Twenty Seven

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Our first Christmas was not an ideal one. We ended up having cheese and crackers for our Christmas dinner because of a snow storm that prevented our families from coming down, and I was sick all day while Sidney was tackling some work things. So we are waiting to have Christmas with them still. Though we did have fun on Christmas eve with Mario and Nathalie at their party.

It's now approaching the new year and I don't know where Sidney is still with our relationship. I know we're friends but does he want to take it further? And how are we going to raise the baby? It's going to be awkward if the baby is 4 and going to preschool and he doesn't know if it's mommy and daddy are married, dating or anything like all of it's other friends. Plus this emotionally draining me. One minute we're acting like lovers for the public, another we are friends and the next we are acting like lovers in real life or having sex. We need to talk about this and give it a title.

"Sidney?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Can we talk?" I begged, leaning on the doorway with my arms over my chest.

"Not right now, I gotta get this stuff done," he said, not looking away from his phone. Here we go again.

"It's kinda serious," I said, hoping he'd notice that it was bothering me.

"I know but I really gotta get this done right now. Can we talk about it later?"

"Sure," I huffed, walking away from him.

I needed to get some fresh air and go do something so I texted Heather and Vero. We decided on going over to Vero's and having some girl time. I grabbed my car keys and went into Sidney's office to let him know where I was going. He was on the phone and didn't even make eye contact with me, so I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down the information on it and walked out. I don't know if this is ever going to change.

**At Vero's**
"If I could drink wine I would chug a bottle right now!" I yelled as I walked in the door.

"I'll do it on your behalf!" Heather yelled as she walked out of the living room.

All 3 of us soon found ourselves curled up on the couch with mugs in our hands. I had a hot chocolate while the others had a tea. It's been crazy and I feel like we both need to get some things off of our chests and get some advice.

"So what's up buttercup?" Vero asked me.

"I just feel like Sidney is ignoring me or is too busy for me. We've been friends for years and I've never been dependant on him or anything, and I've always understood his career but I guess because I'm pregnant I'm wanting or needing his attention even more. Is that normal to feel this way?"

"Probably. I mean, I don't know about the pregnant thing, but I would assume so. It'd be pretty hard to deal with," Heather scratched her head.

"I've been in your shoes when it comes to the knowing each other for a long time and being close thing. It's completely different than what you're used to when you move in with him and have to deal with the career that much more. Trust me, I've been dealing with this for years and when I finally came to Pittsburgh I went through the same thing you did. You guys are in a rough patch but it'll be worth it, trust me."

"Jordan and I still have those moments and I've been here with him for 2 years out of the 4 we've been dating. But I do have something to tell you guys!" The two of us looked at her nervously when she said that. She did a little shift in her seat and had a huge smile on her face. "I'M ENGAGED!" she screamed holding up her ring finger, while we squealed together in unison.

"I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!" Vero sad, tears forming in her eyes as she hugged her.

"Stop crying V!" Heather laughed, with tears forming in her eyes already.

"Look at Ashley!" She laughed

"Oh my-Ashley!" she laughed, coming over to me. I was bawling my eyes out and she was killing herself laughing.

"I am so happy for you!" I laughed, giving her a hug. "I swear I'm never this emotional! Lately the baby has been making me this way!"

"I love weddings!" Vero screamed! "We need details on the engagement!"

**When Ashley Gets Home**
After a wonderful afternoon with my girls it was time for me to come home to a very busy Sidney. When I approached the front door it didn't look like any lights were on. This is odd, Sidney never has every single light off when he's home alone. I put my key in the lock and walked into the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen.

The entire fauier was full of white candles all at different levels around the mini room. It was breathtakingly beautiful. My dogs were no where in sight to greet me so that was very nice too. I went to go over to put my keys in the key bowl when I saw a note. It read: 'Take off your jacket and shoes, follow the candles and relax'.

I did just as the note said and followed the candles. The candles lead me up the stairs and down the hallway. It lead me to my room. So when I went into my room I saw a beautiful dress laying on my bed. The note said, 'put it on And go back downstairs!'. I did just that and made it down the hallway leading to the garage door. There was a note taped on the wall. 'Ha! Tricked ya! Follow them back and follow the smell. You'll know it when you smell it.' What the? I followed it again and instantly smelled McDonalds. I got excited and walked into the dining room.

It was there where I saw Sidney in a suit sitting at the table with rose petals all over the floor and table, with two McDonalds bags. I couldn't help but smile and let out a little chuckle as I blushed and walked towards him.

