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Day 5 in Pittsburgh and Sidney has still been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Plus, now that he's been seen with a girl, everyone in town is intrigued with our story. Sidney's been handling it all very well too. He's had numerous meetings thus far this week and sometimes more than one per day. He's been stressed out to the max about all of these meetings and upcoming appointments. Especially because the topic of conversation has changed from the status of his concussion to his relationship status.

Everyone knows that he hates talking about anything of personal matter and if he is asked, he will simply avoid it and move on to the next question. Sid is an athlete and has become a celebrity because of it. He became famous due to his hockey career and he the only thing he will be public about is anything revolving around his hockey career. He knows what to say and what not to say and has done extensive media training on top of the training he has already been given. He's also very fortunate to have had Mario help him through his new found fame when he was drafted. Regardless of the fact, Sidney isn't open with many people and those he chooses to be open with are the ones he is closest to.

Sid has his main doctors appointment today and I can tell he's nervous. He rarely shows anyone his true emotions and hides it very well. I can honestly say I've only seen him nervous before big games and this was huge for him to be nervous before an appointment. He's been pacing all around the house and twitching whenever he looks at the time. It's weird to see, normally is so calm and relaxed, and this is the opposite.

"Do I need to tape you down to a chair?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood. He was currently blocking the TV that I was watching.

"No, I'm okay. Uhm, can I ask you something?" he asked shakily, taking a seat in the arm chair beside the couch I was relaxing on.

"Of course."

"Will you please come with me today? I'm really scared for the results and I need your support," he said, hanging his head low, almost ashamed he needs help.

"Aw, of course Sid," I said, crawling onto his lap on the arm chair he was sitting in. His one arm supported my back while his other on my thigh. "You know, I've rarely seen you this nervous before."

"Yeah, well."

"Are you sure you're okay?"


"No you're not Sidney. Why aren't you telling me?"

"It's hard for me to admit," he said in a low and serious tone. He looked away from me again and it absolutely broke my heart seeing him like that. I reached my hand out and softly touched his cheek, soothingly rubbing it with m thumb.

"Sidney, please talk to me about it." I knew it was gonna be hard for Sid to talk about and with great hesitation I knew he would.

"I'm nervous because this is the appointment where they tell me what the problem is, how I can get better, when I'll be playing again and if there's any permanent damage. If there is, I'm never gonna be the same and that scares the crap out of me. This appointment could be life changing. I don't want to be this guy anymore. I want to go out there and play again, it killed me not being able to finish the end of the season. But even if I couldn't play, I still don't want to be this way when the baby comes. I want to be the best dad I can be for the baby, and not have to worry about my headaches and frustration. I don't wanna have to leave the room if the baby has a crying fit because it makes my head want to explode. I want to be myself again and I'm sick of this. And the media isn't helping make this experience any easier."

I was running my fingers through his hair the entire time he spoke, listening to every word he said carefully. He was genuinely afraid and nervous about this and I don't want him to be any more worried than he already is.

"Aw, I know Sid. I can completely understand where you're coming from. You are amazing and so strong. You need to keep your head up and stay positive. You're one of the most positive people I know and you're gonna be fine. You'll play again and you will stay the same. And our baby will be so lucky to have you as a dad. I know no matter what you will be the first one to cater to its needs if you can and that you will be there 100%. You are an amazing man and no matter what happens I will never change my opinion on you."

"Thanks Ash, I really appreciate it," he said hugging me.

"You don't need to be afraid, everything will be alright."

Our hug lasted an awful long time, and it wasn't until I looked down and realized why. Because of the way we were positioned, Sidney's face was in my boobs and he was more than happy to go there. I don't know if it could be my pregnancy hormones or just because I haven't had anything in a while, but I was enjoying it and I don't want him to leave from that position. But he's only my friend and this has to end.

"Alright Crosby, let's get going," I said patting his shoulder.

"But it was so nice hugging you," he wined.

"Oh I know you had a blast. But we're gonna be late." Little does he know I did too.

"Fine, go get your shoes on and go pee."

"You're so mean to me! I'm pregnant you know!"

