Ash x Steven

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To those who requested trustedpartnershipping: I apologise profusely for doing this one beforehand. I haven't forgotten about you guys and you don't deserve this delay. It's a horrible excuse but I'm having some trouble accessing Pokeflix (the website I use to watch Pokemon) and so can't watch the episode necessary to write the Oneshot. I hope you understand.

Aside from that, I was asked to do this ship more so, here ya go! Yep, you guessed it, set in the Team Flare arc.


"Not everything is over", Olympia reminded the Champions as she approached them, "Lysandre may be defeated for good, but the aftermath of his misdeeds is nothing better"

Since Alain won the Kalos League against that other boy he couldn't keep his eyes off, he was technically a Champion and so was alongside them. Much to Steven's dismay. Ash should've won, in his opinion; he was convinced a rematch was due since he didn't have that Mega Stone that was never his in the first place.

Steven found himself in a hospital, walking alongside the psychic gym leader and fellow champion Diantha. And some emo trainer.

"Since the Pokemon centres are beyond crowded, Pokemon are being treated in human hospitals, so there are still enough rooms for everyone in the case that they can share services. I didn't come here to bore you, but there is one certain room I think you ought to see"

They were confused until Olympia stopped at the window of a dimly lit room. 

Through the darkness, the glow highlighted a bed at the centre. Clear white sheets stained with the tears of a hysterically sobbing silhouette. Holding, infact clenching, empty fingers. Beneath the sheets was a deathly pale body, lifelessly reposing into the mattress with its motionless arm hanging at the side of the bed. Veins bulging through until a wrist wrapped with red leather. Blue lips slightly parted. Eyes forever shut. Thick black hair thrown across the pillow.

"Not even a chance to save him. There was hope when he was with us in the ambulance, but he ran out of blood before it could stain the bedsheets. That Mega Evolution energy had the ability to control a legendary like Zygarde, and for that boy to endure it all in his last few hours...he was braver than all of us. Rest in peace, Ash Ketchum"

His heart sunk below his feet. He couldn't breathe. Even putting his hand to the window was too difficult when he was struck so violently. The overload of emotions overwhelmed him, and in the blink of an eye, he was numb. He could still see Diantha's teary eyes yet Alain's breakdown as he pound the glass and descended to his knees. Although his senses were gradually shutting down, he couldn't help but feel angry towards him. He'd seen him punching the floor on Prism Tower when realising how he'd contributed to the crisis, and resented him just as much.

His next conscious moment was making sense of a white ceiling, walls, and bed he was apparently lying in. 

"I apologise for devastating you", a familiar voice explained as a woman with purple hair came into view, "But I understand. We will all dearly miss the hero whose life was cruelly taken. Who, I'm afraid to mention, is in the bed next to you"

His eyebrows shifted slightly. He was lying next to a corpse? Even worse, the one he loved?

"As I said before, there is little space left for patients. We have to make do with what we have. I'll be leaving now. Take care"

And the door shut. That was it. In a few minutes, he no longer had anything to lose. And so he allowed himself to drown into a deep slumber.

Or so he thought he was going to do, until a bony hand seized his wrist, forcing his heart to stutter once more. A pale body emerged from the sheets, exhaling desperately. Steven's senses came rushing back as the boy hyperventilated. Before he knew it, their eyes met, and his wrist hurt even more.

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