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Waking up in the morning after such a rough night was not exactly what I wanted to do at this particular moment in time. If I had my way I would still be passed out and my blankets would be up to my ears. I was not about that life this morning. I instantly felt something big and warm wrapped around my body, slightly sweaty might I add. I looked down at the hand that lay infront of my stomach. I know that hand, I thought. I turned around and looked over my shoulder to see a sleeping Sidney behind me, naked. An overwhelming sensation flushed over my body and I went numb.

I've never even slept of cuddled with Sidney, let alone seen him naked or have sex with him! How did this happen!? Why did this happen!? My friendship is gonna be over and things are gonna be so awkward! Oh my God, he has a hard on pressed against my back. What do I do!? Do I let him sleep and try and sneak out, or do I stay and do nothing, letting him wake up and feel the shock of it? Or do I wake him and we can freak out together. Well, since we are friends, we might as well endure this together, I mean, we already do everything else together.

I got up a little bit more so that I was sitting up and his arm dropped over my pubic bone, awkward. I pulled the white sheet up to my chest, covering my exposed breasts. I placed my hand on his strong shoulder and said, "Sidney. Sid you gotta wake up now."

He opened his eyes, and realizes that he is in bed with me. He opened them a second time really widely and his mouth dropped open in shock, lifting his head and leaning on his elebow. The sheet dropped so it was just underneath his pecks. The way the sun was shining through the blinds made it seem so romantic that it didn't help our situation.

"What? How? Did we? Oh my God!" he screamed.

"I know!" I said, freaking out beyond belief.

"Oh my, I am so sorry! I didn't want to, I mean I would never want to, crap that's not what I meant, I mean, you're like my sister!" he screamed, wanting to pace around the room knowing he couldn't.

"Yeah, bet you lost your hard on now!" I said, giving him a weird look.

"Hey, that is not my fault. It is a male thing, you don't understand."

"I don't. I don't understand how we let each other do this! Why didn't we stop each other?"

"I have no clue. Do you remember any of it?"

"To be honest, I really don't! I remember us dancing at the club, you got me wasted and we were dancing."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I tend to do that a lot when I'm with you,"

"Now that you mention that you always do! Nothing so golden about you boy," I huffed.

"I remember us coming home and that is it."

"Well then, we had sex."


"I just had sex with Sidney Crosby and I'm upset. I just lived a million girls dream, and I'm upset about it!?" I asked, placing my hands over my eyes.

"I'm not too thrilled about it either, but we gotta do the best with what we got, you know?"

"I know. It's gonna be so awkward between us Sid." I groaned, while he too leaned his back on the headboard of his bed.

"It wil be for the first bit, but it'll be okay, we'll make it through it." he said hugging me. We looked at each other during the hug, realizing that we were still naked underneath the blanket. We instantly seperated and laughed. "Do you wanna just forget about it?"

"Yes please. I'm gonna go shower though."

"What? You don't wanna shower with me? I mean, we've already seen each other naked, what more can we do now that we've done it?" he joked. I shot him a look that told him to basically eat poo, and he broke out laughing. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" he laughed as I hit him with a pillow.

"But seriously, I'm gonna go shower, and you can clean yourself up. I'm stealing your blanket," I said, trying to wrap myself around in it. Sidney watched me and laughed at me struggling to wrap it. "Can you please turn around?" He did, rolling his eyes. "Thank you. So long Siddo. I'll see ya after my shower! Have a cold one, you need it!" I winked as I walked out of the room.

**Two Days Later**

Sidney leaves for New York today. I'm sort of excited to see him go do something he loves but at the same time I am a tad nervous, knowing how he may react. I saw all of his suits layed out on his bed and his suitcase by his bedroom door. I know Sidney was nervous, he was representing the players and that always made him nervous, but he still shows confidence when in front of the public. Sid came into his room, smiling at me with a wide grin.

"You sad to see me leave?" he asked, knowing I might get emotional, since I am a very emotional person.

"No, I'm excited," I laughed.

"Oh? And why's that missy?"

"Cuz now I can have massive parties and enjoy being a free woman."

"Let's both be real here Ash, the only 'partying' you'll be doing is peeing with the door open."

"As true as that may be, you do know that the crew gets back this week."

"It's all good. Have em over if you want, just don't let them in my room and be careful of my office." he warned all dad like. We brought his bags down and saw his taxi waiting at the end of the driveway.

"Have a fun time in New York. You'll do great, I know you will. Just speak with confidence and you'll nail it!" I hugged him.

"Thanks! Are you crying yet?" he asked. I pulled back showing him I had tears in my eyes.

"You're too hormonal," he laughed. He squeezed me tighter and let go. "See you soon, I'll call you when I land. Bye girls!" he said petting the dogs who were jumping at his legs.

"Bye Sid!" I mocked their voice, picking them up.

"Bye Ash," he waved, grabbing his suitcase.

I followed him out the door and to the car, "bye Sid!"

I watched him get into the car and drive off down the street. I hope this trip to New York goes well for him.

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