Twenty Four

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It's been 2 days since the press fiasco happened and I cannot wait until Sidney gets home. His plane lands within the next hour and I'm so excited to see him. He won back to back nights too so I know he'll be happy. I've been spending my days with Nathalie since Mario had to fly out for some business stuff. She's really helped me out with coping through this tough few days and I'm really fortunate to have her be so close with Sid and I.

So far Nathalie has helped me plan a nursery since we still haven't found the time to start getting a layout started. I'm leaning towards knowing the sex of the baby more and more because this unisex thing is getting harder to do. I'm super anxious and not looking forward to it at all but the planning needs to get done. We even have a layout for where the furniture can go so when it gets shipped in we can easily move it right away. She also gave me some advice for what I need and even wrote down some places in Pittsburgh that has the things I'm looking for! She knows from experience. Four times the experience might I add.

"The flight has landed! Mario is getting a driver to drive them back, so do you want to wait here and we can drive you two back afterwards?" she asked, hanging up the phone.

"If you don't mind! That way I can have more time to clean up my stuff," I replied, getting up to put my laundry away in a plastic bag to put in the huge bag I brought with me.

While I was in the zone packing my stuff, and the dogs, I didn't even here the front door open or the dogs going off. Next thing I knew, Sidney was coming through the door of his old bedroom. Our eyes locked and he threw himself around me, giving me the biggest and best bear hug I could have ever have imagined to have. There was passion and emotion just in the hug alone. He kissed my head constantly and rubbed my back to let me know that he was here and that everything was going to be just fine. It brought me to be so overwhelmed that I just cried in his arms.

"I'm here Ash, don't worry," he cooed soothingly to me. The more he relaxed me the more I cried.

"I missed you so much," I sobbed into his arm, peeling myself back to look into his eyes.

"I missed you too baby," he wiped my tears away with his thumbs. "Why are you crying?"

"I've been so stressed since you left and that day and all I wanted was you and you weren't here. It's been so crazy and I wasn't expecting it. I feel so bad for ruining this for you and I don't want you to worry about me and ruin your career-"

"Ashley, you're not ruining my career okay? You're making my life so much better than it ever could have been. I know I wasn't there much for you when it all happened but I'm here for you 100% now, and we are gonna get through this together. Did you feel safe here with Nathalie?"

"Yeah, just worried."

"What on earth do you have to be worried about?"

"Everyone's safety. Like poor Heather got dragged into it and Nathalie and Mario-"

"Babe, we are all apart of the Penguins family, we have each other's backs! It's what we do when something happens. We can talk more about it when we get home, okay?"

"Okay. Do you wanna stay for a little bit longer to keep your mind off of things?"

"Yeah, I think that's best," I wiped my eyes. To my surprised he leant down and kissed me softly. The kiss lingered a little longer than it should have and I found my hand on his cheek lightly. "You played amazing this weekend by the way," I said, quickly changing topics.

"Thanks, I had something to win for," he smirked.

"Oh yeah?"


"Like what?"

"My baby!" he said, looking down at my stomach. I could tell he wanted to touch it so badly but he was still hesitant. So I took his hand and brought it down for him. The baby instantly kicked once he felt Sidney's big hand on it. "That is seriously so weird," he laughed.

"Tell me about it. I mean, look at this room, it's weirder!"

"Oh shut up," he laughed.

"Now let's go before they think we are getting weird," I tugged his hand.

"I wish we were," I heard him mumble. I shot him a look and he started laughing.

"Aw, our little love birds are all reunited!" Nathalie cheered, watching us walk down the stairs together. She made us some hot drinks, coffee for the boys, tea for her and a hot chocolate for me, then Mario drove us home.

When we got settled in and Mario left, Sidney and I just relaxed and didn't want to move. He was exhausted and finally had a break after playing 2 games and travelling a lot. We just layed on his bed, bouncing ideas back and forth of what we could possibly do for the night. He was in the mood to stay in and relax, whereas I just wanted to get out of the house for a little bit because I've been cooped up for the past few days.

"Well how about we do a movie night at the house?" he asked.

"And have what for dinner? Because I am not in the mood to cook, and I don't think you are either based on how you're laying right now," I chuckled. My dog Chloe was sprawled out on his chest and Maci was on his crotch, curled up in a ball.

"I'm stuck here, the girls are passed out."

"You can wake them up you goof," I giggled, picking up Maci from his crotch.

"Well if you want to go out so bad just to get out of the house, what do you suggest we do?" he yawned.

"Even if I get out of the house for like 10 minutes it'll be therapeutic, I swear. Do you want to get take out?"


"What? The Sidney Crosby is saying yes to take out?" I asked, truly shocked by his response. He never gets take out so when he gets some or wants some I always can't believe it.

"What? I like my take out nights too," he laughed.

"Okay deal! I'm not gonna complain."

"What does the baby want?" he asked, leaning his head down towards the baby.

"Hmm, I'm thinking the baby is in the mood for pizza!" I laughed. I could see him roll his eyes and hear his groan. Pizza is too greasy for him apparently, but I think he needs to suck it up.

"Why can't we get Subway instead?"

"Sid, the smell of Subway makes me sick right now and whenever I walk past one I always feel like I'm gonna puke. It's not happening. Besides," I said, changing my voice to my baby voice. "The baby wants pizza."

"Fine, let's go," he rolled his eyes, getting off of the bed to change into a hoodie.

"The baby's not even born yet and it has you wrapped around it's finger!" I laughed.

"Anything for my baby," he said, kissing my belly, pulling his hoodie over his head.

