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**A Week Later**
"So let me get this straight, I can only bring this much?" I asked Sidney in a serious tone when he said I had to bring less clothing.

"Yes. But you already know that you're growing out of your clothes and will need new ones anyways so just bring what you know you can still wear for a little while or know you can wear your whole pregnancy."

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked.

"No, I'm just stating the obvious! You've been growing a little more," he said, staring down at my little bump.

"I guess you're right," I said rubbing it. I know he still feels awkward about touching it, especially because we aren't a couple.

"When do you think you are going to go maternity wear shopping?" he asked, moving a box down to the stack of clothes we are bringing.

"Not too sure, I went a bit when you were gone, and my mom got me some stuff she knew I'd like so probably in Pittsburgh. "

"Just please be prepared," he said softly, embracing me in a hug. His hands were on my waist and mine were around his neck, as we just looked up at each other.

"I will be."

"I mean it, I don't want you getting hurt by what other people tell you or say about you and I know that it'll come once the news breaks. I don't want to see you get hurt," he said in a low but serious tone. I could tell that he was genuinely worried about what was to happen when we make this move. And quite frankly I don't blame him. I feel bad for making him feel this way. His forehead rested on mine and we just stood there having a really nice moment. "I know you're a tough girl but you gotta promise me we will get through this together okay?"
I simply nodded as a reply, trying to hold back tears. It was really starting to hit me that this was happening today. Our flight leaves in 5 hours and my life really will change.

"I'm proud of you Ash," he rubbed my back with his thumb soothingly.

"I'm proud of you Sid," I replied.

The closeness made me smell him, and feel his heart beat as well. It was beating just as fast as mine. The touch of his body on mine made my stomach flutter and made me feel weak in the knees. If he wasn't so strong he would have let me fall right there in front of him. I could touch his lips with mine if I made a kiss face. God how I want to kiss him right now.

We just stood there in silence staring at each other's bodies and embracing each other. We were stuck in the moment and nothing could break our concentration. Minus the fact until we realized what we were doing and awkwardly stepped apart from each other laughing.

"Do you wanna go see our parents before we leave? I wanna say goodbye," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, let's get going now then, cuz I'm done." And that was that. Off to Pittsburgh we go!

**In Pittsburgh**
Thankfully we managed to avoid the press when we got off the plane, and we were able to take our luggage with us, throw it in the car and leave. When we got to Sid's house the dogs were confused as hell as to where they were.

"This is your new home babies!" I cooed holding onto them. Sid walked up to the front door and unlocked it swiftly, carrying in the bags while I brought the dogs into the house. It wasn't long that they were off exploring when I let them down.

"You really shouldn't bend over like that you know, it's not good for the baby," he said, carrying in my suitcase.

"And you really shouldn't be bringing in my luggage mister. I can do it myself you know."

"You are with child; I can't let you do anything to risk my baby." I just stood there staring at him, overwhelmingly happy with what he just said. He noticed me staring and broke me out of my trace. "What are you smiling so big at?"

"Nothing, I just really liked what you said," I smiled, tearing up slightly.

"Why? I was just being honest."

"Because you said 'I can't let you do anything to risk my baby'."

"Yeah, and?"

"I just find it really amazing to know that you trust me with your baby and it just really hit me that we are having a baby together," I choked out, bursting into tears.

"Aw Ash!" he said, wrapping his arms around me again, consoling me. "Of course I trust you with the baby! You're gonna be a great mom, I know you will and I'm so proud of you. Just don't overdo yourself. We want a healthy baby, not an unhealthy one."

"Like its father," I winked. He just looked down at me and laughed, rolling his eyes. He kissed my forehead and got us starting unpacking my clothes and his.

Since we aren't doing anything special today I decided to have a little bit of fun with him. We need to still be able to have fun and get the job done, especially because Sid is under a lot of pressure lately. Part of pregnancy is that you get super and I mean super horny and the fact that I can't do anything about it is really, really starting to get to me. And I assume the same for him. I know that Sid used to get all the ladies and wants to have sex, it has been months after all. I've been begging to be touched, I've been craving a steamy kiss, like the one we had on our date night and dancing at the wedding. And I don't know what it is but he's becoming more sexy to me.

I decided to change into my super sexy push up bra and a low cut top, showing off my swollen and sensitive breasts, which I knew would get him going. And of course, some yogas to make my ass look good of course. I know his type of women and exactly how to turn him on. Now that I'm thinking about it that sounds weird since we're friends, but I've noticed what he likes. Boy am I gonna have some fun with this. When he came into my room with another suitcase of my clothes my plan started. I began to hold my lower back and 'winced' in pain, even though my back actually was sore.

