time, I would help fix my craving. When the man you love looks that incredible in a suit and is two feet in front of you, and smells like a God, it's hard to stay away.

"You look lovely," he twirled me around to get a 360 look of my dress.

"Thank you. Look, it even hides my bump!" I laughed, holding it through my dress. "I really shouldn't do that today at the wedding, I don't want anyone to notice it and take it out of context even though they'd technically be right."

"Exactly!" he said, collecting all of our final items. "Should we call our parents?"

"Uh Sid, we really don't have time and if we don't get this show on the road we will be speeding, I'll feel nauseous and we will be even more late. Just send em a text saying you have a surprise and they'll see it soon."

"If you say so but if they get mad and vicious, I'm feeding you to the sharks."

"What are they gonna do to me? I'm the pregnant one," I laughed, opening the door.

Sidney got in the drivers seat and off we went. Not gonna lie, I'm a bit nervous about how today is going to go. I really want this to work out and I am really hoping the guys believe it too. I know they know me and I know they know I'm coming but I hope they believe me when Sid says that we are official. The drive was decent and the second we got to the church, the nerves hit me.

"You ok Ash?" Sid asked, noticing I wasn't moving.

"I don't know if it's nerves or nausea or hunger or all three mixed."

"You'll be fine, trust me. Remember, just stay glued to me, don't speak unless spoken to or you know the person and be touchy feely."

"And remember if anyone asks, I'm designated driver," I smirked. He couldn't help but smile when I said that, remembering the bbq at his parents' house a few weeks back.

"I knew you were the best fake girlfriend ever," he smirked, leaning in almost as if he wanted a kiss. If only I was his real girlfriend.

"I know," I pinched his cheek.

"Now kiss me and be cute, it's what people do at these events."

"Look at you mister 'I know everything about weddings'," I laughed.

"Do you know how many weddings I've been to or how many movies with weddings I've seen?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, nice excuse," I teased.

"Can you please just kiss me?"

"Fine ya big baby," I kissed him softly on the lips before getting out of the car.

The second we stepped foot on the pavement we were bombarded by his teammates and other friends and co-workers of Sid. I know that everyone is going to be looking at me tonight since I'm 'dating' Sidney Crosby. That's a lot of pressure, and if I didn't know him well enough I would be freaked the hell out. Now I know why he doesn't or didn't date too many girls. It's very overwhelming. This is another side of Sid I'm not used to, his professional but friendly type of personality This is a new situation I've never seen before and I'm curious how this is going to play out.

"Well if it isn't the lucky lady in Sid's life," Kris laughed, waking over with his girlfriend Kristen on his arm, and some more of his teammates. "How's it going man?"

"It's good, what about you guys?" he said doing his man shakes with the guys and hugging the girls. I just stood there awkwardly and waited for him to introduce me, even though I've already met the boys and some of their women. "You guys remember Ashley right?"

"Wow, the rumours are actually true. Nice to see you again," Jordan said giving me a hug.
"Hey Jordan!" I smiled, giving him and Heather a hug. I actually really like Heather, she was the nicest one I remember meeting. The rest of the circle consisted of Pascal Dupuis and his wife, and Matt Cooke and his fiancée Emma.

"Where is Geno?" Sid asked, placing an arm around my waist and pulling me in closer. It was a bit chilly today and I wish I was prepared.

"I'm not too sure actually, pretty sure he's not here yet," Pascal said, looking around the crowded parking lot for him.

"Is he with-?" I whispered in Sid's ear while the others chit chatted about where Geno possibly could be.

"No, no, he has someone new sweetie," he smiled. The way he said that and looked while saying made me want to jump him right then and there. God he was so sexy today. "Anyways, we have to go say hello to the men upstairs, we'll be back." He held my hand as we walked away to go see Mario and Nathalie.

"How am I doing?" I whispered, trying to keep up with his pace and look fancy all at once.

"You're doing great! The hard part is over. You're lucky that Max is in the bridal party, you know how he'll be."

"Oh he just loves me," I giggled, making a cute voice. Sidney threw his arm over my shoulder, pulling me in slightly.

"Well he can't have you," he kissed me. Right after the kiss we met up with Mario and Nathalie. Sidney patted Mario on the back and the two of them turned around instantly. Nathalie's face lit up seeing the two of us being close together.

"Oh look at you two!" she yelled, reminding me of our mothers. She instantly gave Sid a huge hug first then gave me one, checking me out to see how I was looking. Meanwhile Mario shook Sidney's hand. "You look amazing!"

"Oh thank you, I really don't feel too amazing," I chuckled.

"You're so little too! You aren't even showing yet," she whispered, winking.

"Oh, I chose a good dress today, it hides it completely," I smirked.

"You chose a smart one eh Sid?" Mario patted his back.

"Yeah, well," he laughed with a hand in his pockets and another on the small of my back.

"You better be taking good care of her," Nathalie pointed at Sidney.

"I am, I am! Jeez, with the amount she gets sick or feels bad I have no choice."

"Oh just you wait," Mario laughed. "It'll get worst, trust me." Nat opened her mouth widely and tapped her husband, while he and Sid laughed. Thankfully no one was near us to hear our conversation; otherwise we would be in trouble.

"I can't believe how well you've hidden it!" she laughed.

"Oh, she just got her bump this morning," Sid smirked, beaming with pride and joy.

"You did! Oh that's so exciting!"

"Yeah, here look," Sid said, showing them pictures on his phone. Neither Mario nor Sidney could wipe the smiles off of their face. Sidney was so proud to be a father and he really can't wait for our baby to come.

