Twenty Eight

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"You sure you'll be okay to drive yourself home after the game this afternoon?" Sidney asked me getting ready to go the arena.

"Yup. That way I can organize your doctors appointments and get some of your stuff in order. Plus I have to book your appearance at that children's hospital as well," I smiled, handing him his watch to wear to the arena.

"You sure?" he asked putting the watch on.

"Yes! You just worry about winning the game and scoring us some goals," I said in my baby voice. The baby has been moving around a lot more now that Sidney and I are closer.

Ever since we became official 3 days ago Sidney's hand hasn't left my stomach and he's been around as much as he could be. He was already so caring and I didn't think it was possible for him to be even more caring, but I was wrong. He's also always been good to me, especially when he's home but now he's putting in more effort. He'll make me breakfast in bed, or surprise me with a bath or do the chores he doesn't usually do. He's really proving to be a great boyfriend. Though nothing has really changed.

"Alright if you say so. Just be careful of the press," he said as I handed him his tie and helped put it on him. "They will be all over you and I don't wanna see you get hurt or anything. And they've been really up our asses lately because they know you are far along in the pregnancy."

"If I'm that far along then why haven't you helped me get this baby room done?" I asked.

"I'll help you I swear!" he said.

"I can only unpack and fill dressers and stuff for so long," I chuckled, giving him a kiss on the lips.

"I gotta go," he pouted.

"I know you do," I pouted back.

He got down low and rubbed my belly. "You take good care of mommy tonight and make sure she doesn't talk to any other guys alright? And don't cheer for me too much cuz that could start labor and I don't want you to come out until you are ready and healthy. You're gonna be a Crosby, or part Crosby and we Crosby's are tough."

"And almost late," I laughed, looking at the time.

"Well that's cuz your daddy loves talking to you so much that he can't help but be late. I just wanna spend every minute with you," he gave the baby a kiss before standing up and giving me one for myself. "Have fun tonight."

"You too. Good luck," I smiled softly. His hands found themselves around my waist and his lips soon followed onto mine.

"Thank you!" he said, grabbing his stuff and running out.

I hope he doesn't get in an accident with this weather! Pittsburgh is having a terrible snow storm and the roads have been brutal lately. Heck, Sidney is leaving over an hour early so that he makes it on time! Our parents were supposed to fly down as well and help with the baby things but flights have been cancelled in Pittsburgh and no flights are leaving. I just hope we get this done soon.

As I was pulling off of my street I saw the photographers snapping away at me. It's hard not to get mad or show your frustration at time's like these. They were practically touching my car! I did panic, not wanting to hit someone, but I just kept my cool as best I could and continued to drive. They followed me the whole time too in their own cars driving recklessly. Never have I felt such joy when I got to the parking garage and drove underground where I knew they wouldn't find me.

"Tough drive?" Dave the security guard asked me. Sidney insists that I have security because of all the buzz and drama going on with photographers and fans. Companies have even hired people to take pictures of me at games which is scary because we never know who it's going to be that wants a picture.

"Yeah, they were practically on my car today," I groaned, hobbling out of the car.

"I hear you. How were the roads?"

"Terrible! Now I know why Sidney left early."

"They're only gonna get worst as the night goes on too, it's been snowing here since 11am yesterday morning!"

"Our parents were supposed to come down today too to help us with the baby stuff but their flight was cancelled."

"That's rough. Do you wanna go the back way or public?"

"Can we please go the back way? I'm not in a mood to see anyone right now other than those in the section. Though I really don't wanna see any of them either," I joked.

"I don't blame you!" he laughed.

When I got to my seats in the crowd Vero was there with a hot chocolate. "I thought you'd want one," she winked.

"I love you!" I smiled, graciously accepting it. Hot chocolate has been probably one of my biggest cravings this whole pregnancy.

"Large crowd here tonight, even earning an appearance from the woman everyone in Pittsburgh has been talking about," the one announcer said, as my face went on the big screen. I still just sort of look up with a dumbfounded smile and try not to die of embarrassment. "Seen here with Marc-Andre Fleury's new wife Veronique."

"Captain Crosby is one lucky guy!"

"She must be bringing out a better player in him lately, averaging at least 2 points when she is in the audience, and 2 when on the road with her watching at home."

"Where can I get one of those?" the announcer started laughing.

"Oh would you look at that? I bring Sidney luck," I laughed to Vero.

"You also bring fans, look, they're coming to see you," she pointed to a group of young girls running up to me.

It's weird because I'm not used to this attention nor do I neccesarily want it. I know if I'm with Sid this is what I'm going to get but still. Not to this extent. I took some photos with them and chatted with some as best as I could but there was getting to be too much and my personal bubble was being popped. I was beginning to panic and prayed that this would never happen again.

"I need to leave," I said to Vero, standing up.

"Too overwhelming?" she asked up the stairs and to the nearest exit.

"Just a tad."

Right as I walked out a camera crew was there for PensTV. Great. Just fucking great.
"Look at that, we're here with Ashley, how is the energy tonight?" the host asked, shoving a microphone in my face.

"It's always good. The fans are so loyal and dedicated and always make Pens games worth it," I smiled, wanting to kick this skinny broad in the throat.

"What's it like cheering Sidney on?"

"It's fun!" I replied, nice and short so she would get the hint.

"You always look so calm and relaxed at games, how are you able to keep so cool while watching?"

"I'm used to it. I grew up watching Sid play and was always at his games from when he started playing at a young age so it's normal to me. I trust his plays and know what he's capable of, much like the fans do. I still get worried though, I just don't show it-trust me," I laughed, walking away for good.

When Dave brought us to the family and friends box everything died down and we were able to relax and enjoy the game. I couldn't help but have anxiety the whole time though because of earlier. I knew it was getting bad for Sidney but why me? Regardless, I couldn't wait for this game to be over so I can get the fuck home and relax with Sidney.

**Leaving Arena**
I decided to leave before Sidney since I don't want to deal with this bullshit for any longer. Getting onto the roads wasn't bad but the weather certainly was! I could barely see a thing! Next thing you know I was on a back road when I saw a couple of black SUV's following me at a very quick pace. They created a box around me and began snapping pictures.

"The roads are bad enough holy fuck! Why must they be doing this!?" I yelled out of frustration. Now I'm getting mad!

I tried to get out of the lane but couldn't because they wouldn't let me. The roads were icy and I wasn't going to try anything dangerous to avoid it, so I dealt with it. For about 5 minutes I tolerated this nonsense, well not really, I just dealt with it, then I started honking. Still nothing! And we haven't seen anyone else on the roads because they're bad. This is starting to freak me out.

Next thing you know I was reaching for my phone to call the police and the car on my right hit me causing me to hit another and end up in a ditch. The movements were not that hard and it wasn't too forceful thankfully, but I was scared. What happened to the baby? Or me? I feel fine but what if the baby isn't? Tears filled my eyes and the driver of the other car that initially hit me got out and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I think so!" I responded. At least he has some class. I pulled out my phone and called 911 while he was asking if his buddy was okay. I just wanted to punch them all in the face for causing this, especially if anything goes wrong. They did something so wrong and my life could now be changed forever all because of them! So many thoughts are running through my head at this moment. I'm clearly shaken but that's normal. Now it's time to call Sidney.

"Hello?" he asked, still at the arena.

"Hey Sid, I got in an accident."

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