Forty Three

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Waking up to Sidney is always a treat. The sun was shining through the window and we were tangled in the sheets. He smiled, brushing my face with his thumb and gave me a quick good morning kiss. We had to rush to get ready for the wedding and ran around like a chicken with our heads cut off. They had an early ceremony and it was going to be outside, then the reception was going to be in the old barn at the Staal residence. I chose to go with a navy blue dress and my hair in a bun, and Sidney went with a similar coloured tie and a black suit. He was looking sharp!

"Sidney, we gotta go!" I yelled, holding my heels in my hand at the doorway.

"Sorry, was just tryna get my tie on right."

"Do that in the car when we get there. We can't be late."

"I'm sorry baby." He scooped me up and carried me to the car so I didn't have to wear my heels on the rough dirt road driveway. It was surprising and showed just how much of a gentleman he is.

When we got to the ceremony my jaw dropped, beautiful trees on each side of the driveway leading up to the property, and a bouquet of lilacs tied to every other tree. I was absolutely in love with this place already. Sidney's stayed at their house before and he too has said that it's breathtaking. We parked in the area they designated for everyone's cars, and stayed in the car for a little while.

"I don't know how you're doing it," I fanned myself. "It is so frigging hot."

"Why do you think we are staying in the car? You'll love their place here. It reminds me of your grandparents farm."

"Really!?" I asked, getting excited.

"Oh yeah! When I came here a few summers ago I thought of you and how much you'd like it."

"Do you remember jumping off the beams in the barn into the hay at the bottom??" I asked him, remembering home much fun we used to have doing it.

"Yes I do, remember when we got grounded for doing it?" Sid was always such a goodie goodie who hated getting in any sort of trouble.

"You were so mad at me for that!" I laughed.

"I hope Kylie isn't like you when she gets older. Well, at least in that way."

"I hope not!" We were interrupted by Marc-Andre and Vero who were knocking on our car window.

"Now's not the time and place to be having sex in a car you two. We have enough babies for now!" Flower joked.

"How's it going buddy?" Sidney laughed, getting out of the car.

"Not too bad, pretty hot."

"Why do you think we were in the car?"

"Why didn't we do that!?" Vero slapped him playfully. "How's it going girlie?"

"It's good! You?"

"Not too bad! Where's my little munchkin!?"

"We didn't bring her!"

Their eyes bolted out of their heads. "Why not!?"

"It just wouldn't be much fun for us having to deal with her and we wanted to enjoy a little break," Sid replied.

"I know what you wanted to do, you don't have to lie to me buddy," Flower winked, nudging him.

"Coming from the French guy!" he joked.

It wasn't long before we walked to our seats and waited. Jordan looked so happy and nervous all at once. And as soon as Heather walked out both Vero and I had tears in our eyes. It was so precious to see! Their vows were so meaningful and emotional. Tears were flowing from both of them, and of course Sidney had a good little chuckle to himself. They always chirped each other for crying at certain moments in their lives and he knew that he'd be giving it to him later.

Since the property was so big, we were able to go on a little walk to see everything. A couple of the guys that were there on the team took their ladies on a little stroll. At one point it was so pretty that we decided to take group photos and couple photos as well. It was fun and we all got to be goofy. It felt like prom to me.

Walking back to the barn for the reception, Sidney asked, "would you want a wedding like this one day?"

"As much as I like the country, maybe. I think it's gorgeous, but I would want to make it personal for us. We would want to do something that was meaningful to us you know?"

"Absolutely. You know, I would want to marry you one day," he smiled.


"Yeah. I've loved you for years and I can see a future with you. We have one beautiful daughter, and I can see us having more. I can see us with more dogs, and a house on the lake, and all the things we've talked about," he played with my hands.

"Why the sudden change?"

"Because the more I go to these events, the more I could picture you being the one walking down the aisle to me. And now I got you blushing," he giggled, pulling me into him so he could hug me.

"You're too cute," I laughed.

Our table was full of hockey players and their lovely ladies and it was the most fun I've had with the team. It was so rustic and romantic, and I was in love with it. Sidney was nothing but a gentleman the entire time and never let go of me. All the boys were teasing him because he's never been this way with a girl in front of them and he just shook it off. I like that they get to see this side of Sidney now. Just the rest of the world doesn't, which I'm even more glad.

