Twenty One

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"Sid the kid is on fire, earning the Pens 5 points last week and has been unstoppable this week, Not really surprising considering-" Sid changed the TV from the sports anchor's comment about his playing over the past few weeks. It's so good for him to be back to playing again.

"What, you don't like seeing yourself on TV? Or seeing people glamorizing you, worshiping your every move?" I teased him, looking up from my baby nursery magazine. I'm desperate for some inspiration.

"You know I don't like it very much," he shook his head. He just arrived home this morning from a road trip and had the day off for once. He's been finding the hours a little hard on his body but he's doing a great job at keeping up.

"I know, I'm just teasing," I laughed.

"Speaking of teasing," he raised his voice into a wannabe Austin Powers tone, "Your-"

"No comments about the boobies please! They're sensitive!" I covered them up, knowing that they were spilling out of my top.

"figuratively or literally?" he smirked.

"Sid, why are you so gross!?" I laughed, throwing a pillow at him.

"I'm a typical guy! I notice these things!"

"Yeah! Like when I first got boobs and you tried to chest bump me and once I winced in pain you tried to feel them to see if they were actually real. I know your little mind tricks Crosby!" A huge grin got on his face and his geeky laugh began. He knew I was onto him with that comment.

"I was a little 12 year old boy, you can't blame me!"

"Did I open your pants to check and see if you got boners when you were at that age?"

"What the hell? That's disgusting."

"But the sad part is if I really did do that that you'd actually get a boner back then," I smirked. I win again.

"You really need to calm it down with all of this dirty talk missy. You are becoming quite the little horny girl and I don't want my baby being born to a sex addict." My jaw dropped, almost ready to kill him.

"I am not a sex addict!"

"Are so. All this talk of touching boobs and looking at boners, you sick person. It's no wonder you got pregnant so fast!"

"Wow, that was harsh," I bowed my head, my voice dropping to a low tone.

"Ash, you know I didn't mean it that way," he said, coming over and putting his arm around me.

"Are you kidding!? I'm not upset about that! If anything you're the sex addict!"

"I am a male! We like to hump things with tight spaces!"

"And look where we are now-oh God, you just said I have a tight space! Blah!" I said, gagging on my words. That was actually disgusting for me to say and absolutely weird cuz it came from Sidney. Oh God, 'came from Sidney', I just need to stop talking and thinking all together.

"Seriously though, we need to stop talking so dirty to our baby, it doesn't need to hear any of that stuff!" he laughed.

"Protective dad over here," I rolled my eyes.

"Only if I have a daughter! My son will know better!" he laughed, playing with a hockey puck that was on the coffee table. I know Sidney will be a very protective father, especially if he has a little girl. If he treats her in the same way that he treats me then I know she'll be in good hands. Even if that does mean he'll hire a security team when she wants to go out as a teenager.

"Sid, we really need to go baby shopping today. I could go in a few weeks and we barely have anything here!"

"I know, I'm sorry, do you wanna go baby shopping today?"

"Yeah that's fine with me. I was thinking of getting the nursery done first and foremost. I know we have some diapers and some outfits but that needs to be our first priority."

"So do you have any themes in mind?" he asked, actually paying attention to this stuff. I'm glad to see he is showing interest to this very important discussion.

"Well we still wanna keep the sex of the baby a secret right?" he nodded. "Well I was thinking we have a little Winnie The Pooh themed room!"

"Winnie the Pooh?"

"Yeah! Why not? It'd be so cute and adorable! Plus the colours can be neutral and we could always change it once we have the sex of the baby discovered. I was thinking of maybe soft yellow walls with a green bottom and we could have beige furniture and a white crib or something? I'm not sure about that yet, but then we could have little Winnie the Pooh characters on the walls on shelves! It's so perfect for a baby!"

"Well I'm down if you are!" he smiled.

"Yay!" I threw my hands up in the air then down onto my belly. "Your daddy said we can have the room we talked about!"

"Hey, you two have talked about this?" he asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't we? I love to talk to my baby whether it's a girl or boy."

"Well I wanna talk to the baby!"

"You can tonight, but we gotta get going! So let's go!"

**At the Baby Store** **Sidney's POV**
"There is not a single thing here that I know what we need," she said, looking through a selection of bottles.

"You took parenting in high school, surely you remember some of it."

"Not about this stuff. Like some of it is common sense but I forget the sizes of everything. Urgh, does this mean I'm going to be a bad mom?" she asked looking up at me with big eyes. I could see the tears forming and I just wanted to hug her and kiss her right there. Oh wait, I technically can in public.

