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**Sidney's POV**
Waking up next to Ashley the next morning was absolutely surreal. It's something I've secretly always wanted to do and the first time we did it I was in pure horror and panic. Then I knew I was crossing a line but now I feel a bit more comfortable with it. I woke up on her chest, looking down at the outline of her big, beautiful and swollen breasts. I couldn't help but look, what guy wouldn't. I like that the past few days we have been getting closer and bonding more. Plus I love that I can take her out and show her off to the public now. I don't feel like I have to tip toe around anyone else. She also brings me a sense of home when she's here in Pittsburgh and I like that, a lot.

The news yesterday bummed be out. I didn't know what to think and I still don't. I want to start playing as quickly as possible and not have to worry about this stupid injury. But that can't happen quite yet so I just need to take it one step at a time. I literally sat in my office last night and looked at all the pictures I have had from the past season in the photo albums and picture frames around my office. I miss the game so much, and my teammates more so. We always bonded on the ice whether we liked each other or not. We are a great team.

One of the things I admire so much about Ashley is that she knows when to give me space and leave me alone to think, and she knows when to talk to me about it and help me through everything. And the fact that she let me sleep with her last night when I just needed some sort of closeness to someone is even better. She was in my dreams last night too. We were back home and it was autumn. There was beautiful scenery behind us as we walked through a park hand in hand, watching all the leaves fall to the floor around us. She was looking gorgeous with curly hair, an off grey long sleeve shirt, dark jeans and a colourful scarf, showing off her growing belly. The whole time we were laughing, and kissing, enjoying each others company. It crushed me waking up from this dream. I want this to be a reality.

I couldn't lay there any longer staring at her sleeping peacefully. I got up and made breakfast. Afterwards I immediately went to my at-home gym in my basement. I couldn't do too much but I still felt I got somewhat of a workout in. I hope I didn't wake her up with my surround sound speakers in there, the way I put it is if you are gonna be an athlete with an at-home gym you gotta have the best speakers to keep you motivated. I still wasn't allowed to use a trainer yet either so I could enjoy the peaceful me time. I wonder if this is what it's gonna be like when the baby comes, I thought.

Walking up the stairs I heard Ash walking around and getting everything packed and ready to go. We head home tomorrow morning and we have to be at the airport for 5 so she is determined to get everything packed up hours before hand. She's so prompt and has to have every little thing done before she leaves and even does the same for me when I go back at the beginning of every season.

"Packing already?" I asked, taking a sip from my water bottle. She looked so adorable in her little short shorts and tank top. Her hair was in a perfectly messy bun on top of her head and she was trying to put her shoes in order on how they will fit in her suitcase. She is so cute.

**Ashley's POV**
I was minding my own business packing away when I was disturbed by Sidney coming up from his morning workout. When I woke up this morning, he was gone. Part of me wishes he was still there laying on me when I woke up, like he was positioned there all last night. I loved cuddling with him and being close to someone again. Sure as young kids we shared a play pen or the floor at sleepovers but then it just got to the point where we got too old to do it anymore and he was busy with hockey. It wasn't until he got drafted that I knew I liked him, but I guess it was just too little too late. And now, it's just for the situations sake.

When he reached the top of the stairs I instantly waited for his comment. And sure enough it came loud and clear.

"Packing already?" he asked, sipping from his water bottle. When I looked over at him, I could see the sweat dripping from his body and his muscles flexing with veins sticking out a little bit. He looked so unbelievably hot right now. And the way his Penguins t-shirt fit him so tightly just made me wanna take it off him just as fast.

"You know it," I choked out, trying to play it cool. I don't know why I'm even trying not to act like a dork. It's just Sidney, it's not like he really cares about me anyway.

"You have always been crazy obsessed about packing, ever since you were a little kid," he laughed, leaning on the wall near the little table that he always put his keys in in his main entrance.

"Well you always gotta be prepared. That way you know you're leaving with everything you need! There's always time to double check that way!" I laughed, trying to carry all of my shoes up to my suitcase, but dropping them all. Sidney just stood there and laughed at me.

"You are such a dork."

"You know you love it when I do all your packing for you before each season," I smirked back.

"You're right, I do." Like a gentleman he helped me carry up my shoes to my room and was hot on my heels the entire way up. "I wonder if the baby is gonna be like that."

"Be like what?"

"A good packer. And prompt and always prepared."

"Well it's definitely gonna get that trait from me, certainly not his father."

"Hey I can be."

"Coming from the boy with how many people to do those things for him and to make sure he is. It is forced on you mister Crosby."

"Who you talking to my dad?" he teased. "You know to call me Sidney."

"Or baby daddy," I winked, rubbing my non-existent bump.

"Or Sid."

"Or Cindy," I teased again, knowing he hates it. I could tell he was getting annoyed. I just laughed and said one word knowing it'll get him going. "Crybaby."

"That's it!" he said, picking me up and throwing me gently on the bed tickling the crap out of me. He's always known my spots and used it to his advantage, like his height and weight.

"Sid stop!" I gasped out.

"Nope, you made this decision, not me!" he said, tickling me and doing his loud and obnoxious laugh that I have always found hilarious. I don't blame him for being embarrassed by it though.

"Sid please!"

"Nope," he smirked. I was squirming like a worm about to go on a fishing hook. I only had one card to use to get me out of this one and I was not afraid to use it on him.

"Ow! Sid, my belly!" I said, all serious and acting like I was in pain.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry is everything alright?" he asked, hunched over to help me sit up right.

