Palletshipping vs Megabondshipping

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Alain and Gary had been dating for a month now. They found out they had a lot in common when Ash introduced them to each other. They both knew Ash was in Alola, and called him together almost every day. It was safe to say that their relationship was mainly built on their friendships with Ash, but they didn't mind about that.

The night started off peaceful. They climbed into bed and called Ash with their iPad. As soon as his face appeared on the screen, they smiled.

"Hey guys! How's it going?"

"We're great, Ash!"

"Yeah, we're doing fine"

They were excited to see him until a black and red haired man appeared in the background, coming closer to the camera.



"Who's the guy in the back?"

"Oh, Kiawe? Yeah, he's a friend. I met him here in Alola"

Kiawe popped up next to Ash and waved silently.

"Oh, well...anyways, what have you been getting up to in Alola?"

"Oh, lots of stuff! Me and Pikachu are battling with Z-moves and we have lots of other new friends-"

As Ash kept talking, Alain and Gary payed more attention to how Kiawe grinned at Ash and held his hand without him noticing. They didn't have to say anything about it, but they could both tell that the other sensed something off. They knew well Ash was naive and innocent, and they didn't want to ruin that, so they just endured it.

"...And sometimes Nebby doesn't wanna get in the bag. But, anyways, what are you guys up to?"

Gary and Alain snapped back into focus.

"O-Oh, yeah, we've just, you know, been getting used to each other. We've been talking a lot, you know?"

"That's great! Oh- I gotta go. Bye!"

"Bye, Ash..."

After the call, there was a long period of silence. Alain spoke up.

"I mean...he's probably just...a really clingy know?"

"Yeah. He could be, or maybe he's just attracted to Ash..."

There was a long pause.

"S-So what? We shouldn't care, right? We're dating, why should we care who likes Ash?"

"Yeah. I guess we're just being like this 'cause we don't want him to get hurt"

"That's what I...was thinking"

The sound of a light switch and a blanket was heard.


-The Next Day-

Alain and Gary woke up to several pings coming from the iPad. Ash was desperately sending them messages. The conversation went like this:



'Guys help'

Alain and Gary:

'Ash, what's wrong? Are you okay?'



'I need help'

Alain and Gary:

'Why? What's wrong?'


'I was just waking up'

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