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"It's official ladies, Pittsburgh's most eligible bachelor is off the market," the television host smiled into the camera on tv. "The Pens captain was seen flying into Pittsburgh with a new woman on his arm and was even spotted giving her a kiss while waiting for a car to arrive at the airport. Shocking, considering Crosby is never seen with women, especially giving them a kiss in public! Members on the plane said that Crosby was very touchy with his new girl and comforted her during all of the turbulence. What a sweetheart! This is the second spotting for the couple, as seen earlier last week in Crosby's hometown Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, and they seemed to be quite cozy! We will be sure to keep you updated on this one. Also spotted in Pittsburgh-" click.

Sidney and I looked at each other in the living room of his Pittsburgh home with our mouths open wide and a slight smile on our faces.

"We did it! We actually did it!" Sidney cheered. "They believe us! We're actually pulling this off!"

"What? You didn't think we would?" I laughed, his excitement was too much for me to handle right now.

"Honestly, I was so afraid it wasn't gonna work but they're actually buying it Ash! They think we're a real couple!" he hugged me.

"Okay seriously, did I put too much crack in your cereal this morning? You're too excited!" I laughed. He climbed off of me and layed on the couch with his legs over mine.

"I was just worried they wouldn't buy it, that's all."

"Aw, I know Sid, I was too, trust me!"

"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, go for it."

"Was it awkward when I kissed you?"

I scrunched my face up and had to really think about it. I mean, of course it was awkward because it's my best friend, but at the same time I surprisingly liked it. His lips were so soft and no where near as plump as people would think. It was just a short peck and it was actually a great kiss, Should I be honest with him because he's my best friend and he deserves to know or should I just lie to him and play it off as if it really was awkward?

"Ash?" he asked again.

"Do you want the honest answer or the lie that still reveals the truth?"

"Uhm, I'm not too sure."

"Well, I'll be honest. It wasn't that bad but I still felt extremely awkward," I pulled up the picture I took on his ipad. "Even in the picture you can tell that we look awkward. I mean, you hand isn't nearly as low as it should be on my lower back, it's way too high up. You look tense and awkward. Those body language readers will pick up on it right away. And look at me, my eyebrows are frowning, making me look like I didn't want it. We need to fix our stuff a bit."

"Jesus, women and their attention to details," he rolled his eyes.

"Well! You want this to go well don't you?"

"I do, but I think that picture didn't show the best of my ability," he smirked, saying it in a sort of sexy tone. He shifted his weight and sat up next to me.

"Oh?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, giving him a smirk in return.

"Yeah," he breathed, getting closer and closer to my face. I was leaning in as well, and I couldn't stop myself or move away. My heart was pounding and I got butterflies.

"How so?" I breathed out.

Without any hesitation he leaned in and gave me a breathtaking kiss. Passion bled through his lips and onto mine. The longer we held it, the more my body and mind went crazy. He was driving me wild. And within a matter of a second, it was over. He left my body craving him even more.

"I told you I could make it seem good!" he yelled, being a complete goofball. "And you thought I couldn't do it!"

"Well now I know why girls wish they could kiss you!" I teased, whipping my lip, trying to hide my hurt.

"See? I told you so."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever Crosby. We still need to get more comfortable with each other to do it all the time though."

"Should we," he paused. "Should we try and do it around the house as like, practice so we can get more comfortable with it in public?"

"I wouldn't say no to that."

"Alright, I was just wondering. So, what should we do?" he asked.

"Uh, here, put your arm around me, and I'll put my hand on your knee."

"That's really good, I like that," he said after we got into that awkward cuddling position. "Should I like, look down your top from time to time?"

I playfully smacked his chest, causing him to do his loud and obnoxious laugh that all the girls swoon for.

"Well it's true!"

"I know it is, you pig!" I said getting up. I walked into the bathroom and there was a knock on the door. I could hear Sidney get up and answer the door. He greeted the guest with a really happy voice, he seemed happy. I couldn't quite hear the muffled voice, but I could hear Sidney doing his obnoxious laugh again, he must be very familiar with this guest, especially if he invites him into the house. When I walked out I saw who it is and my mouth dropped.

"Oh, here she is, Ash, you remember Mario right?"

"Yeah, of course!" I smiled, walking over to greet him. "Hey, how's it going?"

"Good, good, you?" Mario smiled, shaking my hand. I have met him before but we aren't anywhere near the level that we can say we know each other personally.

"Oh not too bad," I smiled, standing next to Sid.

"So Sid, you two eh?"

"Yeah, you got that right," he smiled, putting his arm around my lower back. It still felt weird.

"How long have you two been an item for? Cuz you both have done a fantastic job at hiding it!" he laughed.

If only he knew, I thought.

"Uhm, it's been since December actually. You remember when she came down around Christmas and for the Winter Classic?" Sidney said, smiling and rubbing my back.

"Oh right! Jeez, you two did a great job at hiding it! What was the secret?"

"Her visits, phone calls and Skype!" I teased.

"Wow, you two are crazy!" he laughed. "Are you ready to go Sid? The meetings at 11:30."

"Yeah, just let me grab my house key," he said grabbing his keys and suit jacket. "I'll be home around dinner time, don't worry." He kissed my cheek, obviously in a rush.

"Your dress shirt and tie are upstairs on the bed," I smiled, crossing my arms.

"See? This is why I keep you around!" he yelled running up the stairs.

