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**Moving Day**

"Where do you want me to move this box?" Sidney asked, coming over carrying a box out of my bathroom.

"Uh, can you please put that in the garage for now?"

"Will do," he replied walking out to the garage. It was just the two of us moving all of my stuff to his house. Since we both have similar tastes I don't have to bring all of furniture. I even sold my bed and couches online already which is awesome and I made good money from it. I was bringing boxes out as well, bringing them out to Sidney's truck or my car. He was taking my boxes of clothes and nicknacks while I took my breakable items in my vehicle.

I was standing in the house with my two dogs, looking around my house remembering the memories. "Well guys, it's time to say goodbye to the house," I cooed picking up my dog Chloe. It was so empty and weird looking. Normally I have the walls covered with art and pictures I have taken, and now they're as naked as they have ever been. Chloe started squirming when Sidney came in from the putting the final boxes away.

"You ready to go Ash?" he asked, giving me a hug from behind, "you okay?"

"Yeah. I can't believe I'm leaving this house."

"I know, but you're moving on,"

"You're right."

"You ready?"

"Yeah, can you please put the dogs in my car please? I just wanna double check I have everything gone."

"Sure," he nodded, taking Chloe from my arms and scooping Maci up. I took one last look and I left.

Once we were at Sidney's house, we didn't have time to bring everything in, just the dogs. It was pouring rain and we were not in the mood to get drenched. Just from getting out of the car and making a mad dash to the front door, we were soaked.

"Aw man, your house is gonna smell like wet dogs!" I said, clinging onto my squirmy girls.

"Don't worry about it," he smirked, "here we'll dry them off." He handed me a towel and I handed him a dog.

Once we dried them off, we let them run free and giggled as they faught each other. They loved to play and tackle each other just as much as Sid and his hockey team. My room was down the hall from his and was the perfect size for me. In another few months so it'll just be me and the dogs for a while, since he will be forced to go to for a players association meeting in New York. It's April 2011 and the Pens got kicked out of the playoffs earlier than Sid wouldn've liked to. Plus, he was still out with his concussion so he couldn't play either. After checking out my new room, I walked down into the kitchen to see a very strange sight. Sidney cooking.

"My, my, my, Mr. Crosby," I smirked, crossing my arms chuckling at the sight in front of me.

"I know right?" he laughed stirring the pot.

"I was thinking spaghetti, I know it's your favourite."

"I'm impressed,"

"See? I know my stuff," he laughed, pouring the pasta into the strainer.

We took our plates and sat down in the TV room and enjoyed our meal. I won't admit this to Sidney, but he does a great job at making the same spaghetti sauce my mom makes. When we were kids and he was allowed to come over for dinner, he always requested to have spaghetti because he loved my moms sauce so much. So when he got drafted and knew he wouldn't be home as much as he would like to, my mom gave him the recipe and taught him how to make it. I'm impressed he even remembered.

"Oh my God, remember that party you threw and-" Sidney started to say before I cut him off.

"You were so drunk you passed out on the floor and woke up covered in toilet paper."

"Hey! At least I wasn't the one who got wasted after a bad date, called me and made me come over so I could turn on the light for her so she could pee." he smirked. I could feel my cheeks blushing just at the memory.

"I shut up Crosby," I laughed.

I only stayed up for a couple more hours after that until I was more than ready for bed. I was so thankful Sid took me in when I really needed it. This is why he is my best friend, literally. Around 3 I woke up thirsty so I went downstairs to get a drink. When I got around the corner into the kitchen, Sid popped out and scared me!

"Boo!" he yelled out, causing me to scream bloody murder and grabbed my chest panting.

"Asshole," I said trying to regain my breath.

"Aw come here," he laughed hugging me, and holding me until I was calm again. He always scares me like this because he knows I am easily scared and has now mastered how to calm me down. "Why you up?"


"Same, and I have a headache."

"Sorry, I'm sure yelling wasn't the best thing for your headache."

"It's ok, I scared you, I deserve it."

Damn staright you do, I thought.

"Alright, well I'll let you be, sorry bout that, I couldn't resist."

"It's all good," I smiled

"Night Ash,"

"Night poo head," I stuck my tongue out, causing him to chuckle on his way up the stairs.

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