Thirty Five

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"It's a girl!" the doctor announced while she plopped my newborn daughter onto my chest. Everyone gasped at the announcement of the sex of the baby. A baby girl, I can't believe it. Sidney's eyes filled with tears, much like my own and I was never more happy in my life.

There was a crowd of doctors huddled around us, cleaning the baby off. Sid got to cut the umbilical cord and watched out baby girl. When they pulled her off of me and started walking away, I got worried, completely forgetting what they were doing.

"Where are you taking her?" I asked, still squeezing onto Sidney's hand.

"Just to get measured and weighed, we'll be back."

"Be careful! She's little!"

"They know what they're doing baby, don't worry," Sidney reassured me. He followed but then got shooed away. He's sorta big and doesn't really fit in that tiny area with all of the nurses. He grabbed my hand while I was getting stitched up, and stared me straight in the eye. "I am so unbelievably proud of you. You did amazing!"

"You did too," I smiled up at him, receiving a huge and passionate kiss.

"Sidney, you can come pick up your baby girl," the doctor said. A huge grin grew on both of our faces and I'm sure if I could feel my stomach, butterflies would be going off in it. We finally get to hold our baby! He got up with pride and walked over to where they were.

**Sidney's POV**
I'm a dad! To a beautiful baby girl! I still can't believe we have a baby and that she's finally here! I walked over to the nurse who had her bundled up and in a little diaper and blanket with a little hospital hat. It's so tiny and adorable. She handed her over to me, all for everyone to see, and I cradled her with love and care.

"6lbs11oz." the doctor smiled, "with all her fingers and toes, and seems healthy! We'll give you more time with her before we further any testing, and get a name picked out!"

"Hi baby girl, happy birthday!" I cooed, debuting my baby voice. Tears were forming in my eyes while looking down at her. At this point I couldn't notice who she looked like more. She does have a head of brown hair though. And she has the tiniest nose. I brought her up and I gave her a tiny little kiss, seeing a flash in the background. Nobody could wipe the smile off of my face at this moment. "I don't want to let her go!" I laughed, blinking back tears.

Our moms were inspecting their new granddaughter and Ashley couldn't see any of it. "Aren't you beautiful? I'm your daddy," I cooed, looking into her eyes. Her little hand was moving under the blanket. It's so cool to see her respond so soon already. "It's so nice to finally meet you. I've been waiting months to see you and hold you in my arms." She made the cutest little noise, so I responded, "yeah, I know!"

"Can I see her now!?" Ashley begged.

I let out a chuckle and said, "we're gonna go meet your mommy." I walked over carefully and handed her over to Ashley, who immediately cried and smiled wide.

**Ashley's POV**
"Hi baby! It's so nice to meet you! I'm your mommy! Hello!" I smiled. My precious girl is here! She's so light, and wiggly, and makes the most adorable noises! Now I know why Sidney got so emotional over her. I didn't expect him to cry or anything but this little one brought it out in him. She's my whole world now, and motherhood really just sank in.

Her little arm wiggled out of the blanket, so I let her grab my finger. We were bonding, and everything is going so smoothly and perfect. I nearly died when she grabbed my finger with her whole hand. Sidney was right in on this, smiling bigger than I have ever seen him smile. His face was the same as when he won the Olympic gold medal! Such pride in his eyes. I'm a mommy! Agh!

We let our moms hold her, and had our dad's and sister's come in and see her. Watching everyone with her was so surreal. My dad was so proud of me, and my sister was crying the whole time, along with Taylor. Troy even cracked and showed emotion, and even got teary eyed. They brought us flowers, and balloons and the baby some presents. It definitely gave the room some life.

Sadly, everyone left for a little break, including our baby. A nurse kicked them out for a bit and she tried to teach me how to breast feed, which was awkward as hell. My milk wasn't in yet so we had to wait. Apparently beer helps the milk come in so my dad made a beer store run. We learned about the basics of having a baby, and how to care for her. Last but not least, now that the drugs have worn off, we get to sign the paper work and officially give her a name.

"So? Have you decided on a name yet?" the nurse asked.

Sidney and I looked up at each other and smiled. We were both extremely certain on this name and it was one of the few names we could agree on.

"Kylie Christina Crosby," Sidney beamed. Baby Kylie is here to stay!

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