Thirty Three

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**Sidney's POV**
"Sid! Ashley's in labor!" Mario yelled over to me when I came off the ice for a quick moment.

"She's what!? It's a month too early!" I yelled back, absolutely shocked.

"She is! She called Nathalie and she told me to tell you."

"I gotta go," I said, immediately taking off my helmet.

"I'm so glad you said that!" he chuckled.

"Sid, what the hell are you doing?" Dan asked, as I was getting ready to go back into the dressing room.

"Ash is in labor and she's all the way back home. I gotta go. I'm so sorry but I'm not missing this moment."

"I wouldn't expect you to. Good luck, you'll both do great. Keep me updated."

"Thanks, and please don't tell anyone in the media."

"You got it."

"Sid, I got you a helicopter at the airport waiting to take you there. We'll drive home and I'll drive you there," Mario said.

"Thank you!"

**Ashley's POV**
I'm in labor, waiting for my water to break and I'm handling it pretty well. My contractions are an hour apart and I'm only in pain when I'm having one. Trina just came over and we are sitting down to watch the Penguins game.

"Sidney Crosby has skated off the ice and is on his way to the dressing room. This is just not normal behaviour from him," the one announcer said.

"Exactly. It looks like Mario Lemieux called him."

"We do know that he has been recovering from his concussion, maybe he's having more symptoms? Especially after last game-"

"Mom! Trina!" I yelled, after being glued to the TV, watching him leave the ice.

"What!? Did you water break?" my mom asked in a panic.

"No! Sidney left the game!" I yelled.

"Oh God," Trina gasped, sitting down. "What is this boy doing?"

"He's coming for me," I smiled. For once, he's putting me over hockey! This is so rare and I feel so special. I hope he makes it on time.

**Sidney's POV** **At Airport**
I pulled out my phone and called Ashley, she needs to know I'm on my way. I called her on facetime so that I could see her. I just want to make sure she's okay.

"Hey Sid!" my mom smiled, why the hell is my mother answering?

"Hi mom, where's Ash?"

"She's just having a contraction, her water hasn't broken fully yet so we can't go to the hospital until it does."

"Can I please see her?"

"Ashley honey, Sid's on face time!" She showed the camera to her. She was sitting on the ground, panting and curled up in a ball. She looked like she was in pain, and I couldn't help but feel bad because I wasn't there. But I will be soon. "Do you want to talk to him?"

"No," she cried. She was definitely hurting. She had her head into her mothers chest, squeezing her hand.

"Please tell her I'm on my way now, I'm catching a helicopter and I'll be there in an hour or so."

"We saw you leave the game!"

"I had to. Can you tell dad to pick me up at the airport?"

"Will do. Be careful."

"I will. Tell Ash and the baby to hang on and I'll be there soon. Love you guys. Love you Ash!"

"You too!" she winced, flipping me off in the background. Well, I know how this labor is going to be.

**No One's POV** **Sidney's Arrival**
Troy picked up Sidney but hit really bad weather on the way back home. Ashley was worried and freaked out. She is still in a lot of pain and waiting for him was making her more anxious. When he got to her old house he leaped out of the car and to her.

"I came as soon as I could," he panted, arms wide open. Ashley stood up with a huge grin on her face and tears in her eyes. She gave him a huge hug and never let go. She started to cry in his arms, causing Sidney to be concerned. "What's wrong babe?" he whispered, as their families were trying not to make things awkward.

"I'm just really happy you're here."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because hockey means so much to you and you actually put something before it. You never do that. And I always felt like if this happened you'd miss it because of what the girls were saying. And seeing you leave the game just proved to me that you really do care and are willing to put hockey aside for something."

"It also proves that I want to and am going to be here for you and the baby no matter what. I really do love you Ashley," he said, wiping away a tear from her face. He cupped her cheek after seeing the massive smile on her face, and gave her a passionate kiss.

She pulled away from him and had a strange look on her face. "Ash what's wrong?"

"My water just broke," she blushed, giggling slightly. Sidney's mouth dropped and his eyes opened wide.

"What?" he choked out.

"My water just broke!" she screamed, realizing it herself. "Holy shit my water broke! It's time! We're gonna have a baby! The baby is coming Sidney!" she said, needing to sit down.

"Not in here! We need to get to the hospital!" Ashley's mom yelled.

"I gotta get my bag!" Ashley said. She waddled up the stairs with Sidney in toe. They grabbed what they needed, including a baby outfit from the nursery. Sidney got her into the car and threw the bag in the back, while their parents squished in the car.

"You ready for this?" Sid asked her before backing out of the driveway.

"Nope. Are you?"


"Why don't we ever have good timing?"

"Honestly, look how long it took for us to express our feelings," he chuckled.

"Let's just go, I'm starting to feel a weird pain," she shifted in her seat, feeling uncomfortable.

"But we need to go slow, there's bad weather and I don't wanna risk it," he said trying to be polite and thoughtful.

"Drive the fucking car Cindy," she snapped, slightly startling Sid by her aggressiveness.

Sidney was right. This is definitely going to be an experience.

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