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"Our babies are home!" my mom yelled as we walked through the door of Sidney's house, where both of our mothers were sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of tea.

We couldn't help but smile as we walked in and saw their reaction. My dogs were jumping up, excited to see us, mainly Sid, they were a little mad at me for not taking them with me. Sidney let go of the handle of his suitcase and scooped Chloe and Maci up and kissing the two of them, showing them lots of love.

"Did my two girls miss me?" he cooed, as the showered him with kisses.

"Oh for frigs sake," I rolled my eyes. "Hi mom and Trina!" I smiled giving the moms hugs hello.

"Sid, let them breathe and calm down, you're getting them all wound up," Trina said, waiting to give her son a hug. The dogs were squirming like crazy and barking for once.

"Fine, go see your mommy," he said, passing them over to me. They were squirmy and did not want to see me whatsoever. I know they were mad cuz I left but they'll get over it.

"Just think, they'll be just like this in a few months when the baby comes!" my mom laughed, getting a little giddy just thinking of when her grandchild will be with us.

"Yeah, no kidding," I laughed, placing the dogs down.

"Enjoy bending over while you can Ash, cuz in about a week you won't be able to anymore," Trina laughed as I stood back up.

"Oh I know, I'm lucky I still can!"

"Are you even showing yet?" she asked, trying to see if I do in fact have a baby bump yet.

"Nope," I frowned, lifting up my shirt to prove it to them. "Not yet."

"Oh that'll come! You'll be wishing you didn't have one near the end," my mom said taking a seat on the couch.

"When I was pregnant with Sid I didn't get my bump very fast but with Taylor I got one right away and she was nearly two pounds lighter!"

"Oh God, you were so big," my mom said, sipping her tea.

"Oh I know! And they weren't very big babies either!"

"I was different with you and your sister too! Honestly Ash, every woman has a different experience so you don't need to worry about it. Just like giving birth, it's a different experience," my mom said, as me and Sid took a seat on the love seat. His arm naturally rested above my shoulders on the couch. It's a position we have become used to.

"Yeah, just like when I was delivering Sidney I-"

"Mom, can we please not talk about this right now. She's not even close to giving birth and I really don't wanna hear about when I was born," Sid said, making us all laugh.

"Aw, quit being a big baby Sid," I said, pinching his cheek, and talking with a baby voice.

"What? Do you not find it awkward hearing this stuff?" he asked me.

"No, I really don't. It's normal for girls to talk about this stuff. And I wanna know as much as I can to learn about what my experience could be like and so I know what to expect and what can happen."

"That's really odd."

"How though Sid? It's normal. Every family goes through it," I said.

"It's just weird!"

"Sid, don't worry!"

"Ash, why do you wanna talk about this now?" he asked, obviously mad.

"Then we won't talk about it," I said, shifting myself away. Our moms stared at each other and knew it was time for them to go.

"We gotta get back to the boys, they're out cleaning the boats since it's calling for a storm tonight, it's already starting to get a little stormy looking out there"," my mom said.

"Aw, well thanks for the short visit!" I said, hugging them both, walking them over to the front door. "Call us if you need anything! And thanks for watching the dogs."

"Oh no problem, hopefully they'll warm up to you again," mom smiled.

"Bye Sid!" Trina waved.

"Bye!" he yelled from in the kitchen. "Thank you!"

"No problem! Bye,"

"Bye," I smiled, closing the door shut. Now I get to deal with grumpy Sid, great. I turned from the door and walked into the kitchen, I was not impressed with Sid. "What the fuck was that!?"

"What was what?" he asked, not looking up from making his sandwich.

"How you just acted. That was so uncalled for and you acted completely childish!"

"Well I didn't wanna talk about it," he said staying quiet.

"Okay but that's not how you handle those situations. All you needed to do was simply either remove yourself from the conversation or bring up another topic. Would that have been so hard?"

"Yeah, it would have been."

"Why Sid?"


"Are you seriously gonna act like this?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Yup, I'm going to."

"K," I said, walking up the stairs to my bedroom, scooping up the dogs and closing the bedroom door.

I crawled on my bed and pulled my dogs into my chest and flicking my TV on to a marathon of The Hills. Why is he acting this way? As of yesterday things were perfect and today he's acting like a dick. What else is new? I just wanted to learn about what I'm gonna have ahead of me, and he just had to act like an immature baby. Why? Why did he have to be so hot and cold some days? I've seen him nervous and upset and I usually know what it's about but this time I really have no idea.

**Sidney's POV**
I fucked up last night kissing her before bed. I should not have done that and I sort of regret doing it. I really do like this girl a lot and I let my emotions get the best of me yesterday, and the feelings got stronger all within one kiss. How can one kiss change so much? That one kiss changed things for us! I like her a lot more, I felt more connected, I wanted more kisses like that with her, and I have to keep kissing her and acting like it's no big deal. But inside I'm dying, I want this with her, I don't wanna have to fake it with her anymore. And of course I would do a typical Sidney and run away from it. I should have been interested in the conversation but instead I pushed her and the thoughts away in hopes it would separate myself from her and the feelings would go away. But nothing that can happen can change that. I fucked up big. I walked up to her bedroom and I knocked slightly on the door.

"Ash, can I please come in?" there was no answer. So I tried again. "Ash, please?" Still no answer. I gave her a couple of minutes so I walked into her room. She looked so cute just laying there sleeping, how could I wake her up. I went over and sat on the bed, causing the dogs to move and for her to wake up. "Ash can we please talk?"

"About what?" she asked, obviously not impressed. You'd think after a 4 hour nap that she would have at least remembered. Then again she's a girl and girls like to question us.

"Earlier. I'm so sorry about how I acted, I shouldn't have done that and I was wrong. I should have done what you told me. I just get really uncomfortable talking about child birth," I semi lied. It's true but I don't wanna tell her the real reason.

"It's ok, you know that's something you gotta get used to tho."

"I know, and I will, I promise. I guess I'm just jetlegged too and it got the best of me. Do you forgive me?"

"Of course I do," she said, giving me a hug. "

"Did you have a nice nap?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said so sleepily. It was adorable how tired she was.

"Do you wanna lay back down?" she simply nodded. "Okay."

"Lay with me?"

"Of course, I'm just gonna go lock up the house okay?"


And sure enough, that's what I did, and we slept till the next morning. Maybe the jet lag was that bad.

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