"Oh I know, I just had your swollen boobs in my face!"

"You're sick!" I teased, closing the bathroom door.

The office we were in was very small and cramped. We got to take a back entrance to the office to avoid Sidney getting noticed. It was very weird to me ho accommodating people were to him all the time when he's not back home. People try to be but he always refuses. But when he's in Pittsburgh he tries to and people insist. I'm glad to see he's still humble but at the same time I'm getting to see a whole new side to him; the celebrity side.

He was sitting on the little bench thingy and I was on the chair next to him. His hands were clenched together, his elbows on his knees and his forehead resting on his hands. His breathing was heavy and he was silent otherwise. I stood up and began to rub his back.

"Remember what I told you."

He just nodded until the door opened. At the turn of the doorknob you could see his whole body jump.

"Sid, how ya doing?" the doctor asked, giving him a firm handshake.

"Not too bad, yourself?"

"Oh I'm just fine. And who might you be?" he asked turning to me.

"This is my girlfriend Ashley."

"Hi Ashley, nice to meet you, I'm doctor Collins."

"Hi, nice to meet you," I smiled shaking his hand.

After the doctor asked how he was doing and if there was any progress, it was time to take a few x-rays. Of course, with me being pregnant I had to go down the hall, not just outside of the room. As soon as they were taken, he requested that I come back in immediately. I held his hand and he had a death grip.

"Well Sid, I see here that in your previous tests you took for us a couple of months ago that you had something wrong. There has been improvement to your concussion but at the same time the tests I just took now still show that something is wrong. I have no idea what it could possibly be. Now, since I cannot give you the clarification that you need you will be set to go see your other doctors as well in Atlanta. They faxed me over some information so we can go through that in a bit. Also, you can keep doing your routines but remember to listen to your body. You have to choose to make an appointment when you have time to so I would maybe check into it when you leave."

As the doctor continued to explain things to Sidney, I couldn't help but listen to all he said carefully. I know Sidney will be upset regardless and will need someone to help him out through this time. After another half an hour in the doctors office, it was time for us to go. Sidney held my hand as we walked out of the building. There were a couple of photographers and news stations there trying to get a word from him, but he just kept quiet and got into the car with me.

The car ride home was silent, and I knew why. He was more than upset. I mean, he just got news he wasn't looking for and to top it off, he had to walk outside to see cameras shoved in his face and people yelling questions at him such as, "how was the appointment?" and "who is your girlfriend?". It really bothered him, it even made me upset.

When we got home he parked the car and unlocked the door. He kicked off his shoes and went to the kitchen to get a drink, then went straight to his office. He said nothing to me and just stayed to himself. When he's ready, he'll come to me, I thought. I made him dinner and left a plate on the counter. It wasn't until 9 that night when he came out to eat it, and went back to the cave. Around 10:30 I was getting ready for bed, so I popped my head in his office, but he wasn't there. I wasn't going to go on a hunt for him so I just went up to my bedroom. I was concentrated on fixing my sheets to how I like them when I saw a figure at my door.

"Ashley?" he asked in a low voice.


"Can you please sleep with me tonight? I just need to be held."

"Of course. Let's go," I said, grabbing his hand and going into his bedroom.

I crawled in his bed and threw back his large and poofy covers. He turned off the light and got in as well. It was awkward at first but we got used to it. We started off by being far apart and awkwardly touching each other with our foot or hand. Slowly but surely we inched closer together, but I mean very slowly. At one point I rolled over, trying to get comfy, and I realized it wasn't gonna work for me. So I roll back over to see Sidney facing me, looking troubled. I don't know what to do, do I touch him or will that just be awkward?

Without any hesitation he throws his arm over and realizes its over my waist. His eyes instantly go wide open knowing what he just did. I chuckle and scoot a little closer to him. He let out a sigh and breathed heavy. He had passed out instantly and was left awake with Sidney's body on mine and my mind full of thoughts. At one point through the night his head was on my chest, so I just placed one arm around his shoulders and another in his hair, just holding him close to me, just like how he wanted. It was no longer awkward for me from that point on.

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