"Whoa, you okay?" he asked concerned. This'll be like taking candy from a baby.

"I think so, my lower back is really sore."

"You might've pulled something. Be careful with what you do from now on."

"It must've been the way I was positioned last night. Or maybe it was after you left.." I trailed off, leaving him in a bit of suspense. I then dropped something so I bent over to get it, giving him a full view of my cleavage. I stayed down in that position for a while. "Oh my God this feels so amazing. Hey Sid, can you please rub my lower back?" I knew he was looking at my boobs, plus I was in front of a mirror. He came up behind me as I was bent over, and rubbed me. His hands felt so godly.

"Anything for you and the baby," he replied in a low and somewhat raspy voice. I definitely got him.

**Sidney's POV**
What the hell is this woman trying to do me today? Her outfit is driving me crazy. She had her boobs all out, and now she's bent over in front of me, and I'm not even banging her. Her thong was even hanging out too. Oh this girl is driving me nuts! It's either I'm so horny I'll think anything is hot, or she actually is just this hot and I haven't noticed it to this extent. And the fact she has a baby bump with my baby inside, I can't help but find that even sexier. God, whatever it is it's working.

**Ashley's POV**
Haha it's working. I would moan a little bitand totally get into it, besides it felt amazing. At one point I pretended to feel how hard he was, by pressing my butt into his crotch. Yup, definitely turned on. When I really couldn't take it anymore I stood up, causing him to frown in frustration.

"Thank you Siddo," I smirked. I kissed his cheek, rubbing my boobs on his arm.

"Uh, no problem," he replied puzzled. I just skipped away and opened another suitcase.

**Sidney's POV**
After what she just did, I literally had a raging hard on. Watching her unpack everything drove me crazy, seeing the curves on her body. I could just walk right over and pick her up and fuck her on the wall. I've fantasized about her before that way but I could make that a reality. I wish I could remember the night we shared together. God I hoped I fucked her good, if not I would need to make up for it when I can. I don't know what happened to me, but something came over me and I walked over to her and picked her up. She let out a flirtatious squeal and I kissed her passionately. Surprisingly she kissed me back, and hell yeah she kissed me back. Her kisses were intense and powerful over my large body.

As the make out session intensified kiss after kiss, we would nibble on each other's lips, our tongues would brush each other and her hips grinded into mine in a perfect rhythm. I lifted her up a little bit higher and held her up by her ass because of the slight bump; even though I was being rough with her I still didn't know how it would affect the baby and her. She moaned in my mouth and I almost lost control. Her moans are so sexy. How could she do this to me and still leaving me standing?

I marched us onto the bed, dropping her down on the bed gently, not wanting to hurt her and the baby again. I crawled on top of her slowly, apparently too slow considering she pulled me up by the collar of my shirt, and brought me to her mouth to kiss her again. I worked her neck a bit, instantly finding her spot, and made my way down to her swollen and beautiful breasts. I could devour these.

**Ashley's POV**
I don't know what the heck came over him but I'm glad he grew a pair of balls and kissed me like he meant it. It was so hot how he took control and just did it. The feeling of him holding me up in his strong arms, him holding me up by my ass and feeling his kisses were so strong over my body. I loved being able to kiss him, wrap my arms around him, and run my nails up and down the muscles on his arms and back. And when he started going at my breasts I couldn't wait for him to get there and just suck them. Right as he was about to pull one out of my bra someone barged in the front door.

"Sidney!" the man yelled, scaring the living shit out of us. He did not sound impressed.

"For fucks sake," Sid groaned, getting up and walking to the stairs to see the man. Before he left the room he said, "Don't worry, it's just Mario."

"Thank God!" I breathed out, I was shitting bricks. Not to mention sexually frustrated. I stayed there on the bed, eavesdropping to know what the big rush is. I know Mario wouldn't just barge in his house for just nothing and he sounded genuinely pissed.

"Hey Mario, what's up?"

"The press knows she's pregnant, there was a source who leaked it. And you have press everywhere outside of the gated community waiting for you and at the arena waiting to see you. You need to set the record straight with Dan and the boys."

I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to run outside and see if what I was hearing was right but I couldn't. I just sat there and continued to listen.

"What do you mean?"

"There was a source back home who leaked out private information on it to the press and is gaining a huge profit from it. If you want this to go smoothly you'd tell the boys and Dan."