We got in his car and we left for a very quick pizza run. Normally he would order and have it delivered but he knew how much I needed to get out and do something, and I appreciate it so much. When we parked and walked into the tiny pizza place a couple of people recognized him but didn't approach us until after we placed out order and waited for our pizza.

"Excuse me," a man said, with his little son and daughter, who were not over the age of 4 wrapped around his legs. "Are you gonna ask him guys?" he asked his kids. Clearly they were too shy to talk to him but knew exactly who he was. They shook their heads quickly and hid further behind their dads legs.

"It's okay to ask him a question guys," I said to them in a calm voice. They looked over at me and came out a bit further. "He won't bite," I laughed. I could see Sid look at me and smile out of the corner of his eye. They seemed to have warmed up but they couldn't ask, which was okay. I just wanted them to be comfortable.

"Do you mind taking a picture with them, they are huge fans," the dad asked.

"Of course, that's no problem at all! Do you have anything you want me to sign or anything as well?" Sid asked standing up and shaking the mans hand. The little boy had a stack of hockey cards and I could see him looking through the pile. When he found what he was looking for he held it up, still not saying anything. "Whoa! Where'd you find this?" Sidney asked, getting down to their level. I could see the dad taking pictures.

"I can take some if you want to be in the shots too," I suggested.

"Oh great, thank you so much," he smiled, handing me his phone.

"We just went to the flea market with daddy," the little boy replied.

"You did? That's neat! I used to go with my dad all the time when I was a kid," Sidney smiled. The little kids eyes went huge and they looked up at their dad. Sidney signed the card and got in position to take a picture with the kids. He then took one with the father who was in his glee.

"You kids are too cute!" I smiled, seeing how they quickly warmed up to Sid. The little boy blushed and I could tell he was acting bashful for a reason.

"Do you think she's pretty?" his dad asked, picking him up in his arms. The little boy just hid his face in his dad's neck.

"It's okay bud, I think so too," Sidney responded, making me laugh. I felt a little poke at the side of my leg and it was the daughter.

"Hey cutie," I smiled, bending down to be at eye level for her. I know I shouldn't be squatting or anything but I couldn't not talk to her.

"What kind of baby are you guys having?" she asked. She was absolutely adorable.

"Well we don't know yet! It's gonna be a surprise!" I replied with my kid voice. I could hear Sid and the girls father talking behind me about hockey. "What do you think the baby will be?"

"I think it's gonna be a girl," she smiled, holding her hands behind her back.

"Honey," I said over to Sid.


"She thinks we're going to have a girl," I smiled. He just laughed and continued his conversation. "Sidney thinks we are going to have a girl too."

The little girls face grew wide and she got so excited. She ran over to her daddy and said, "daddy! Sidney thinks he's gonna have a girl too!"

"Does he pumpkin! That's great!" he chuckled.

We were called to go pick up our pizza and had to say goodbye. Sid grabbed my hands and picked me up and we went over to get it. When we got outside we saw photographers and I could see Sidney getting mad. I just brushed it off and got in the car.

"They were too cute!" I gushed.

"They were weren't they? You handled it very well actually," he smiled.

"Well yeah! I saw how shy they were and it was adorable. I had to make them comfortable to talk to you."

"You always manage to do a good job." It wasn't my first encounter with fans while out with Sidney, seeing as I've been used to it since we were 15.

"Thank you!"

"Does it bother you?"

"No, not at all. I think it's touching actually."

"Why's that?"

"Because you always go out of your way to sign stuff and take pictures, even when you're busy and stressed out. Not many are like that and I'm glad you're still humble enough to do that."

"Thank you. It's not easy but they can make your day better. I'm sure it was nice but weird having them asking you questions and knowing who you are this time wasn't it?"

"Kinda but I liked it. I don't mind meeting people and all that. Plus it made me forget about all the negative stuff that's been happening lately."

"Well you did a great job wit the kids. You're a natural."

"I'd hope so!" I laughed.

"You're going to make a great mom," he smiled. I could tell he was being serious this time.

"Thanks," I blushed. "You'll make a great dad too." He looked into my eyes seriously and we kissed. We've been having a lot of these moments lately and he still hasn't taken things further yet so now I'm just confused and praying he actually likes me back.

Movie night was successful and we had a great time. We literally layed in bed and ate pizza which was amazing. After our last movie and bed time I rolled over on my other side, not facing him and tried to sleep. Sid was wide awake and couldn't fall asleep. He thought I was asleep and began talking away to the baby.

"Hi little one. It's your daddy again. I just wanted to say hi and that I love you. I hope mommy is making a beautiful little living space for you and is eating healthy so that you're healthy when you come out. I really can't wait to meet you, and hold your little hand, and hold you in my arm, and hush you to sleep and feed you, and talk to you about life and you not understand a word of what I'm saying, and mostly, I can't wait to give you an amazing life. I hope you like your mommy and I. We've been best friends since we were your age, literally. I know you'll have a blast with her when I'm gone, except, don't get too embarrassed by her corny dance moves, she's a little crazy." If only he knew I was awake, then I'd make a comment. But this is too cute to interrupt. It was also soothing feeling him touching my belly.

"I know I'm not gonna be home a lot and that I'll be busy, but I'll always make time for you. Plus, I know you're going to play hockey too and I highly doubt your mommy is gonna wanna take you to a 6am practice every weekend, so I'll do it when I can. I'm gonna love every minute with you. I'm so proud of you too and you're not even here yet! Imagine once you're here how much I'm gonna show you off. I'm sorry for all the yucky feelings for the past few days. You'll understand about the press when you're old enough to. I'll make it all better, I promise. Just try and be a healthy baby like you're daddy and come out when you're supposed to. I love you baby," he kissed my belly. The tears are streaming from my eyes and I am in absolute love with this man.

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