During our meal Jordan and Heather left the table, Jordan glued to his cell phone and Heather standing behind him with a look of panic. It didn't look good and I was worried for her. No bride should have that look on her wedding day. About 10 minutes later they came in and Jordan got on the mic, and this is after the speeches were done. At this point everyone was confused.

"Hey guys, just wanted to share some news. It looks like Heather and I will be starting our marriage off in a whole new city. I've just been traded to Carolina!" The whole room blew up and everyone was in shock. His brothers were happy, since 2 of the 3 already were playing for Carolina, and our table was devastated. Vero and I were upset too, realizing that one of our best friends is leaving. Now I know what it's like when this happens to the boys.

Of curse they came up to us and gave us a huge hug each, knowing how hard it'll be leaving. Heather was bawling, thus causing us to cry too. I really bonded with her. But that's part of the career and we knew it could happen sooner or later. I guess I have somewhere to go when they go on a road trip to Raleigh.

After our little emotional time it was time to dance. They had a little deck space outside with candles and flowers and twinkly lights, that was perfect for romance. Sidney pulled me out and we had a Cinderalla Story moment. It was perfect. He held me close with one hand on my lower back, and another holding my hand. We were the only ones out there, listening to the music inside. The entire time we never broke eye contact, or noticed anyone else watching.

"You're perfect to me," he whispered down to me in his sexy voice. "I mean it with all my heart."

"I could say the same to you," I blushed.

"I really mean it. You're so independent, strong, lovely, caring, determined, bubbly, outgoing, spontaneous, and all these other things. I like that I can be myself with you and open up around you. I love that we can get goofy and be complete idiots. You're gorgeous with beautiful blue eyes, reddish brown hair that looks a little blonde in the summer when the sun gets to you, and your embarrassingly pasty skin in the winter," he teased, knowing how much I hate how pasty I get in the winter.

"Hey!" I giggled.

"And sexy sun kissed skin in the summer. You have such an athletic body, with toned legs, a killer core and shoulders that don't look manly like you say you do. And you have such sexy curves that I couldn't change for anything in the world. You're so beautiful" he kissed my forehead. "I love waking up next to you every morning, and hearing that cute little noise you make when you do your big stretch. I love when you bring Kylie into the room and lay her on me with the happiest baby voice, saying, 'good morning daddy!'. I love your enthusiasm towards parenting. I love opening my wallet and seeing a picture of the two of us, and walking around the house and seeing pictures from over the years, and thinking about all of the memories we had."

"There were a lot of them," I joked, feeling weak in the knees like you wouldn't believe.

"I'm so glad you've been here for me through all the years, even when you shouldn't have. I've been busy and often ignored you for a little bit, but I'm glad you always understood and talked to me back. I'm glad you were and now are my welcoming committee when I come home from games or in the summer. Seeing you smile and get excited the way you do makes me feel so much better, no matter the result of how the game went. You're positivity is contagious."

I don't know where the heck this is coming from but I am loving this! He's so sincere and honest, and I love this side of him. Such a romantic man.

"Ashley, you know I've had a hard time trusting people and opening up to them, but you have always been the one I know I can come to. You're the one who holds me down when I need it, smartens me up, gives me the best advice, the one who listens to me when I'm on the verge of giving me, my number one motivator, you're just perfect. And I'm thrilled to say this, but I'm glad you're my best friend, lover and mother of my child all in one. Seriously, we really did make someone so great, and I know she got that from you! With a little bit from me I guess," he winked.

"Sidney," I gasped. Tears forming in my eyes. "And she definitely has your determination that's for sure."

"She's gotta have something from me," he teased. The twinkle in his eye right now is just perfect. "But what I guess I'm trying to tell you that, you're my rock."

"Sid! Are you serious?" I asked, completely shocked that he said that. I know he's wanted to find someone to be his rock all his life, especially because of his fame, and I know it's been hard for him to find one. I just can't believe it is me! I always hoped it was, but I can't actually believe this. I'm thrilled to hear this come out of his mouth.

"I am. You're my rock. And I love you with all of my heart. And one day Ashley, I will make you my wife."

~The End~

That's a wrap! Story is dunzo! Thank you guys so much for reading this story and all your feedback! It has meant so much to me! 
As for the sequel, it will be named, "Still There For Me". I'll hopefully update soon! Any questions or suggestions, just message me! If you guys liked this story, you'll love this next one! Thanks again for the love and support! :)

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