"When do I need to do this?"

"Soon. Cuz now the boys are getting hounded on it and they don't know what to say. They know you're in a relationship but this is getting worst and when she can't hide it anymore it'll really blow up if no one else supports you."

"How many of them are home?"

"All of them, they're all moving back today because of training at the practice rink tonight."

"Tell them tonight afterwards. Not all of them but the ones getting hassled the most. I need to tell them." We have to do this today? Why does God do this to me?

"I'm on it right now. Tell Ash and get your story right."

"Thanks man."

I could hear Sid come back up the stairs. The second he got in his room he punched a wall in frustration.

"Sid, it's okay."

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is," I rubbed his back. "We just need to breathe and get this out of the way. You can do it. We'll tell them together. Just say we're pregnant and tell them not to tell them anything. They know our relationship and our history as being friends; they'll have your back I promise. Can you please just trust me?" I could hear him sigh and drop his head. He looked up at me after a brief second and just stared.

"Thank you," he said softly, giving me the biggest hug.

"No problem. Go get ready to go watch since you can't play mister."

Yeah I knew he'd be a nervous wreck but this was something that I knew was gonna come sooner or later. I'm super proud of him for doing this on his own. Hopefully Dan takes it well for Sidney's sake.

**Sidney's POV**
I just walked around the practice rink in my Pens hoodie and baseball hat with my hands in the pockets. It sucks not being able to do anything. Practice was only an hour just to get us skating around and I couldn't even do that. Dan wasn't running anything either so it was the perfect time for me to tell him. I took a deep breath and walked over to the bench where he was standing alone, overlooking everyone.

"Hey Dan," I said casually.

"Hey Sid, how've ya been?"

"Great, you?"

"I'm good thanks. You seem upset, wish you could play?"

"Oh it's killing me," I bowed my head sadly.

"I could tell since I saw you earlier today when we talked when you came in. Cheer up, you'll be able to play soon."

"Thanks, I need to tell you something though."

"Sure, what's up?" I knew now would be the time since no one was near us and there was absolutely no press here. Here it goes.

"So I have some pretty big news in my personal life and I'm excited to tell you. So, Ash and I are expecting a baby." I was trying to read an expression on his face and I couldn't quite get it. It wasn't until I think it hit him that he cracked a smile.

"That's so exciting! Congratulations Sid! I'm so happy for you!" he said, shaking my hand and patting my shoulder.

"Thank you so much!"

"You look relieved!" he chuckled.

"I was so nervous to tell you," I laughed. "Just please don't tell anyone yet."

"Oh don't worry about it, who knows so far?"

"From here Mario and you. I'm about to tell some of the guys cuz they've been getting hounded and they're my friends but we are taking it slow and waiting to tell people until we make the announcement or she can't hide it anymore."

"Okay, I won't say a word. How's the press been?"

"Hard but we're not saying anything on it and I'm choosing not to comment on it. That's too personal for me to share."

"And that's how you are. I'm really happy to hear that and I'm so happy for you two. Congrats!"

"Thanks Dan. But now I'm off to tell the boys once they shower and stuff. I'll talk to you in a bit." Thank god I got that out of the way.

After the showers and most of the newbies left I sat the boys down and told them we had to have a serious talk. There was no one but Geno, Matt, Marc-Andre, Duper, Letang, Kunitz, TK, James Neal, Jordan, Dan, Mario and myself in the room. So I flat out said it.

"I know you guys have been getting hounded the past few days about a pregnancy rumour and that Ash is pregnant. And I know that you guys really don't have a clue on the situation and are just realizing Ash and I are a couple. Even though you all assumed it would have happened much longer than we've actually been together."

"You got that right!" Flower laughed out, causing the boys to laugh.

"So I gotta tell you guys, I'm gonna be a dad." After those words left my mouth the room filled with cheers and the boys yelling. They all attacked me and were so happy to hear the news. These were my best friends and I knew they'd be happy for me and supportive. They each took turns congratulating me and it was time for business once they calmed down. "Please don't tell anyone anything. We aren't announcing it to the public and they'll know she's pregnant when she can't hide the bump anymore. I'd appreciate it a ton if you guys kept it quiet."

"You got it man, congrats again!" Pascal replied. He's always been genuine and happy for me with anything.

"Thank you!"

"Poor Max is gonna go crazy when he realizes Ashley will be a milf," Jordan said casually, causing us all to laugh. I'm glad nothing will change in this aspect from this.

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