"Yeah, I just," I said putting on a fake sick voice and instantly changing it to my victory voice, "pulled your leg to get you to stop! Victory is mine!" I laughed.

"That's not very funny to joke about missy. What if something happened to that baby?"

"You're right, that's not funny. I'm sorry Siddo, pwease forgive me?" I puppy dog pouted, pulling him in for a hug.

**Sidney's POV**
"I forgive you, only because you are just too dang cute," I said in a flirtatious voice, instantly shooting myself in the foot for what I just said.

"Aw, good." she smirked up at me. I was so tempted to kiss her right then and there but I knew I couldn't. As I'm staring into her eyes, something came over me and asked her something I was not ready to ask her.

"Do you wanna go out on a date tonight?" What the fuck did I just ask!? She's gonna think I'm a loser asking her out on a date tonight! I gotta fix this somehow.

"Sure," she smiled.

"I mean just cuz it's the last night in Pittsburgh and we haven't been seen just the two of us on a date so we might as well do it since it'll leave it on a good note." Whew! Good job Sid! Nice save!

**Ashley's POV**
"Do you wanna go out on a date tonight?" he asked me. What!? He wants to take me on a date!? It's about time! Oh but what if he blurted it out like he always does, I don't wanna take him too seriously if that's the case!

"Sure." Yeah, good job Ash, way to let him know you're interested in him with a simple 'sure'.

"I mean just cuz it's the last night in Pittsburgh and we haven't been seen just the two of us on a date so we might as well do it since it'll leave it on a good note." Oh, guess he's not interested, he deserves the 'sure'.

"Oh yeah, that's fine with me. 6?" I replied, trying to show him I wasn't hurt with his answer.

"Perfect." he said smiling.

"Go shower, you smell like shit," I teased.

"You know you love my post-workout look!" he laughed walking out of the room, not without flashing his million dollar smile before completely exiting.

He's right, I do.

**Date Time**
I really hop Sidney likes what I'm wearing tonight. I put a lot of thought and effort into this look and I don't want him to hate it. The baby wasn't agreeing with me while I was getting ready and poor Sidney had to help me the entire time. I chose a nice summer dress that was almost a soft pink colour, one that seemed appropriate for the occasion and I paired it with pearls and wedge heels. I also decided to put my hair in a side braid, something different. When I walked out of my room I saw Sidney walking out of his. Damn he looked good.

"You ready?" he asked. I simply nodded, admiring the God that was in front of me. He was wearing cargo pants and a nice navy blue golf shirt. He looked so attractive and was even freshly shaven. I have never liked Sidney with any facial hair.

When we got in his car and drove away, at the first red light we hit he pointed to his cheek asking for a kiss on his cheek. Since I had to do what he wanted in public I did so. I would have willingly done it anyways. In fact, I'm trying to hold back. His cheek was so smooth! I love it!

"Ou, freshly shaven," I cooed, rubbing my hand along his cheek.

"What do you mean? You don't like my facial hair?"

"I don't know if it's because he couldn't grow it for so long or because it just looked odd when he did or now he actually can grow a bit more. It's just weird."

"I'll keep that noted," he laughed pulling into the parking lot.

Today we chose a small little family owned restaurant in his area that he always enjoyed going to. It wasn't too busy and was pretty intimate. Kind of like the ones back home that he loves going to.

"So I guess the reason you chose this place is because it's just like the ones back home?" I asked.

"How'd you know?"

"Because I know you well," I winked. "But I can see a lot of similarities. It's small, family based, cozy, friendly customers and workers, good food that isn't deep fried, the whole casual vibe. It just screams you."

"Yeah, if I'm ever home sick I always come here to clear my head or something. It reminds me of the Crane's family restaurant back home. You know, the place where you lost a tooth because you slipped into a table and knocked it out when you were 8." His laugh was too cute.

"Yeah, I remember that very well," I rolled my eyes at him as he pissed himself laughing in front of me. "And remember when Trisha Crane went in to kiss you and you got so nervous because it was your first kiss that you walked away from her completely and ran out the front door and ran home."

Look who is laughing now Crosby, I thought.

"That's not funny."

"Yes it is! You were such a pussy back then!"

"Was not! I was like 7!"

"That makes it any better?"

"No. I'm just saying, I was young and immature."

"Sure," I laughed.

"If I had the chance to do it again, I would! She was such a rocket in our teenage years."

"Have you seen her lately though? She is a real treat!" I said sarcastically.

"What do you mean?"

"She's in jail for trying to stab someone and something else, I'm not sure what."

"Yeah, I take that back. I'll stick to others."

"Like me?" I winked.

"You'll do," he winked back.

All in all it was a great night. We couldn't stop talking and it was nice to be in Pittsburgh and have Sid be his regular old self and not so professional like he always is in public. We walked out of the restaurant hand and hand, in case people were looking. When we got home, that's when things got a little interesting.

I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and Sidney ran up behind me and stopped me before I could enter. He grabbed my arm and I looked at him curiously. It was so sudden and hot the way he just stopped me. It instantly made my heart rate increase. He looked in my eyes, down to my lips and back to my eyes, leaned in so slowly, licked his lips and crashed them onto mine. The kiss was so steamy and lasted for what seemed like forever. It was the kiss I have been waiting for all night, not thinking I would get it when we were at home. The kiss was stopped when Sid pulled away and smiled.

"You looked really pretty tonight and whenever I drop a lady off after a date I always give her a little good night kiss. Good night Ashley."

"Good night Sid," I blushed. He closed the door and I just stood there dumbfounded and full of butterflies. This is what I want with Sidney every single day.

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