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"So they want us to fake a relationship eh?" I asked crawling into his large bed, getting under the thick comforter.

"I guess so," Sidney said, sitting at the end of the bed with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together.

"I don't even know what to think about it," I said shaking my head, leaning my back against the headboard.

"Neither do I."

I remember back when I was about to tell him I was pregnant with his baby. I thought a million and one different emotions. I was nervous about telling him, scared to death of what he'd say, relieved to have told him, happy to see him again, and on pins and needles to get a reaction. But the feeling towards telling our families was ten times that. I didn't know what to expect and I was glad that they took it so well. I didn't expect for them to come up with this plan though and that made me freak out deep down, though I won't show that to Sidney. I don't want to scare him away.

"So what do you think of what our fathers suggested?" I asked, as we began to cuddle, me resting my head on his shoulder, feeling like crap.

"Well I think we should think about it. It wouldn't be a bad thing and I think it would make things a whole lot easier. I think we should make up a story and just stick with it. That is if you want to do it."

"I agree. I think it's the safest bet. I don't want you going through anymore stress than you have to go through,"

"So does this mean we are all in?"

"I would think so."

"So Ashley, would you like to be my pretend girlfriend?" he asked. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I would love to be!" I laughed, causing him to laugh along with me. "But I'm going to bed, so good night lover boy!" I smiled, getting up from bed.

"What, I'm your pretend boyfriend and I don't get a good night kiss?" he teased. I picked up a hoodie on the floor by the doorway and threw it at him on my way out.

Laying in bed all I can do is think about it, it gives me anxiety but its what is best so I have to at least try it. I know Sidney and I know he will take it slow and make sure to take his time with slowly introducing me to the world. My thoughts surprisingly put me to sleep within no time and I was out like a light.

At the breakfast table in the morning, we were pretty talkative.

"I'm getting used to having you around again," I smiled.

"Couldn't agree more," he said, coming around behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist. Slightly rocking us back and forth playfully.

"You know you can't scare me or throw me around anymore right?"

"Well that's a shame, when are you gonna go to the doctor?"

"Uhm, today at 4 actually."

"Good answer. I have to be back in Pittsburgh for a week at the end of the month for a meeting and then I have a couple doctors appointments as well down there after that so I think we can go there and try and make it public."

"That sounds perfect. Do you wanna go out today and do a test run for acting out in public? We need to go shopping anyway and it's not very busy on days like today so we might as well try it out and it'll help make things less awkward."

"Let's go."

Walking around town with Sid was so awkward. We just went along a certain strip and went into little stores looking for little pieces to help decorate our house. We took my hand and led the entire way. It was really weird always holding his hand and doing what he said. If there were things on tall shelves he would get on his tip toes and bring it down effortlessly, smiling and laughing because I couldn't reach. I would playfully tap him and laugh at his stupidity. It's always how we've been.

"Would it be weird if I slid my arm around your waist?" he whispered in my ear while looking at a painting.

"Uh, no not really."

"Well can I?"

"Sure." Sure enough his arms slid around my waist slowly, giving me shivers.

"What was that for?"

"You did it so creepily,"


"I don't know, it was just slow and weird."

"I was trying to be romantic and sensitive."

"Nice try bud." I patted his chest.

At the doctors office it was even more awkward. Sidney opened the door for me and helped me in. The receptionist looked at me like I was crazy because I was walking in with Sidney Crosby. Well this is the start of it, I thought. We went to go sit down in the chairs and immediately got sent into the doctors office. You know how doctors offices are. You come for your appointment time, sit in the waiting room for twenty minutes, sit in the room waiting for the doctor for another twenty minutes and see the doctor for three.

"You okay Ash?"

"Yeah, just nervous," I said sitting on the little table thingy. Sidney held my hand the entire time.

"Hello, you must be Ashley and Sidney," the doctor said shaking hands with us, "I'm doctor Smith and I will be your doctor for your pregnancy. Is this your first pregnancy?"

"Yes, for both." I answered.

"Exciting! Alright, so I'm gonna ask you some questions, so just relax and answer them to the best of your ability."

After this long, and I mean long list of questions, we got to see the baby on the monitor! Sidney scooted as close to me as possible to see it, holding my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"This is your uterus, and see this tiny little dot?" we nodded, "that's your baby!"

"Oh my God that's so cute!" I said tearing up.

"I'll go print you some pictures," Dr. Smith smiled. After she brought the pictures back, we were free to go.
When we got home, we sat on our seats on the couch and just looked at the pictures. I turned to Sidney and his eyes couldn't look away from the pictures in his hand. He had a beaming smile on his face as well. It was a look of happiness I have only seen a few times in his life and it was so amazing to witness it for something so special in his life.

"Sid," I said.

"Yeah?" he snapped out of it.

"I can't find the baby!" I burst out crying.

"Oh, don't cry," he said immediately comforting me, "I can't even find our baby! I'm gonna be such a bad mom!"

"Ash, just because you can't find a dot on a piece of paper doesn't mean you will be a bad mom. It's hard to find! Look, there it is right there."

"Oh, okay. Thank you," I laughed whipping my eyes.

"This is gonna be one long pregnancy," Sidney laughed. Earning a tap on his chest.

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