"I'm so happy for you two," Mario smiled.

"So this is the girl you've been roaming around Pittsburgh with eh Sid?" a man with an all too familiar voice said, patting Sidney on the back, scaring me to death.

"Nice to see you too Dan, what am I? Chopped liver?" Sidney joked, giving him a handshake.

"Well I needed to see what all the buzz is about. You have the whole city talking with this mystery woman."

"Wasn't trying to," he blushed. "You remember my good friend Ashley from back home right?"

"Yes I do, we've met quite a few times before. Nice to see you," he shook my hand professionally.

"Nice to see you too!" I smiled. I don't know what it is but there is something about Dan that scared the crap out of me, simply because he is Sidney's coach. I know all of Sid's past coaches and am still in contact with some, but because he's his NHL coach I get intimidated. I don't want him to hate me because I'm distracting Sidney or anything. I really fear him for how he could react to our news when Sidney decides to tell him.

Conversation was cut short as we entered the church. Naturally we sat with the Penguins association and team members. By this point I had felt more relaxed with everyone. The church was beautiful and modern, and the decorations added a personalized touch. The bridal party looked great in canary yellow knee-length dresses. When Max walked down the aisle with his bridesmaid a couple of the boys whistled, causing him to smile even bigger. Max was beaming walking down the aisle, and was thrilled to stand in his best friend's bridal party. Marc-Andre and his new wife Vero were so happy, they looked like they truly loved each other while standing in front of the church. They both even shed tears while reading their vows.

Watching the ceremony I couldn't help but think if I would ever get married one day. I already know I'll get at least one baby but I don't know where I stand with Sid. Are we going to date one day? Are we just going to fake our relationship for years? I just don't get it. I sat next to him closely, his hand holding mine the entire time, rubbing his thumb on my hand. Marc and Vero were childhood sweethearts and knew each other growing up, and they managed to stay together and not ruin their friendship. I want this with Sidney, but he doesn't even like me back.

**At the Reception**
Everything thus far has gone by so smoothly, I have had a blast so far. Everyone we have talked to so far has been nice and friendly; I can definitely see myself getting along with the organization. Our table was full of head people from the Pens coaching staff and Jordan and Heather and Geno, whose date didn't show. Heather and I even got along great as well. During the dancing portion of the night, that's when Sidney and I really showed how close we've become. Heck, all night he hasn't let go of me.

"Do you want me to get you a drink?" he asked me while I went back to our table to take a break during a quick song. I started to feel a little nauseous after dancing for an hour.

"Yes please," I smiled, kissing him before he left. At this point I was sitting at my seat, resting when Marc-Andre came over. "If it isn't the happy groom! Congratulations!" I smiled, giving him a bear hug. We have always gotten along and spent a lot of time together when I visited Sid when they were living together.

"Thank you, thank you! You look good tonight!"

"Thank you! Your wife looks gorgeous!"

"I don't know how the hell I got so lucky!"

"You're a good guy, that's why."

"I think Sid is a pretty lucky guy," he nudged my shoulder, taking a seat beside me.

"Jeez, you just got married and you're already flirting with other girls," I winked.

"Meh, you're Sid's girl," he chuckled. "I just wanted to say that I am so happy that you two are actually together."

"Really? Thank you," I blushed.

"I mean it. Of all the girls I have seen Sidney with, or who wants him, I'm so glad you are the one. You really make him happy and a better person and I'm glad to see him that way, especially during this tough time with his injury. You're definitely making his life a lot easier and you're keeping him distracted. And from what I hear, you've gotten along great with the boys here tonight and Mario and Dan really like you too so you're golden."

"How the heck did you hear that!?"

"A little bird told me," he winked. Sidney came back with a drink for me and himself. "Uh oh, here comes trouble!"

"What are you doing with my woman?" he asked, handing me my drink. It was so hot the way he said that, I have no idea why but it made me want him more.

"Just talking," he grinned, doing the infamous smile.

"Better be about good things."

"Just about you babe," I brushed his face.

"Go get your asses on the dance floor, a slow song is next and I better see some lip locking!"

"You don't need to see some live porn, you are married now, you'll get action all the time," Sid winked.

"Buddy, I'm a married man now, it won't last for long! I gotta take it while I can," he joked, having to go back on the dance floor.

"Sh'all we have this dance?" he asked me, as he held my hand and picked me up.

"You may Romeo," I giggled. The song was She's Everything from Brad Paisley. One of my absolute favourites. Sidney took the lead as we danced slowly to the music. It was so sincere and it was like everyone was out of the room.

"Did you have fun today?" he asked me, casually bringing up conversation.

"I did, did you?"

"I did. You handled everything really well today, I'm proud of you," his lips curled to a smile.

"I'm glad, the nerves went away as soon as you grabbed onto me and helped me out. You've been an absolute gentleman all day today. Thank you for that," I smiled softly.

"What can I say? My mom raised me right," he smiled.

"Oh I know she did."

"You look so beautiful," he said in the most soft and sincere voice. He looked me straight in the eyes and rubbed my lower back with his thumb as we moved.

"Thank you," I giggled. The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach and I went weak in the knees.

"Aw, you're blushing!" he giggled.

"Well yeah! That was a great compliment!" I laughed.

"And a true one," he winked.

"You're too sweet, you know that?" I smirked. At that point we just stared into each other's eyes and said no words, smiling from ear to ear. A force drew us together and we shared the most enchanting kiss we've yet to have. His hand cupped my cheek and his lips were gently caressing mine. The kiss was broken by a change of song, but the romance remained for the rest of the night.

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