"Would you care to have dinner with me?" he smiled softly. Everything about him in this moment is perfect. His hair, eyes, cologne, his outfit. He is like a real life angel.

"Of course! What is this?" I blushed as he pulled out the chair for me.

"That is for me to know and you to find out as the night goes on," he smiled, grabbing my meal out of the bag. "McNuggets for you, and a Big Mac for me."

"And we get McDicks? What has come over you?"

"No clue, just enjoy it cuz you know this doesn't happen often."

That is indeed true. Something is up with him and I don't know what it is. We enjoyed our dinner with some small talk and a lot of flirting on my end that's for sure. Once our meals were devoured and my craving was fulfilled, he surprised me again and brought out a chocolate cake.

"Is this heaven!?" I screamed, practically jumping out of my seat.

"Maybe," he laughed, giving me my piece.

As I was eating it, I came across a piece of paper inside my cake. I pulled it out and looked at him quizzically. He shrugged his shoulders, indicating that I need to read it. "Don't fill up on too much cake or it'll ruin the rest of our night."

"Wonder what that means," he shrugged, taking a bite.

"You know what it means!" I giggled.

"No I don't! It's magic!" he laughed.

"I'm onto you," I pointed my fork at him. Another 5 bites later I asked. "Well now what?"

"Follow me," he grabbed my hand, leading me into the family room. When I walked in I saw a huge floor pillow full of other pillows and blankets in front of the fire place. A warm fire lit the room along with other candles and the tv screen.

"Sidney!" I gasped. It's literally a scene from my dream date I envision in my head.

"Wanna watch a movie?" he laughed.

"Oh my God, yes!" I hugged him tightly.

He helped me down and turned on 'P.S. I Love You'. He sat down next to me and pulled out some popcorn with m&m's in it-my movie favourite. Of course he laughed at my expression and dug in with me. He had his arm around me and a hand on my belly-after I put it there of course, and I was snuggled into his body perfectly. It was literally the cutest moment ever. I still wanna know where this comes from.

After the movie I just stared at him with the worlds biggest smile. My cheeks were killing and I'm sure I looked like an idiot. He really made me happy tonight and I'm so glad that I have him. He's too sweet and my best friend. He gave me my dream date out of the blue and has acted like the biggest gentleman. Nights like these make me love him more.

**Sidney's POV**
Well, everything else has gone good so far, I guess it's time to do what I intended to do. I never get nervous, well, I rarely do, but the nerves now are worst than what I had before the Olympics. Don't pussy out Crosby, just do it. I looked over at Ashley and noticed her smiling up at me. She looked so cute and happy, I just hope I don't ruin the moment with what I have to say. Time to take a deep breath and let it out.

**Ashley's POV**
"Ashley?" he asked me.

"Yes?" I smiled up at him.

"I really do appreciate you for everything you've done for me so far in my life. You've always been my best friend and my number one. You've always been there for me when I needed you and despite going through so many personal problems yourself, you've always still managed to squeeze my own problems into your life. People have always said that I'm the superstar but in reality, the superstar is you. You never get the credit you deserve and I try my best to give it to you and lately I don't think I've been giving it to you fully." I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. The room is silent except for the crackling of the fire and the sound of Sidney's soft voice.

"When you decided to come live with me, you made me so happy. And then you told me you were pregnant and I literally became the happiest man in the world to know that you would be the mother of my first child. Truth be told, I was and still am looking forward to having a family with you." He took a long pause so I started to rub his arm slowly, not breaking contact with his eyes.

"You are so beautiful and strong. You fit me like a puzzle and know me inside and out, which I love. And I know that I know you better than you know yourself too. You've always caught my attention even as young kids and to this day I still fight for it. You always keep me on my toes and having fun. You keep me humble and honest even in times where I feel overwhelmed with my career. You've even faked a relationship with me to help me with my career, and I love you for that even more, and I can't keep pretending. You're my best friend and always have and always will be. But for years I have always wanted more and now more than ever I realize that I can't let you go. Will you be my girlfriend?"

SHUT THE FUCK UP! "I would love to be your girlfriend!" I smiled, tears streaming down my face, giving him the biggest bear hug. We pulled apart, he cupped my face and stared into my eyes. His smile was almost as big as mine, and I could feel the happiness through his touch. He looked down and gave me a passionate kiss.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to ask you out," he whispered, shaking his head, lips inches away from mine.

"You don't know how long I've wanted you to," I whispered back.

After years of wishing, I can finally say, I'M SIDNEY CROSBY'S GIRLFRIEND!

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