Twenty Nine

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**Sidney's POV**
All I heard was "I got in an accident" and I was gone. I left my interviews and mingling session and I was on my way to the hospital. I told one of the guys to tell everyone what happened and where I was going to so hopefully I won't get in too much trouble. She and the baby are worth more than my career anyway. By the time I got there she was in a hospital bed and in her regular clothes waiting to get an ultra sound.

"I am so sorry for being late, are you alright?" I asked in a panic, running in to give her a kiss.

"I'm fine, just shaken up," she responded. For someone who just got in an accident she seemed calm but I know deep down she's freaking out and just wants to cry.

"Okay Ashley, let's get you checked out, can you please lift up your top?" the doctor asked. She seemed very kind and understanding. She was in her 40's I'd say and had the 'everyone's mother' ora oozing out of her. "Alright, let's take a look at this baby."

As she put the gel on Ashley flinched. It's really cold and it always makes her want to pee. As the doctor rubbed the device on her my nerves went through the roof. All I kept thinking was 'please let the baby be okay, please let the baby be okay'. I could tell Ashley was thinking the same thing. We had a tight grip on each other's hands and I could see the tears in her eyes as she stared at the screen, much like myself. We could see the baby but we were waiting for the machine to be fully loaded so we could hear the heart beat. I hung my head low, getting more and more nervous, then all of a sudden we heard it.

"Thank God!" I yelled, giving her a kiss on the forehead. I could tell she was thrilled too based on the cry she had let out.

"The baby is still alive so that's a good thing, just let me take a look to see if anything else is wrong. From what I see so far the baby does look healthy fortunately."

"That is the best thing that I've heard all day," Ash cried, wiping her eyes.

**When They Got Home**
I helped Ashley walk into the house, as she was weak from the IV she was given. She stayed a majority of the night at the hospital, since she went in at 5pm. It's now 12:00, and the weather was never more worst than I had ever seen it in Pittsburgh. I sat her on my bed, after carrying her upstairs and helped her get changed into her pj's.

"How you feeling now babe?" I asked, sitting down on the bed after getting into my own pj's.


"Do you need anything?" I asked, trying to get something more out of her. I didn't want her to go into shock.

"No." She looked straight forward and never left her spot where she was staring. The dogs had come in and she didn't even notice. Her shoulders slouched forward and her eyes were stained and puffy. She looked rough; I've never seen her like this before.

"Ash, you gotta give me something," I begged. "Ash."

"They could have killed me or the baby," she said. "All for a fucking picture!" The second she said 'picture' she burst into a crying fit. I hugged her immediately and let her cry on me. So what if she soaks my shirt? I don't want her to hold it in, I want her to be vocal about it with me, she needs to be. She is worth everything to me and I can't have her be like that. "Like, they practically jumped on the car when I was leaving, followed me the whole way like they always do, had them in the arena, had fans and tv crews shoved in my face, it's overwhelming and I'm starting to feel extremely unsafe."

"I know," I rubbed her hair. "I do too. And I will be making sure it gets handled. They've already been arrested and they will be getting sued as well. I don't want you or the baby being in danger. And I feel bad because it's because of me."

"Sid, you don't need to though," she said, pulling herself out of my grip.

"I do though, and you know I do. You could have died."

"But we didn't," she said, rubbing my shoulder. This is hard on me too and I don't think she knows just how hard it is.

"I'm so thankful for that," I hugged her again, trying not to let my own tears escape my eyes.

"Can we just stop talking about it?"

"Sure." The phone rang so I got up to get it. "I'll get that, you get ready for bed okay?"

"Yup," she sighed, getting the covers ready.

"Hey dad," I said as I answered my cell.

"Hey Sid, how is she? Is the baby okay?" he asked in a panic.

"Everyone is fine and everything is fine. She's just really scared and rattled which is normal."

"Thank God. I actually just hung up from her parents and they're about to give her a call as well. What's happening with the press?"

"They're getting sued and got arrested. She's been going through hell here and getting brutally bombarded, I've never even had it this bad. I don't know what to do."

"All of us here think she should come home for two weeks just to get a break from it and feel that sense of home again. She needs to relax and not be this stressed. It's not healthy for the baby or for her." When he said that my voice nearly cracked when I went to respond.

"But dad what if-"

"Sid, I know you don't want to leave her side and not be with her or go through the hassle of sending her home but it's the only smart decision. She needs a break and this way no one will know she's gone and it beats her sitting inside the house all day. That'd drive her crazy."

"You're right," I said, swallowing hard and holding back the tears.

"We're just glad you guys are okay."

"Give Ashley a hug for me!" I heard my mom yell in the background.

"Tell mom I will. I'm gonna go talk to her and get her ready for bed. She needs some sleep."

"Okay, we are too. We've been up all night waiting for the news. Good game earlier."

"Thanks dad. Night."

"Good night."

I hung up and held my head low, staying a couple more minutes later just to think. I really don't want to do this. I don't want to be selfish and keep her here in danger or cooped up in a house just for me, I need to let her go unfortunately. My dad's right. It'll be good for her to go home and get a break, and not worry about all of this drama. She's handled everything so well and I won't want her to crack under the pressure and leave me. That's the last thing I want. They say if you love her let her go, but I really don't want to. I have to.

I walked back into the room and saw her tossing her phone onto the bed. She looked sad too.

"Ashley, we need to talk," I said, sitting down in front of her. "I think it's best if you go home for a couple of weeks." There, I said it. I wish I could take it back though.

She hung her head, probably feeling the same way as myself. "I think you're right. I don't want to leave, but I guess it's what's best."

I grabbed her in my arms and hugged her. "I don't want you to leave either. But you'll get to relax and enjoy some of your pregnancy and not think about this crap. Plus it'll be nice for you to see our family."

"You're right. Ugh I'm gonna miss you!"

"If it makes you feel better I'll be on a week long road trip so I won't be here for half of it anyway."

"You smart ass," she laughed. For once after all of this happened, I laughed too. She can always put a smile on my face.

"I'll make plans tomorrow, but we need to get some sleep."

"Yeah." We got ready and all I heard out of her was a tiny, "will you hold me?"

And that's just what I did. I want to cherish these moments before she's gone for two weeks. I'm so glad both of them are okay. I don't know how it's going to work out when she's gone, but I do know that as long as she's in my arms, she's safe.

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