"My wife and I are going out to dinner tonight and we were thinking about having you two come with us if you'd like," Mario said.

"That sounds great, I'll bring it up with Sid."

"What about me?"

"Mario invited us to dinner with him and Nathalie. Do you wanna go?" I asked.

"Oh sure, I'll come back and get you when we're done since I know you'll be lost," he teased, putting his jacket on.

"Okay, text me in the car when you're on your way home."

"Will do," he said, kissing my lips right there in front of Mario.

"Have fun!" I yelled out the door as the got in the car.

"Bye!" he waved, hoping in his car.

I did not just have a kiss with Sidney in front of Mario Lemieux. This is not real life! I spent all day cleaning Sidney's Pittsburgh home. He left it clean when he left it but after one nights sleep, it was clearly ruined. He just doesn't care if he leaves his shirts everywhere. Literally we got to his house and Reebok sent a massive box of shirts for him to wear so of course he got up at 6 to go through it. I got a text around 5 telling me he was on his way home so I figured I would start doing his hair. As I was doing my makeup I could hear him open the door.

"Honey, I'm home!"

"I'm up here!" I yelled back trying to pick out an outfit. "How was the meeting?"

"Long and boring We ended around 4."

"Did they bring up the concussion?"

"Yes," he said sitting down on his bed and looking at me pick out a nice shirt to go along with my skirt.


"Don't worry about it."

"Alrighty then. We can talk about it later. Is this okay?" I asked holding up the nice blouse and my skirt.

"It is fine and YES, I mean it."

After we got ready, we got into the car Sidney drove to the restaurant. I was so nervous and I don't know what to expect. The dinner was nice and there was no photographers that we saw. The conversation never stopped and Sidney did a great job at playing it up. His hand never left my body. The car ride home was even better, especially with Mario and Nathalie in the car behind us, coming back to our place for tea and coffee.

"Do you fell comfortable yet?" he asked.

"You might be comfortable but I am not quite there yet. You have lived with them, I have had a quick hello. But now we really need to play it up. I want them to believe it."

"I was thinking, we should tell them when we get home." He was dead serious. He looked over at my facial expression really quickly and realized just how nervous I actually was. "What, do you not agree with me?"

"No Sid, I am, I'm just nervous. What if it gets out?"

"Ash, it won't get out. Mario is my good friend and I know he and Nat have my back regardless. They will understand! I know they will. I don't wanna make you uncomfortable but at the same time I think it will make you feel better in the end. Think about it! You will have someone to help you out when we are in Pittsburgh. And she's been through it 4 times!"

"I guess that's true," I said calmly.

"Just trust me okay?"


"Now give me a kissy," he cooed like a baby playfully, leaning over trying to score a kiss.

"Sid!" I squealed playfully.

"They're behind us right now and can see through the window, give me a kiss," he said seriously.

"Fine!" I laughed, placing a hand on his cheek and kissing him quickly.

"Thank you, now let's go."

We walked into the house and I offered to make them some tea and coffee. Sidney brought them into the living room and got them comfortable. He popped his head in and flashed me a devilish smile. How nice of him. When I brought in the drinks it was go time. I sat next to Sid and he placed his arm around the back of the couch and I placed my hand on his knee. The conversation was just ending and Nathalie gave us a perfect Segway into our next conversation.

"You guys truly are cute together."

"Oh thank you!" I smiled, patting my hand on Sid's knee a bit.

"And you've been together since December?"

"That is correct."

"Wow, I can't believe how well you two have hidden it! For the press to only know about it now is astonishing considering Sid is always under heavy watch."

"Yeah. There's something else he's been hiding too. Isn't that right Sid?" I asked smiling, looking over at him to see his reaction.

"Oh you do Sid?" Mario asked.

"Yeah," he said nervously.

"Tell them Sid," I smiled sweetly. His face had fear written all over it, this is the perfect karma for when we told our parents.

"Why can't you babe?" he asked, clearly freaking out.

"No, you made me tell our parents so you can do this one."

"You suck," he whispered, leaning forward to get more comfortable. "So uhm, we do have big news for you guys. And you two are one of the few to know, but uhm. We're pregnant."

They looked at us and then at each other with their mouths wide open. They were screaming and Mario immediately stood up and shook Sid's hand and gave him a hug while Nathalie gave me a hug, then she gave him one as well.

"Oh my God, how far along are you!?" Nathalie asked.

"Just over a month," I smiled.

"Oh that's so early! I can't believe it!"

"Oh me either," Sidney said under his breath.

**Sidney's POV**

After a quick conversation, Mario took me aside to my wet bar in my basement, which could soon be a man cave once the baby comes. I poured him a glass and one for myself. Then he immediately got down to business.

"Sid, be honest with me, are you two really together?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing it off, hoping he doesn't notice.

"You know what I mean."

"Oh. Yeah, we are playing it off as if we are. I honestly am only doing it because the press will rip me to pieces if I just knocked her up and then she was having my baby. She doesn't deserve that. She doesn't deserve me to even have to lie about it. I want people to know she's my best friend and the mother of my child, and not some one night stand. She's very important to me and I want her and the world to know that. And she's giving me the best gift of my life and I want her to be treated like she deserves to be treated."

"You're right. That is the most meaningful gift of all. I'm proud that you made that smart decision for her own sake and your own. It's smart for your image as well. Do you actually have feelings for her though?"

"I have since I moved away."

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