"No, that doesn't mean you're gonna be a bad mom babe," I said, pulling her in and giving her a huge hug, kissing her forehead. I could tell she was really upset at this and it kills me that I couldn't do more about it to help her. "You are gonna be a great mom and I'm super proud of you! There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of and every first time mom goes through this. We're still learning and it's okay to make mistakes. I promise you we will get this figured out shortly okay?"

"Okay," she sniffled, drying her eyes with her sleeve. Even when she's crying she's so adorable.

"How about we go get some furniture for the baby's room?"

"I'd much rather that!" she smiled, getting all excited. I don't know why girls love doing this so much.

We had a sales clerk come over and help us pick out what we need. So far we found a dresser, changing table and shelf that all match that she loves, and a chair that she could feed the baby in. The smile never left her face, or mine for a matter of fact. I could tell with each thing we looked at she was getting more and more excited. We even had the time to take a look at some other stuff for the baby's room and she decided to get those too.

Walking out of the store there was people everywhere. In all my years of living in Pittsburgh I have never had this much people following my every move. It's creepy and really annoying. They were all screaming my name and trying to get Ashley's attention.

"Just keep your head down and don't say anything," I told her as I grabbed the bags and walked out of the store to our car. I let her follow me a little bit so I could lead the way through the crowd of people. "Can you please move out of the way? Thanks guys."

They were up our asses and I was never so happy to be in my car.

"I think you need to get a personal body guard," she joked with me.

"No kidding!"

Later that day we went shopping some more, mainly for maternity clothes for Ashley, since she was growing even bigger. She spent the last 3 days in my oversized tshirts and sweatpants. As cute as it was seeing pictures of her wearing them, I knew it wasn't socially acceptable and that she couldn't stand not being somewhat fashionable.

We had a nice home cooked meal and had a movie night with all of her favourite movies. We have a very similar taste so I didn't find it too painful. She was cuddled right into me on the huge comfy sofa and I had my arm around her. I could sense the baby was kicking because of the way she was squirming in my arm to get comfortable. I just wanna reach down and touch her belly and have her know that I was there for her and the baby but I still don't feel comfortable to.

It's like she can read my mind the way she took my hand and placed it on her belly. I could feel the baby's little foot up near her ribs, right where she was ticklish. I couldn't help but laugh at the way she moved when I touched her there. It's so amazing to feel an actual foot in there, but it's gross at the same time.

"I wonder whose feet the baby's gonna have," I said casually.

"I do too actually. I'm hoping yours if it's a boy!"

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"That if my daughter has your feet she's gonna have some hideous man feet," she giggled.

"You're lucky you're pregnant or I'd tickle you right now," I smirked.

"Tickle what?" she stuck her tongue out. Your pussy, I thought. I've been craving her a lot lately, especially now that she's showing more and becoming more curvaceous. I keep thinking about that night where we made out and was stopped by Mario. I hated him for ruining that for me, not even lying.

"Don't worry about it," I smirked.

**Ashley's POV**
That smirk, oh how I love that smirk. His big lips with that sexy little curve at the corner of his mouth was enough to drive a woman crazy. I know neither of us have done anything for months now and being pregnant I'm more horny than normal, but this is just wow! Feeling his peck on my head and his abs on my arm and his bicep on my shoulder... I just wanna feel something else against me as well.

**Sidney's POV**
The way she was laying I got a perfect view of her beautifully swollen tits. I love those things more and more! I wonder if she knows just how much I like them.

"Pay attention to the movie Crosby and not my tits," she smirked back, completely catching me staring at them.

"I'm a guy, I notice these things. They look really swollen and painful though."

"Holy shit they're like rocks!" she exclaimed. Truth be told they did look really painful and tender. "They hurt like a mother, but they feel good when I rub them."

I think I officially just lost my mind. Especially when she started rubbing them in front of me.

**Ashley's POV**
I know exactly what I'm doing, and I am gonna get my way with him tonight and do something I've been dying to do for a while. And that I can actually remember.

**Sidney's POV**
For the next little bit all she did was rub her tits and moan a sexy little moan. It was driving me crazy! I could feel myself getting a little bit harder too the more she did it to herself. I could definitely assist her with any rubbing that she needed, especially in certain places. There was a sex scene in the movie we were watching and it wasn't helping my situation much at all. At one part she moaned really loud, catching my attention.

"That feels so good," she moaned in a somewhat sexual way. Sexual or not, it was sexual to me and I wanna hear her say it when she's with me and I'm doing it to her. About a minute later she did it again and I was ready to lose my mind. Just as she was about to say something else, I kissed her with all my might, then taking her to my bedroom.

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